Alright lets do this
Alright lets do this
Wait, I knew Moon Girl was suppose to be smart, but fuck me, smartest person on Earth?
Fucking Moon Girl.
What exactly has Moon Girl done to establish her as the smartest?
She solved a puzzle made by Bruce Banner (the, what, 4th or 5th smartest person on Earth?).
Why does every new character have to be "LITERALLY THE SMARTEST PERSON ON EARTH!!!!1"?
Why can't they just be intelligent, like Peter Parker?
Yeah, but what is she doing to make her so smart? Tony built the Iron Man suit, Reed is able to explore dimensions and even analyze the collapse of the multiveres, and Dr. Doom while running his own country also has endless knowledge of both Magic and Science.
What the fuck has MG done besides solving a puzzle?
Because all stories operate in absolute these days.
Stopped a fart gas cloud that would have killed all mutants.
>What the fuck has MG done besides solving a puzzle?
She was born with a pussy, and women are underrepresented in comics, so Moon Girl has to be smartes on earth or little girls wont go into STEM fields