India Pakistan at war
> yesterday
Pak Militants Kill Jawan, Mutilate Body; Army Vows ‘Apt Response’
> today
4 Pak Posts Destroyed & Heavy Casualties Inflicted in Keran, J&K
India Pakistan at war
> yesterday
Pak Militants Kill Jawan, Mutilate Body; Army Vows ‘Apt Response’
> today
4 Pak Posts Destroyed & Heavy Casualties Inflicted in Keran, J&K
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I hope Kargil 2.0 happens, and Paki bastards get totally decimated.
and here we fucking go
it's been a pleasure knowing you Sup Forums
I wish you guys could annex Pakistan, but wont nukes go off if this keeps up?
Never thought I'd root for poos but muzzies are just really good at making people hate themselves
go india
Any formal declarations yet or is this all just small raids and artillery attacks?
Poo in them, India. Rooting for you
We can't just meme in America now can we?
Lets stoke this until Pakistan knows the meaning of designated shitting street.
But without your Muslim Heritage, what do you have left?
Or are you of the people who survived all the Genocides in Turkey?
Seems more like a slow decent into Chaos
>my muslim heritage
I'm Circassian, user
Reports of heavy artillery incoming from Pakistan
Absolutely based. Good Luck living in Roach country user.
>I'm Circassian
I thought all Circassians were gassed by the Russians?
Trump is getting elected at exactly the right time.
To all of the pakis:
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
There is still some but mostly all of them have been cucked by Islam
Remove kebab, Pajeet. Remove them well.
>but mostly all of them have been cucked by Islam
Damn, what happened to the Orthodox Circassians?
If the US aided India and went to war with Pakistan, who would the British side with?
>nuclear war
>India and Pakistan are nuclear wasteland
>Pajeets and kebabs eradicated
>nuclear winter stops global warming
>new zone to cheeki breeki in
>depopulated earth as 1.5 billion shitskins die
boy so many good stuff can come out of this
>go india
a few million are still in turkey, pretty integrated though
t.half circassian
Why are there no deep concerns heard from UN?
They live back in Adyghe which is an autonomous federal state under Russia. I think we had a pagan religion way back when before all that though
Sup Forums obviously sides with India. Super power by 2030, Kek willing.
India if you annex Pakistan I swear to never say POO IN LOO again
my nigga
>hands rubbing intensifies
To my Indian friends. Do you think this will turn into all out war?
Will this be the great poo in loo war of 2016?
Damn, Sup Forums really is a Global thing
Fucking newfag
Western Turks and Pakis are a disgrace, a bunch of pussies who are too afraid to defend their religion and culture and way of life, so they decide to just accept the western way of life as the best one. Have some fucking self-respect.
Regardless, Pak vs India is not going to happen. None of the two countries are in a place to go to war.
>that feel when globalization would happen on its own in 30 years but NWO keeps pushing it and it goes to shit
Don't do it, pajeet. The jews are the ones pushing for war. India and pakistan need peace.
Cool story bro, I'll gladly trade places with you maybe you can write me back about how life is among muzzies
oy vey antisemite!
shut up! It's hard work!
We are Internationalist Nationalists user. We work to uncuck all nations and maintain their sovereignty.
Fuck Turkey though. Crusade the shit out of the Roaches.
At least have a fucking spine and defend your way of life you pussy ass bitch.
>yfw poo is the reason you will burn in nuclear fire
You don't have one.
>south korea in revolt
>middle east in flames
>americans and russians threatening war
>Orbán is fighting Soros while russians are staging a coup
>Chinese ally with russians
>western europe is near collapse
>now India and Pakistan are fighting too
Guess I better start looking for a nice place in the sewers.
Could you imagine a world with out Islam?
It would be GLORIOUS
Also, I bet you're one of those fuckers that denounces the Ottoman empire and everything it did, along with all your heritage.
Did you not read his posts you retard, he is Circassian, not Turkish.
independent circassia when?
turkey is imploding and i don't think we are going to get a civil war or anything like that
>so they decide to just accept the western way of life as the best one
what did he mean by this?
Have some (You)s
Good luck Pajeed.
May Kek bless your nuclear arsennal.
A world without the west and feminism and cuckoldry would be much less degenerate.
Actually that's a storm drain
Oh I'm sorry.
>He doesn't want well planned Crusades to destroy Islam
4th Crusade doesn't perfidious merchants ruined everything with that one.
2016 is a total clusterfuck, which is slowly but surely escalating towards a serious conflict.
It's like everyone everywhere is just waiting for something to happen to release the pressure that has been building for a while now.
Remember, there are still hundreds of non-turkroachs trapped in Turkey that we can use to make new countries out off.
There's a system of tunnels under Budapest, a lot of homeless people live there now too.
World tension is rising cousin, good luck with your snow huts up there
>to destroy Islam and kill him and all his family
fuck off amerifat, crusades were memes except for the first one anyways
>one of those fuckers that denounces the Ottoman empire and everything it did,
for what reason?
Stay strong india. Very good food.
So, what else is new. /yawn
Wonder if the Indians and Pakis in Britain will duke it out on the streets of London.
You better be good as a sniper because soon enough you may end up in another Winter War user.
I agree.
Roaches are shits who butchered glorious Armenians.
peace with the religion of peaceTM
India and Pakistan are always shelling at each other. What makes these incidents any different? If it was Pakistani militants that caused the first firefight then how would that be officially levied against the Pakistani government by India?
If North Korea can fire missiles and kill random South Korean civillians and soldiers with no physical internation response, then this won't amount to anything significant either.
You already took half their country in 1971, go take the other half now
Godspeed Rajiv
>Pakistan = designated nuking country
Kill them all
As opposed to what BBC wants you to believe, India Pakistan aren't at constant state of war like Israel/philistine. Pakistan surely had been violating ceasefire since forrever, but our previous government used to lodge complaints with their government as a response. our current in-charges went to the border and gave them freedom to respond as they want
Surely this may be a soros plan, but what else can we do
>the squint
Nice source Raghav
Once the military call you to join their ranks, be sure to print this before going to the front lines.
It will give you strength and protection in the heat of war.
I think POO rockets is a brilliant fucking plan.
Think about it. The Government could set up LOOS for people to POO in. They gather millions of tons of shit in a matter of a few hours.
They could launch thousands of rockets with 50kt pooloads. They don't even detonate on impact. They use pure momentum to break the rocket shell and coat everything within a mile of the impact zone in poo.
How could Pakistan even compete?
Get your shit together India. Literally. Weaponized poo now. Pooperpower now!
Lads, is New Zealand, mountains of Nepal or Greenland the best place to chill in case of WW3?
Kill all Pakis including the women and children. Twice.
Stay safe Indianbro's! May safety of the Great Loo protect you!
Also you Pakistani Sup Forums people, stay safe!
I fly to delhi on november 17th
will be in India ~6 months
Visiting parents?
Looks like based Poos will be battling slimes for another 1000 years
my uncle is from india and is in the IAF. He said their pussy government won't take any decisive action on the persistent pestering the Mudslimes keep doing on the Northwestern border
NZ. many reasons
nah I'm white
going for yoga/enlightenment/chai/charas/himalayan treks/avoiding canadian winter weather
white boy here
did I mention I'm white??
>Being pajeet
>call yourself "white" cause you've been living in Canada for so long
Stay in your shitland, Ricky.
my uncle is a 5 star poopoo general and says the toilet bowl is looking dirty now-a-days
whatever bro, I'll be chilling high in the himalayas with my pashmeena shawl wrapped snuggly around my neck drinking chai and gazing at the clear blue sky while you're drinking MOLSON in AL BERTA
Are you this guy?
>South Korea
>now India
What the hell is going on?
you are insulting him for not being cucked to turks, thank you for correcting the record mahmud
didn't watch the vid but yeah probably man
is that okay with you?