How scared are they?
This just came in the mail
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly do not understand the hate for her. I am in my late 20's. So I bet the hate for her is probably a result from being married to Bill Clinton. Unfounded hate from the GOP who have an obsession against her.
The hate for her now is because she is a woman running for the highest office in the land. The (((Racist Old Party)))) cannot stand that.
You can get a little more subtle.
That ad comes off as 'Join the winning side, Vote Trump and push their shit in even harder!'
NO your wrong. I like Bill Clinton. I hate SHILLARY, your a fucking milennial faggot who doesnt understand why we hate her because you dont know anything about politics or a criminal enterprise called the clinton foundation, your an idiot.
Other side. Remember, 3rd party is NOT AN OPTION.
You're a cuck then and you deserve to be raped by angry muslims
too late rofl,
Jill > Trump > A leppo >>>>> $hillary
They're absolutely right.
Vote Trump 2016 MAGA
If I had the money I'd send out an ad that says "Vote for anyone but Hillary" and give the tons of examples why she's the biggest piece of shit on the planet.
Oh they are very scared.
remember this is about power consolidation, they don't want 3rd parties to be part of the process in the future
Just got this in the mail
Got 2 so I flipped one so you can see the back
Used the raisins to hide my name and address from you nigs
The cuckservative party tried this method to stop the commies in my country and it worked. Don't underestimate it.
I took a taxi today and me and the driver started to talk about the election. He said that he was voting 3rd party, which I then told him was a wasted vote and that the way the system is written 3rd parties are designed to lose. He then said that's why he was voting for them, because they will lose. He's also against both candidates.
>liking Bill
>not liking Hillary
Pick one faggot. They're both intimately involved in all the corruption and need to hang.
>tfw you convince a Demoshit to vote Green
There's going to be a lot of blue states turning red this year I think.
I mean that's not so partisan, I don't think
go die fagbot
Good. Fuck commies
I'm voting for Trump now, that'll teach them to tell me how to vote
Yeah but we want Trump to win, remember?
I'm in New York and my union sent me an anti-Trump letter in the mail too.
Mfw my rifle fought Russians, German Bolsheviks, and Spanish commies. Get reckt
They are right. Vote Donald Trump, and he can actually win.
>nothing on 2nd amendment
I know and i should hate Bill, but the motherfucker is just too likable..
>Not having at least an second round or simplfied 2 parts coombs method
>a vote for a third-party candidate is not a protest, not a change, NOT AN OPTION.
If I were voting third-party, this would make me want to vote for Trump purely out of spite.
You are spotted, democrat
This coy pasta is stale and it's only days old.
Gotta love how their "platforms" aren't even platforms, just "Trump is a racist sexist nazi and you're fat and lame if you vote for him"
Honestly, this was a definite factor in me choosing Trump over third-party. Not this poster specifically, but the past months of people on the left going "third party is not an option this year, people!" So I figured, oh, alright, I'll vote for one of the two then, but not the one that already played me once this year.
>abortion on demand
man comcast is really stepping their game up
it's embarrassing if you're in your late 20s and your cognitive ability is so severely underdeveloped.
>400 pound internet people
They know they've lost.
Early voting has failed to give a significant advantage to Hillary, and they are afrids of a monster Trump vote
Thanks flier, now I know I'm definitely voting for Trump. I assume this is a pro-Trump flier anyway, no liberal in their right mind would bring up half of those issues, even if someone else did they would change the subject faster than Hillary moved 1.8B to Qatar when she found out she was going to prison.
In what state did you get that flyer?
These days, there was a supposed Clinton campaign insider posting about what their internal data says. He said they are thinking these go red:
North Carolina
New Hampshire
one vote from Maine
This was before the FBI news.
North Carolina
I got one too, OP.
Which state are you in?
NC, the 252
If people were to vote for third party then the votes don't go to Hillary or Trump, they go to third party
This is a desperate fallacy that won't work because even Clinton's party is aware that she drove voters away
If you can't make it to the voting booths, be sure to vote online for Hillary using a real name social media account.
See pic for instructions.
>make the right choice
>coloured blue
>paint trump red
Damn. I'm stuck with Verizon and all they do is mail out a coat hanger.
I live near NC so we get a lot of their news. Every morning I hear about how the Clinton campaign is doing everything they can to get people to vote early.
This tells me they are very worried about more negative shit coming out about Hillary, and they want people to vote before they have a chance to change their minds.
you got fat hands brah
Did they just refer to Clinton as a third party candidate who isn't an option? Jill Stein it is.
Not an argument
That probably backfires. Trump should fear more that they vote third party since a big supporter base isnt pro trump but anti hillary. With that they told those basically to vote trump instead of stein or johnson
I just saw this exact same post in another thread. CTR cut and paste. Don't you have better ways to spend a Saturday? Here's your (You) you spineless sack of shit.
lmao please be satire
The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.
The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.
>big supporter base isnt pro trump but anti hillary
kek this delusion. speaking from your Sup Forums safe space bubble?
you don't know shit. most Americans hate Trump. the only place they like him is here and r/the_donald
>Killery believes that regardless of someones race, religion, gender or sexual orientation they should be treated fairly
>continuously bashes white (christan) males
Ha! This is Shillary propaganda leaflet! Just the fact that this kind of leaflet isn't God-Emperor's leaflet tells all of the story.
>pic related
Need to spread this on Twitter. Let them know who really cares about their vote
they are so fucking desperate
Why are you posting the exact same thing on multiple threads?
>not the time for a protest vote
but Trump is my protest vote
These arguments are like a wife beater telling their spouse "I'm all you got, you can't go anywhere. You have no choice."
>don't like either one
>know the Electoral College for my state is going to pick Hillary already
Why bother voting?
>*Claps for pessimism*
>Trump against gay marriage.
He said it should be decided by the states, as it should.
The supreme court shouldn't have the power to decide the litigation for marriage laws on its own.
The govt shouldn't be allowed to marry ppl at all, only issue civil unions. Marriage is purview of the church
I disagree. Hillary fears the monster vote. Any vote not for her is effectively a vote for Trump
thanks :)
thank you for being so honest and brave
>tfw this causes at least a few people to think texting Trump works also
>November 9
>go to motherless dot comm. first fap under president trump
>search: brutal rape
>it's a picture of the electoral map
>I still fap
Should be Clinton instead of Sanders. Made that pic a while ago.
implying the Clintons give a fuck about anyone not in their immediate family
oy vey
You fat fuck.
Consider my record corrected
>1 post by this ID
a lot of "basement dweller" Bernie supporters are staying home or voting Jill
She will be indicted.
>Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
>Iran gets nukes
>Federal Tax Increase
holy shit why would you print this
there's your answer OP
they're zombies
>not the time for a protest vote
>t. bernie
Genuinely upset.
Honestly we should've pushed really fucking hard into making bernouts vote for the greens. We would've killed two birds with one stone.
People don't like her because she's part of "the system", there's not actually anything wrong about her really.
The thing is that with Trump as the nominee you can't actually debate policy so they resort to debating character.
> Union
> Anti Trump
Looks like ((they)) control your union.
This reminds me of the Brexit campaigning where Remain's final leaflet was just a picture of Nigel Farage.
>Treated Fairly
>Clinton gets the entire MSM, the power of a former president, Bill, and current President Obama, the clinton foundation, the rich elites, the government, and still fucks it up
>If anyone else had this kind of dirt on them, they would be murdered or thrown in federal prison
>"No, she's for us little guys, not the elites like Trump! Hard working normal guys like George Soros and Warren Buffet"
>Gets in trouble because one loose end was sending dick pics and wanking to CP
If this happens, Trump has won.
All of his supporters were basically protest voters. He basically tells them they were wrong.
Can you be more spineless than this cuck?
Are you serious? What the fuck were they thinking?
kek i thought that was pro trump propaganda. they're right, I'm voting for trump because he actually has a chance now.