Does Ryan Reynolds hate money? Why does he think girls will want to dress up as this """Domino""" for Halloween?
Does Ryan Reynolds hate money? Why does he think girls will want to dress up as this """Domino""" for Halloween?
Haven't you learned your lesson from Black Panther?
I wonder what kind of quirky le random 4th wall break joke Redditpool will make for her.
>*looks at camera*
>Don't get mad at us Drump nazis
Has Ryan Reynolds learned not to get anymore stuntdoubles killed?
She's hot as hell tbqh
>"a stunt woman died because of that"
I can see that happening. in infinity war too, I can imagine a scene where the avengers start turning up in wakanda and someone asks if white people are colonising again
Should've used Margot Robbie.
probably wouldnt hate it so much if she took off that fucking wig
gross old hag
Kek someone died for that wig
Reminder that the producers of Deadpool 2 hired an inexperienced stuntwoman with 0 (zero) movie credits to her name to be this woman's double. She then died on set when she failed a motorcycle stunt.
She wasn't even a stunt woman she was a motorcyclist.
post the same question on tumblr and you'll be surprised with the answer
little girls shouldn't watch Deadpool, retard
Imagine her dominating Elle Fanning. Little Elle's eyes would be very wide, partly from fear but mostly in amazement at all the pleasure she was feeling.
Why didn't they make her look like a domino?
*German (father)
*African-American (mother)
she's not black.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
sheʻs not white
That dumb afro killed that stunt woman. Since Domino couldn't wear a helmet with it.
Gib choko milk
that's affirmative action
She's both, like a domino
I would've been okay with it if they had covered all the way up to her eye. but no, they intentionally left an island of black skin around her eye to make sure we knew that she was in fact black and that it's just make up
There's not a single black woman on this planet who wouldn't look better with straight hair.
As a matter of fact, the original does have straight hair, instead of a shitty afro.
We would've known that either way.
>get eternally btfo by black panthers success
>b..b.. but deadpool 2 has domino! people won't like that r.. right?
Poltards never learn
The reversed color scheme annoys me, but thats not nearly as fucking stupid as
>well trained mercenary has long, poofy, easy to grab hair
Innate luck powers only get you so far when the first real killer you go up against just sinks his hand into your voluminous curls, yanks your head around, and cuts your throat down to the goddamned bone.
No but Paul W.S. Anderson has, I think.
This movie will fail because there are too many niggers and other minorities, no one wants to see liberal propaganda rubbed into their eyes for two hours
black girls with straight hair look weird cause it doesn't match their face
this is objectively the hair type that would look best on them
Shitty hair, even on white girls. It puts me off immediately.
China won't see this because they hate black love interests, Deadpool 2 confirmed dead in the water
I can't handle the idea that people died making the Resident Evil movies.
Should have stopped at Event Horizon.
Actually agree.
I think the idea of her mask being vitiligo is really neat but it just looks bad like this.
Low test puts women off immediately too.
To each his own m8
My gf's hair is Native American straight as an arrow tier, she can't style it much if at all cause it just falls straight down. I'd find it much more attractive with big waves.
I agree afro hair isn't really attractive but completely straight is just so boring.
Plus all those filthy minorities in those Resident Evil dare they.
I don't mind the afro but that patch of white on her face looks really awkward compared to the actual domino.
The costume itself looks like generic Fox Xmen stuff.
they should've done a stylized half brown, half blonde with that big afro of hers, would definitely improve the costume.
I thought Le Reddit Man 1 was banned in China?
This. IIRC she was a racer, but had no experience with stunts, and what they asked her to do was totally unsafe. They didn't let her wear a helmet since they wanted the hair.
This movie will make piles of money. Anyone who didn't see the first, if they exist, now know and will go for social reasons. The check is basically already cashed.
She got dat vitiligo.
Yeah, completely different for me, they look like clowns like Waves are fine, but not curls. I was 13 when I realized this, by watching Doctor Dolittle. She didn't work for me with this shit on the head
>will go for social reasons
People go to the kinorama for "social" reasons?
This movie was fun and funny. Stop being contrarian for its own sake.
And the sequel fixed it.
Deadpool is fun if you find GB2016 fun. It's below Beavis and Butthead fun.
Butt Beavis and Butthead is actually good.
You're right, guess I go see that OTHER rated R action comed....OH WAIT there isn't one.
For me here it's just about length and how much it puffs out sideways.
First pic would look fine if the length was the same as the second one, just looks weird to me cause it's above her ears. When it starts to puff out like it looks fucking retarded imo. If she could calm it down so it's not so outward it'd look much better. I don't know who keeps thinking its a good idea to bring back full on afros but it's getting out of hand lately.
>There's not a single black woman on this planet who wouldn't look better with straight hair
Afros are an ugly relic of the 70s, just like bell bottoms.
If only there were other #litty R rated comedies out there.
Rated R makes jokes funny? Why? Because you can say shitcock?
Hotter than any fucking woman in Black Panther
>A stunt woman died for that retarded afro
Are (((they))) proud, OOGA BOOGA YAS KWEEN SLAY and all that.
Being bald dosen't help.
I have mixed feelings on afro's but bald women (especially black women) just make me think of men.
>He doesn't know about nice curl patterns
It's his loss really
cute mutt
>Dressing as the character of an R-rated film.
This ain't the 80s anymore user.
Beavis and Butthead is fun.
Kids dress up as Deadpool all the time though. They don't need to actually see the movie to know what the costume looks like.
Simone Missick
Teresa Graves
Pam Grier
>shitting on Beavis and Butthead
Commit suicide.
Did you miss the "action" part of action comedy?
Lupita is cuter.
Young Angela Bassett is better than all of them though. She looked stunning with the white hair. She would've been an amazing Storm.
Nah lupita is fucking disgusting
I'll give you Angela Basset she is one hell of a milf
There are few movies I hate as much as Deadpool. It's capequip taken to the extreme. In fact it might be satire.
She is ugly though
Mixed race girls (like in the OP) are the true patrician choice
Ugly as fuck look at her face not her body you 12 year old
Black women's asses disgust me.
name ffs?
>Pam Grier
Even when she was older and chubbier, she looked much better with straight hair.
Why did God curse blacks with shitty hair genetics?
It's just not right.
She looks fine to me
Looks like a fucking clown desu
Makeup doesn't suit blacks at all
>Bucky and Shuri deleted scene
Not sure your motives, but from a business and free promotion standpoint... you are correct.
Making Domino black, unsexy, and ugly will cause them to lose a lot of money come October.
Everyone dressed as Harley. Nobody will give a shit about some Wakanda wannabe.
If only there was some kind of safety regulation administration that looks after stunt people. Too bad they forced her at gun point to do something she didn't want to do
b-but the Chinese market!
Got em!
People may want to dress up as her, but SJW's will throw a fit when people do.
Oh no not the SJWs. I feel like such a victim