Someone red pill me on the North Dakota pipeline that has the red man upset.
Someone red pill me on the North Dakota pipeline that has the red man upset
>Someone red pill me on the North Dakota pipeline that has the red man upset.
It's the way the red savage negotiates, white man hasn't offered up enough whiskey yet, it will all work out
some treaty or something not being honored or something
Isn't this a little bit of an overkill of police force? God, looks like you declared war just because of a bunch of underage hippy protesters.
Same old bullshit. Lefties riling up muh natives to shut down a beneficial venture using scare tactics and emotional appeals.
just another reminder that we should have killed off the indians when we had the chance
You want a pipeline in your backyard FAGGOT?
>polfags talk about muh freedoms and land rights until it gets in the way of their profits
>defending corporate jews
tldr Warren Buffett stands to lose 2bn per year if the pipeline is built, these injuns hold no special claim over this land and they're the only tribe complaining about it (it has been signed off by all the others)
Nobody wants a big ugly pipe running through their backyard.
Sure. Sign me up. Land use payments are pretty sweet. I'm not even so greedy that I'd use "muh native heritage" to hold out for more money.
If my backyard was North Dakota?
Probably would, yeah.
There is literary nothing else there, not even a molehill.
Pipeline would probably add to the scenery.
i though it was because they built the pipline around the reservation rather than throguh it because its cheaper than paying the tribes to use the land
indians are literally upset that the pipelines aren't going through their land
This is the prime example of when you conquer a peoples, you should slaughter them all.
why not? dont indians use gasoline or heat their houses with gas in the winter?
native americans are savages worth fucking over
Pipelines tend to avoid residential areas for the specific reason that it's much more difficult to negotiate scores of contracts over a small handful.
north america is a HUGE continent. I seriously doubt this will be ANYONES backyard, unless you constitute the entire continental united states as a backyard
>>polfags talk about muh freedoms and land rights until it gets in the way of their profits
>>defending corporate jews
Nimby faggit detected
It's like Avatar IRL
The pipeline does not pass through tribal land. There has been no evidence of sacred burial sites. Protests are taking place on private property, which is why they are being cleared out.
>"The Corps has documented dozens of attempts to engage Standing Rock in consultations to identify historical resources at Lake Oahe and other PCN crossings. To the reader’s relief, the Court need not repeat them here. Suffice it to say that the Tribe largely refused to engage in consultations."
The pipeline will be underground.
>Pipeline company offers $10,000,000 to build through Indian land
>Indians say "No. . . white man give Nut on Ground $20,000,000" white dollars
>Pipeline tells them to go fuck themselves
>Pipeline builds around Injun land
>Injuns get mad
Under ground cunt
Nah, they pour gasoline thru a slice of rye bread and drink it.
Army Corps of engineers hosted multiple meetings that they blew off because theyre lazy entitled savages.. now it's time to bulldoze your burial grounds.
you have a point my wife and her son will not be happy
If they arm themselves and don't kill anybody, the the feds still cant SHUT IT DOWN
Freedom in America is still alive.
Reservation leadership negotiate huge deal with oil pipe line.
white guilt liberals show up and wipe the red men into a hysteria to stop pipeline.
the reservations have nothing, white liberals are ok with injuns being poor, uneducated and unemployed
En serio compa? A ver si en 20 años cambias tu opinion
the feds in this case don't want the pipeline though, because they get huge donations from warren buffet who owns the railways there
They will not, too much expensive
NativeAmericanFag here. So, most tribe-owned resources that can be exploited for tribal coffers are finite and usually dirty to exploit (lots of externalities from mining/using them). For example, coal, helium, and uranium. My tribe has large uranium deposits, mining of which poisoned a large area of land. An entire village of like 1000 people had to be moved. *Renewable* resources, like water and tiber, therefore, are more precious.
Tribes are not dumbasses. That's why we exploit the white man's greed (gambling) and addictions (tobacco). Yes, we may get drunk too much, but so does everyone else (every white man country brags about how drunk they are: Russia, Germany, England, Ireland, etc.). But we're not stupid. Natives know that water (freshwater streams) is the gold of the future. Therefore we fight vigorously against anything that will damage our water rights (quantity) or quality (pollution). This pipeline has a very real possibility of poisoning the aquifer in the Dakotas through seepage or terrorism/vandalism. BTW, this aquifer extends through most of the "flyover" states.
TL;DR - The pipeline will likely pollute the aquifer (which extends to Louisiana), and freshwater resources are the gold of the future. Hands off my gold, white man.
>source: environmental attorney so inb4 go back 2 ur teepee wigwam or igloo
>i don't like them so that justifies me being a huge asshole
when you say shit like that you like stupider than they do.
>unironically being a globalist shill
Respect for getting educated, but you didn't have to become a professional sophist.
lol at the media covering this protest carefully because they know the protestors have been shooting at the police and throwing molotov cocktails at them, meanwhile the 'gun toting' loonies who took over the government building in oregon didn't fire a shot
Mining also probably employed 50% of that tribe, and you fucking idiots probably received millions of dollars for that property to be mined. Do you know how the mining industry works?
get back to your wigwam you red skinned coon
there is a pipeline in my backyard
they're in a lot of peoples' yards and are barely noticeable except for a small sign stating what substance the pipe carries
American geologist working in Russia here. I've worked in both oil and gas and also hydrology, and the ridiculous scare-tactics that Lefties use to protest pipelines are usually completely baseless. For example, the notion that a pipeline spill--even if one actually occurs--poses a danger to an entire aquifer is complete and utter bullshit. Such spills are almost always contained to a very small geographic area and can be mitigated properly through various methods.
Look at pic related. It is the existing pipeline infrastructure in the U.S., which already crosses the watersheds for the nation's most bountiful aquifers. If you think another pipeline is going to somehow post a catastrophic risk to said aquifers, you are out of your goddamned skull.
>water is the gold of the future
>75% of planet is covered in water
>purifying and desalinization of salt water costs basically nothing
based putin spy tells us like it is
Yes, That's why we did it, you fucking dipshit KaCuck. We also sued the mining company after they were done and got an 8 figure settlement for the environmental damage. So we got millions more and they cleaned the shit up. We basically Trumped them Lrn2business. Oh wait your from Canadia where you spend all your money and time on weed.
They are trying to build the pipeline over/through their "sacred" grounds... it's caught up in the bureaucracy, but somehow they still have the right to continue building the pipeline. I think it's cause they already have approval for that "spot". The indians are trying to prevent them from continuing, so they don't have the argument's that they have no other choice to go through their "sacred" land.
They (the construction company) are using force to continue.
It's a pretty fucked up situation. Just more proof that, Hillary's, Le Green Leafyleaves initiative is complete bait for the mouthbreathing idiots that are voting for her.
They've firebombed machinery, destroyed private property, and are trespassing everywhere. They grow more violent everyday, they're lefties.
Lefty Tumblrina on my Facebook keeps posting these hilariously retarded infographics.
You dumbass, desalinization is literally the most expensive way to get freshwater in the world.
>purifying and desalinization of salt water costs basically nothing
that's blatantly false.
the injuns aren't really worried about the safety, they're worried about their land rights being oppressed.
>purifying and desalinization of salt water costs basically nothing
I buy logs from some newfie loggers and cut them for firewood
But the pipeline isn't on their land.
This is basically it. They offered them money, they wanted more, now they get nothing and riled up the tribe and liberals.
They won't stop the pipeline, it's going through.
>pipelines are bad, kaffir. you don't want to taint your water supply, do you? just buy oil from us and ship it directly to your refineries. just ignore the fact that most of these protestors aren't even from North Dakota, we didn't pay them off or anything
Daily reminder, native, like jews and niggers, HATE white people.
Never trust.
>costs basically nothing
Jesus Sup Forums is retarded some times. What is latent heat???
I have a crude oil pipeline in my back yard. Have for 22 years. Never a problem.
We should have killed them all. Big mistake not to.
local and state LEOs as well as mercs (blackwater is there) vs the justice department, drunken Ira Hays, and other Soros backed paid aggitators.
the aggitators have shot at police, are actively trying to kidnap and hold hostages of oil workers and execs, killing police animals, starting fires, ruining equipment, etc.
the DoJ is doing NOTHING about it, and wont.
the mercs are protecting the the workers/execs, while local and state LEOs are enforcing the law.
links to vids?
>be big chief cuckedbuffalo
>want heaps more land
>hear white man building white man magic things somewhere
And so on.
then what the fuck are they chimping out about?
To be fair, native americans have plenty of reason to dislike white people.
Just heat it and boil it, the salt will stay at the bottom and you can trap the steam water.
>the injuns aren't really worried about the safety, they're worried about their land rights being oppressed.
What land rights are being violated? From what I can tell, it doesn't go over any land that any of them owns.
And you're wrong that they aren't falling back on the stupid claim that "pipelines contaminate aquifers." Damn near every article about the subject mentions the water supply. And those alarmist claims are baseless for the reasons I outlined.
the same people bitching about an ugly pipe arenthe same people that throw tantrums when gas goes up 10 cents a gallon
I guess all that heat to boil the water off just magically appears.
also, and ND anons should go try to find the siris bus. Could be big.
They have a camp with their teepees and shit all set up, might be a good place to look. Nice buses/vans will stick out like a sore thumb among the rez rockets.
>humvees in desert camo
That's 6 stars right there.
double meme. thats a white actor....
The Koch brothers want to build a pipeline in North Dakota but Warren Buffet owns the rail line that currently moves all that oil.
Since he can't come out and say "this pipeline would be safer, cheaper and cleaner than my dirty ass rail cars, but I'd also lose money" and expect people to back him, he went the "muh feels" route and paid off a few tribal elders to stir up some shit on the res to get protests going.
INJUNs got ALL UPSET as the dont want a pipeline an it most redskins still raping/incest families ..Fact lol
Someone post protesters getting violent at these pipelines
Just turn a gatling gun on these savage redskin apes ok !
>purifying and desalinization of salt water costs basically nothing
But that's wrong? California literally can't do it enough to help with drought because it costs so much.
Everyone realizes this bro takes steroids right?
Im a gym bro and I've realized that the higher amount of steroid use in black culture (in line with illegal drug use statistics) is confused for blacks being bigger and stronger naturally.
With high school sports being the door to a college career and with lower intelligence they were the first and only ones in my high school to roid.
I've been wondering why they're bitching so hard about this, we've built plenty of the same pipelines in the past without much opposition.
I wouldn't mind it. There's many pipelines anyways all over us. Besides most of the land the pipeline is going through is UNINHABITED or owned by the feds.
You're dumb
You're really, really dumb
Now it makes sense. Kikery as usual.
>Access to information to any subject in my pocket at all times
>Can move freely anywhere in the nation and pursue any line of work/education
>Stays on the rez in small town
>demands and gets monthly/weekly payments and food stamps from the government
Fuck white people right
kek where did the homes and schools and shit go in the pipeline picture
>Garbage Indians waddle over here, take land from others, claim they were here first
>Smoke pipes all day while dancing to knockoff Hindu music
>Get caught slippin' by people who were smart enough to advance technologically
>Sell the rest of your land for shiny beads
>Spend the next 400 years throwing hissy fits and being entitled fucks despite your biggest accomplishment being random soul-sucking casinos dotted across the plains
404 no sympathy found
yeahhh, it's why they were good slaves like Indians...
Steroids are very expensive but nice story bro
To be fair, lots of police departments buy humvees and stuff from the army because it's a lot cheaper than buying a brand spanking new armoured vehicle..
The current method of trains transporting the oil has a way higher chance of derailment than a pipeline bursting, stupid red nigger.
>muh sacred land
everything is sacred to these fucking prairie niggers.
She is almost redpilled.
Eminent domain is theft.
all the vids i have access to are logged as evidence, so no
>Pipelines are evil!
>But trains are OK because I'm used to seeing them.
I hate people
I actually live in Bismarck, North Dakota. Here is the real story.
>Natives have numerous pipelines and oil wells they own and operate in and around the area
>Oil boom allows them to justify increasing the fees they charge companies using reservation land
>DAPL finds it cheaper to BUY land from ranchers and farmers rather than run it through the reservation
>DAPL goes AROUND the reservation
>Natives get butthurt
>Warren Buffet doesn't want another pipeline because he's making a killing off of charging oil producers using his railroad the BNSF (only railroad in North Dakota)
>Warren Buffet also owns the Bismarck Tribune and other newspapers in the area (He also owns the news paper that was protecting the African rapefugees in Iowa, but thats another story)
>Warren Buffet directs Bismarck Tribune to give local media coverage to the butthurt Natives who are being organized by Earth Justice
>Bismarck Tribune's chief editor's sister is a member of Earth Justice, so the local media circle jerks with their family members who are leftwing activists
>The story starts to go national
>BLM, other environmental groups, professional democrat community organizers flood in
>They build camp sites on Federal land
>Feds don't do shit about it because they don't want the pipelines (Warren Buffet giving larges amounts of donations to Democrats, environmentalists are energized to vote by protesting, Natives are a huge gib me dats voting block)
>Anarchists flood in
>now the situation is a cluster fuck because Governor dalrymple is a 100% card carrying KEK and probably jerks off to Natives fucking his wife and daughters in the ass
>huge scandinavian population in North Dakota, so you have blonde white women defending poor brown natives left and right on social media
>men are all cucks here because they are german
Its a fucking disaster. I'm moving out of North Dakota next year because of this (and the oil boom going bust).
Fuck the natives, they should be gassed along with the germans.
just put a tap on the pipeline, let them drink the oil