Which one, Sup Forums?

which one, Sup Forums?

none of them

He's fanningposting again.


The one with the symmetrical face.

those eyes...

tfw I always got paranoid that my head has a slight tilt to it naturally but seeing an attractive man like ryan gosling have it to makes me happy, I guess girls really don't notice it. it's just something I weirdly obsess over when I look in the mirror.

will we ever be graced by nudes?

is elle too pure to perform such base, degenerate acts?

maybe in Galveston

Doesn't exist. Pick one and only one.

>the perfect woman has four nostrils

She looks like she fucks black guys.

Is she a member of the lesbian mafia?

got a problem with that friendo?

>posting this fake news again
the nigger is gay

Middle. Cute, but with a defining flaw.

You can't escape the gay mafia if you're pretty. It's the law.

me on the left


Not sure yet...

ugly cunt

it happens

>She's not white
>he's gay
>she was forced to do it

love these excuses. at least be original


why did you crop out Cass?

Cuck fetishism is a mental illness

i would know, i have it

enjoy your aids

What's it like having a meme fetish like this? Wouldn't you rather be normal?

i hate it and yes want to be normal
i advise never watching porn

Have you tried quitting porn?

I only watch sensual lesbian porn

>showing her neck and sideboob with no bra
what a slut


on and off for years
it's hard when you have no social life to distract and motivate you
i venture literally any guy who watches a lot of porn will get into this

thanks, bro

Remember that you're not doing it for others but for your own well being. But I get it, it's not easy to quit porn.

Same desu. Nothing else works anymore.

I've always only fapped to dykino

What is the technical term for girls who are obviously fucking but not in a relationship?


that's a nice brapper

he isn't black

it's just the angle

LMAO you're too much Sup Forums. If he's not black what race is he then? Go on ahead and say he's mixed so I can post his black parents.

Where does she hide the hammer?


t. soyboy


Based af

>its not easy to quit porn
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Porn addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

easier said than done desu

Oh jesus fuck..is that her in her genuine school uniform?
