On Interstate 5 in San Diego TODAY there are T R U M P signs everywhere
I can't BELIEVE this is happening. LADS WE DID IT MAGA
On Interstate 5 in San Diego TODAY there are T R U M P signs everywhere
I can't BELIEVE this is happening. LADS WE DID IT MAGA
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>Hey Sup Forums, remember the time you memed Trump into office
I'm glad I was a part of it all.
Well, I'm sorry if I accidentally "run over" the signs. So sorry drumpfkins
You must have missed my booby trapped signs
Might want to check your tires
You may have a flat
I live here and I highly doubt it. Every one of the government supplied apartment buildings is filled with thousands of Mexican Clinton voters. there's no way he has a chance here but I wish he did. It's because of California that he has such an uphill climb
Hej Dane-brah all disclaimer my GF texted me the news
>successfully red-pilled GF
I'm not kidding
On the 10 freeway in Downtown LA
An ENORMOUS sign on a building that read "Coexist" with all those gay ass symbols was replaced with a "TRUMP NOW" sign this week.
We already did ebola chan.
Have you seen the Trump sign on top of a building off the 5 near Mission Bay?
It was vandalized a few months ago. THIS IS A NEW SIGN IT'S YUGE
I live in Cal. and I know at least a couple dozen family and friends who are voting for Trump. Just like I did by mail. Liberal filth have turned into such vicious, bloodthirsty, psychopathic evil demons, even Commifornia is getting tired of them!
Can confirm, drove down to Oceanside not too long ago. Saw a lot of Trump bumper stickers and signs.
I wanna believe CA will go red by a thin margin ;-;
>Some moron plants down a bunch of signs
God damn I am looking forward to the 9th. What are you guys going to say to make an excuse after you lose?
Step 1: Make booby trapped trump signs Step 2: invest in tires Step 3: Profit
>im posting this on Sup Forums
Feels nice to have contributed. MAGA Califags
THIS. Remember the Bernie Bros? They will vote TRUMP. Hillshitter stole the primary and PEOPLE ARE PISSED
I want to believe, but it seems too surreal
lovely city
stay a virgin
lol thats like saying texas will be blue
this might be more autistic than dems who though texas was goin blue
No I haven't I live in la. I think a lot of people are scared to admit they're for trump because of the heavy sjw presence. I'm still pretty open about it anyway though
San Diego, Orange County and parts of the inland empire lean republican.
NorCal and LA fags will turn cali blue
I am voting clinton here in california so is my entire dorm.
The only trump supporter in the class is some weird guy who smells like cum and talks about anime
Califag here. Voted Trump.
i didn't lie did I?
You don't show your GF spicy memes from the chinz?
kill yourself
same here. Why is it always the weird unemployed white kids who want to vote trump?
Literally every state in the union is majority red if you leave the cities, even NY and CA. The problem is the cities have huge numbers of liberals who outnumber the country bumkins by a large margin.
Hopefully you degenerate california dorm gets too stoned to vote
I honestly think we have a chance. The Mexican gangs are starting to scare everyone and this is our last chance to stop them.
it is blue check the other thread that was in the catalogue
San Diego right wing? Downtown is dude weed and trendies. The only right wing parts are out in the desert like Santee that is full of KKK and Neo nazis out in there trailer parks.
San Diego is getting more bluepilled every day for the worse. Military and old farts around here keep it somewhat redpilled
Never ever.
The cities full of wetbacks and leftists rich folk outnumber the Republican wild-dwellers 10:1.
I want to believe... but I also remember all this similar stuff about incoming wins from 2012 when Ron Paul was running.
You're such a faggot.
im jelly this dude is getting pussy and loved
What are you guys voting on the propositions?
im stuck on prop 52 53 54 57 59 61
How? Because you saw some signs?
According to polls Clinton is +23 in lead in Cali.
"Californians" aka spics and Asians are absolutely retarded it seems.
>got £20 on red california at 33/1
should I stick some more on it? could check the odds at least, maybe add another £30 if it's still 33:1
"the 5"
why do commiefornians do this
See Bernie Bros angry about having the primary STOLEN in California and this A lot of the LEGAL Mexicans support Trump. I know a few that are secret TRUMP supporters
>im posting this on Sup Forums
jesus how desperate must she be
LA County is spread out as far as Mojave. Lot of conservatives who are voting Trump up here. Towards the city, not so much. I feel like you would be shunned everywhere if you wore a MAGA hat.
La Jolla and UTC are less bluepilled (See rich, old, and Asian)
Hahaha. On the I-5? Go ahead and give it a try at 75+. I can't wait to hear about the bitch that flipped, rolled then died in a fire because they were too triggered by political signs.
>PS: Don't expect the CHP to help moron.
because I get pussi :3
What's it like there?
I told you fuckers this month ago and no one listened.
I mean, I'm from San Diego and I know that this county will go red, but I doubt it's enough to convert the rest of the state when LA and SF exist
What city?
because we are the cultural capital of the world
>gay shit too
San diego fag reporting in
Most of sd is red
We're doing our part
Keep up the fight faggots
Repeal the gun measures
Fuck the plastic bag ban
One team
One fight
Always faithful
Always forward
Damn, it's dropped to 18/1.
Should I do it anyway?
>calling it I-5, ever
You mean how San Diego went for Obama in 2012?
i share memes and funny things on Sup Forums with my GF. She never heard of it before she met me. (Dating for 2 years gonna propose next week)
nice source
it's possible we're about to drive out the porn industry for absolutely no good reason whatsoever
Good to know this state isn't filled with complete faggots. Some people are alright here.
the holy informal "rules" state you're not supposed to acknowledge this place in the real world. We are anons here, nobody and everybody all at once.
Can't you read?
>also not having flags
San Diego
Obama was a special case, Romney was never going to win.
>my GF
>im posting this on Sup Forums
This was last night in around Wilshire BLVD in LA
I think california will go blue even if the FBI arrests Hillary on live national television while she confesses to every one of her crimes.
>Fuck the plastic bag ban
I just remembered you fags banned plastic bags.
/k/ here, vote no on 63 please!
It's designed for large pr0n producers to eliminate amateur pr0n.
you're retarded, it's not 2008 anymore
>not proposing during the trump landslide
Because of the freeway's existence as an object and proper noun. Therefore it requires the definitive.
>Why can't the rest of the nation into grammar?
Makes Sense
Read up on ballotpedia, they have the arguments for and against. Personally, I'm voting NO on pretty much all of 'em, except 64.
yes it is just passed the 110 on the 10 going east.
I think its on the vertigo building. Blew my mind when i first saw it.
But I've been seeing more more Trump signs and different parts of LA. I see some hilldawg stuff but not as much as trump.
t. Taximan
Can't trust those Mormons, my dude
We reddit now guys.
>retards on Sup Forums actually think California will be a red state this election
I mean mandatory condoms isn't exactly driving out porn. Who the hell is gonna vote yes on that? Suburban soccer moms?
We should, and I'll tell you why
>Porn Industry attracts degenerates
Don't want shit where you eat (live) do ya?
You mean how San Diego elected a Republican mayor two years later?
Huntington Beach here. Can confirm. The sleep are awoke.
I saw that too when I was driving back to OC from school yesterday too, blew my mind
This is why you're a neckbeard virgin and I'm not. I come to Sup Forums for news and laughs. The news part I take with a huge dose of skepticism as with any other news I read. I'm a scientist (so is the GF) and we are supposed to be always skeptical.
However it pains me to see my colleagues remain bluepilled because they don't apply this skepticism to the news.
fuck you all. where am i supposed to move?
hillary must win. period.
Liberal here but I did vote no.
Current polling suggests this retarded measure will pass, though there's still lots of undecideds/don't knows. Lots of people will probably see it and think "oh condoms aren't so bad an idea" but the industry will just pick up and leave to Nevada and Florida.
>We are anons here, nobody and everybody all at once.
So we're basically in the tang?
>I'm posting this on Sup Forums
Stay in your shithole
Legal Mexicans want to fuck over the illegal scum that live off their taxes