Allah can't save you now Huma

Allah can't save you now Huma.

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That's not even a good fake.

It's not fake, or at the very least I didn't fake it.

no scissoring tonight


Thank you for proving the other one is fake.

both are real pictures taken in series. that is their reactions watching the news coverage.


and sweet sweet justice to these criminals is coming.

this. Theyre two different photos. Now time for a Sup Forums singalong.




Who the fuck is Huma and how is she relevant to any of this?

Anthony Wiener's wife, retard

Thank you for correcting the record


Hiltiers not so secret lover

wew lad

Who the fuck is Anthony Wiener and how is he relevant to any of this?

>Another Wiener is Humas husband
>Huma is Hillary's righthand woman in everything
>Huma's husband apparently has Clinton's old phone(?) with Hillary's deleted emails on them
>FBI discovered them by accident after investigating Anthony for sexting underage girls

Took awhile for me to piece it together since Sup Forums is so shit at spreading news coherently.

he's a pedo and a Hillary friend

don't come out of your dwelling much, do you?

What do you think Hillary is thinking about while glaring at her.

>how can i kill her without anyone find out
>Maybe i will kill your husband
>Pls find me a way to make it look like accident.


Ironic since Trump is a pedo too.

that's so edgy you should dump yourself into a knife bin

Years some wiener was disgraced for having an affair with some other woman and sending wiener pictures to her. Ruined his congressional run.
He was married to huma who is a head staffer for Hillary's campaign and also worked under hillary in the state department.
Recently wiener was in the news again for sexting a woman that turned out to be a trump supporter that later outed him.
But it didn't stop there. Recently he was busted for again sexting another woman, this time a 15 year old girl. So the fbi got involved. He likely used her computer during some of these adventures so the computer became evidence in the investigation. Digging through they likely found e-mails between Hillary and Huma that were not handed over in the original investigating that look to be classified.

In short, his sexting addiction kills the campaign.


Oy Vey!!!

May they burn for eternety.

haha sick burn m8 o wait a minute..

And we would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for these alt-right kids and this goddamn frog!


Don't you know about his trial in December for raping a 13 year old girl?


What's she crying about?
She's the only one involved who has an immunity agreement with the FBI

>dumped once
will get dumped again

Even though Huma is an evil, manipulative cunt who licks the sagging vagina of an even more evil, manipulative cunt, I still want to fuck her.

There's been a real lack of comparing Hillary to Mom from Futurama this election

anyone got a high res pic for my desktop

Maybe you should become like picard.

is that wiener in the seat? kek looks like the back of his head
shes like
Hill is like

Post lewd humas pls

dumb animeposter

you mean a master baiter

Would you fug Huma?

>Who is x?
>x is ____
>haha baited

master baiter, master debater, ring any bells?

She's a Muslim brotherhood agent who is the connection between Hillary and the Middle East. She's the reason for all the donations and such as influence for what Hillary did in state department to help them out such as taking certain organizations off the terror list and not putting other ones on. She is the one who makes Hillarys decisions.


The trial that's already been thrown out before?

>Post lewd humas pls

Hillary lookin at her like 'I need to toughen this bitch up'

Allah can always save you. Allahu akbar

>when you know hillary bout to put you on the kill list



That looks like the worst hummus in history

Dumb neo/pol/ark

It looks more like shillary is looking out the window

Who the fuck is Hillary and how is she relevant to any of this?

Do you think she would have an easier time with the election if she didn't attack Pepe?

Looks like another suicide by train and 3 gunshot wounds to the back of the head is about to happen.

I thought the trial was in October? Why does this made up "trial" keep moving dates? It's almost as bad as the September 23rd happening.

>dont worry Huma, we'll drop you off back home... RIGHT NOW *opens door*

I was about to shitpost about hillary but then i would just be blowing into trump's horn

Bernie plz

how long before Weiner "kills himself" from the shame?

"If only we had known to what extent that he was a deviant, we could have prevented him from cutting off his genitals, sticking them in his mouth then cutting his head off for display miles away from his detached body."

That's not what edgy means, chaim

Depression is a terrible thing.

It's not an "old phone", its a laptop computer with tens of thousands of emails, the FBI investigators ba Ked off when they realized what the had, went to Comey and now they have gotta search warrant, to keep everything legal, to figure out what they have, early word is these are the emails that Hillary deleted and never gave to the state department, Congress or the FBI, huma used the computer to access the Clinton server from home, never logged out, Wiener discovered this and made a backup for his protection, he pulled his ace when the FBI came around investigating the sexting to the 15 year old
Hillary does not know everything they have, yet, Huma has no idea either, since Wiener had full access and plenty of time
Not to worry it's only wedding and funeral plans, casserole recipes and yoga routines, nothing to see, now move along, here is your ballot, it's been pre-filled out, go put it in the box, good goy, good got
Pardons all around, beginning in 11 days.

>Obama, Clinton, please teleport 9,000 miles and pull me away from these arabs

The Benghazi meme that kosher conservatives love is so retarded

>Hillary: You know what I'm going to do to you tonight, right?
>Huma: Sniff.... I-I know...
>Hillary: Say it
>Huma: D-dragon dick dildo... no lube..
>Hillary: Dragon Dick Dildo no lube

Thank you.

I thought it was the Islamic gang that killed Stevens.

I'd buy that for a dollar


Huma was recovering from

I feel bad for her. Thank God her comedy career is doing well.


>implying with modern aviation and naval technology as well as military forces being stationed in nearby countries, the army couldn't of been there in an hour

He'd been begging for extra security for weeks beforehand. Here's a charitable (you), for the most desperate charlatan I've seen today.

FBI might save her, if she testifies against Clinton. Or she may just be the fall gal, and Hillary Clinton stabs her in the back.

She has the look that people have when they know they're going to commit suicide by shooting themselves 6 times in the back of the head and then burning their own body

If only she knew there was another way...

It must be so incredibly fucked-up, that we can't even imagine it.

Huma fucked up.

Huma Abedin is Hillary's personal aide. They have a long, close relationship, and Huma has had access to lots of classified information despite never having received security clearance.

Anthony Weiner is Huma's husband. He's a disgraced Congressman and has been involved in sexting scandals involving underage girls. He is the kind of person who would be VERY EASY to blackmail.

Hillary claims that her personal email server was never compromised, and that classified information has never fallen in the hands of those who shouldn't have it, but Anthony Weiner had access to everything that Huma Abedin had access to, which is to say, EVERYTHING.

You can be in charge of putting two and two together and figuring out how important this guy is.

poor buma habbelbi

Are you retarded ?



Huma "aiding and abeden"

Poor Huma is going to get her tiny little asshole penetrated by a Dragon Dick Dildo....

I am both turned on and repulsed at the same time.

Hillary literally got schlonged


I'd feel sorry for her is I didn't hate her and know she's a terrible person and probably a Muslim Brotherhood plant.

Huma looks cute when she's mad