Perfect Europe
Even includes a Balkanized Spain
Perfect Europe
Even includes a Balkanized Spain
No. The V4 should be its own thing
i aproove
>no german Südtirol
Perfect Evropa coming through
>no Polish Lwow
>no Polish Wilno
No nigger, Norway would never align with Sweden.
Beat this
>Estonia part of the Baltics
>Bulgaria part of Yugoslavia
>Ireland not part of UK
>Switzerland not part of Germany
>Egypt that small
>French-English alliance
That'd be one force to reckon if we could start to actually work and the Brits would actually stop bitching about us.
But I am for one 100% fine with that.
>that Poland
>he's colorblind
>implying I'd put a Romance country with a Celtic one
Come on now
you forgot danzig and the sudetenland
>What is the Baltic states
>Bulgaria i might agree with
>UK is a meme country
>Would you like me to divide switzerland up between germany, italy and france? Becuase that isnt going to happen in reality.
>literally sand, no Egyptians live there
too much emphasis on current arbitrary borders
this would probably work 500 years ago
pic related, perfect federal borders
huh.... can you help me??? i cant seem to find this... danzig (?) on the map. never heard of it. where is it?
it's gdansk now, poland
>perfect fedora borders
germany doesn't even deserve half that land m80
I've seen car crashes that were better thought through.
A FUCKING LEAF making something that beautiful. I am totally impressed.
>That Belarus
Fixed too.
I approve
We're not Latins.
Fuck off i'm not getting cozy with the Anglos again
>greater israel
go kill yourself leaf
This is UNIRONICALLY the prefect Europe. Maybe give Bosnia to Austria-Hungary.
>losing any glorious american clay
>belgium as its own country, but no countries from eastern europe
I cannot think of a name for either Mesopotamia or Cyprus.
filthy kosovo diaspora detected
fuck u mate, I you like merkel so much and her rapefugees why don't you move to germany?
>id 2rumfp
Perfection. No European map will ever be better than this.
>a german port in the adriatic
baltic states is a meme m8, only thing Estonia and Lithuania have in common is that we were occupied by the same foreign power for 50 years. Before that, totally different foreign influences, totally different type of society. Latvians and Lithuanians are bros sure, but Estonians are bros with Finngolia.
And we are with you rather than with Sweden brother.