Why aren't gay people allowed to love each other?

Why aren't gay people allowed to love each other?

All we want is equality.

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but it never stops there does it?
even if we allow it, you always have to shout from the rooftops about how gay you are and then have 20 gay parades in order to show how gay you are

You can love whoever you want. Just shut up about it.

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

It should be allowed, but being so obnoxiously proud of it shouldn't.

We've had equality for a while now.

Stop shoving your shit into people's faces, nobody cares.

You want superiority, and I'm sorry faggot, but no.

There better not be homos itt. If you are one I'm going to chain you to a wall and make you eat out of a dog bowl.

I have no problem with homosexuals. Your problem is you say you want equality, but at the same time you live a lifestyle that isolates yourselves. You live in your own neighborhoods, make being gay a defining personality trait, practice degeneracy, and then blame straight people for thinking you are abnormally different.

This pasta is garbage

It's not funny

>LE random reddit humor xd

Cute canadian boy looking for nice pol bf
Im capable of cooking and cleaning
Im not a shut in.

I want this

you faggots can get married, right?


>gays and rooftops

And do it at home

>Muh equality

You already have it, and then some with that "protected class" bullshit.

You post a thread like this literally every day. Give it a rest for fucks sake

Why do so many gays become so overly feminine? Is it a culture or just a part of the mental disease many have?

speak for yourself, I don't want equality, I just want to suck on cute white boy toes

We can't even hold hands in public without being yelled at or spat on.

dude you're a weird spic and one bad hombre kek

You post this thread EVERY DAY so I assume you don't shut up about being a homo IRL either. Just get over it


I'm for it. Love as much as possible, there is no argument here.

Fairies are the niggers of the "gay community" tbqh.


post the soles of your feet please

Bullshit, it's not 1994 anymore.

Is it gay-time on Sup Forums

Did I miss a meeting?

If you keep telling me they're great, the more I'll think of them as mutants

Gayness is almost certainly spread by a pathogen. You're literally diseased.



>We can't even hold hands in public
Well there's your problem, faggot.

>muh equality
Fuck off already. We have it.

I hate fags because of the way they act, not what they stick their dick into.

Your line of logic is nigger-tier.
>you hate me cause I'm black?
>no, I hate you because of your actions

And you pillow biters are looking for anything but equality. Putin has it right.

Can't you just kill yourself already and stop posting your homosex shit every fucking day, you fucking faggot?

Equality is a meme

Gays do and have always had equal rights though. A gay man has always been able to marry a woman like a straight man has always been able to marry a woman.

I don't understand where this "GAYS HAVE NO RIGHTS" shit comes from

No such thing.

Homosexuals are narcissits and therefore incapable of real love.

You are the only person preventing you from falling in love. No one but you is in charge or has control of your emotional faculties.

meh, i agree. this is one thing where i've never agreed with the Sup Forums majority. my interest in some guy's preference to fuck a vagina or an asshole has always been non-existent, i just don't care. i propose a giant summit where we agree to make gay marriage legal in all countries in exchange for a permanent stop to all gay parades

>to love each other

But that's not what you want. You can do that, have always done that.

What you want, is for normal people to love you. Deep down you hate yourself and so you project that self-hatred on an entire 97% of people, believing they must hate you too. Not really, they are just busy living their lives and doing shit. They honestly don't care.

But tolerance from them isn't enough for you. Acceptance isn't enough for you. Only nurturance, and celebration of you BY heterosexuals would be enough for you.


Nurturance is the goal, but you can't even get on the Riddle scale if you are ignored by people who just don't care what you do. And so you have to, like the poor neglected child, keep asking over and over and over "Why don't you love me?" and desperately doing anything and everything you can to get attention. To the neglected child, bad attention is better than no attention.

It's NEVER been about how you feel about other homosexuals. Its always been about how you feel about heterosexuals.

Rekt. we could do more in the past to accept gays, but now we must celebrate them

it's because they have to fill the hole left by unattractive and feminist females

If you look at the guy on the left you can tell by the expression on his face that it's actually the Sup Forumslack who is a faggot. He's calm and aloof whereas the Sup Forumslack is angry and emotionally invested, which is a dead give away.

Former gay here, I can get behind this
Those parades are fucking cancer

You can't have equality. Nature decided to fuck you and turned you into someone with love that can only be infertile and covered with shit.

All you can do is not being a faggot about it, not bother other with it and try to limit degeneracy in your life to your paraphilia.

given the disproportionate amount of STDs amongst gays, I think they have no problem loving each other

>former gay
What happened?

>we agree to make gay marriage legal
As long as churches have the right to refuse without any backlash.

Imagine if gay men could marry their boyfriends, and you were only allowed to marry men.

well yeah, it can't feel good to be hated by a lot of people who make up society, it's like being a frenchman. i think that's understandable

idk one day women just suddenly became sexy as fuck

the majority of gays are the guy on the left, fucking retard.
I doubt you ever seen a stereotypical homo outside of parade ever. And parades are the least bad thing in this world.

They need a constant supply of nubile, young boys to satisfy their fucked-in-the-head needs. If they stop advertising their marxist crap, then they starve.

Any private, non-essential entity, should have the right to refuse anyone for whatever they want, tbqh.

>Can't you just kill yourself already and stop posting your homosex shit every fucking day, you fucking faggot?
go back to your svinarnic, Pidohara.

They should. I wouldn't give two shits if I got refused a cake. I would just say "your loss" and go somewhere else.

>Why aren't gay people allowed to love each other?
but you are; this is especially true since you live in europe
stop victimizing yourself

>a gay Russian

b-but.. Putin promised me you guys didn't exist?

desu I propose gbt
Fuck lettuce and fuck lesbians
Lesbians are fucking cancer

Why are you doing it in public you fucking queer. Show how much you love whoever in private. No one else wants to see that shit. And I mean this for fags, and normal people too.

>still keeping the "t"
We should murder all transidiots.

I saw too butch bulldykes holding hands in Belfast the other day.

That's in Northern Ireland, where gay marriage is illegal alongside abortion (save in exceptional circumstances like rape/etc). Our First Minister (think Prime Minister) recently came out and said she's going to block gay marriage for at least another 5 years.

At best you fucks are only de jure oppressed (and even then, only in a few places nowadays). De facto? You fags rule the fuckin' roost.

There are some ok trannies, most should be killed off for sure though

You have to understand that life is just a ride, you can choose fear or love.

because Alt Right closet homos went their own way and the world rejected them

>b-but.. Putin promised me you guys didn't exist?
Putin only said that gays should not fuck children.
We still can beat the shit out of heterofag that acting too violent against us.

>in soviet russia gay opresses you

Don't forget about how they cry for equal rights and spout about how everyone should be free to do what they want, but then sue people for having different opinions.

You know.

If you were gay, you'd really know hot it feels when you boyfriend doesn't want to hold hands out of fear of being scolded at.

It's heartbreaking really.
Sometimes I shed a tear just thinking about it.

>Fags taking a high horse versus anyone

It's like you people literally learn nothing

Holy fuck the hypocrisy

This is honestly the problem with the culture of today.

People are so fucking full of themselves, every single thing that doesn't go their way is seen as a massive injustice that needs correction.

It's so fucking destructive, and nobody seems to be conscious of it.

Why do you think you should force churches to marry you in them by force or threat of government?

I don't want to be lumped in with people who don't even know who they are.

Their genes die out, so don't worry too much.

You have equality in the west.

Fight islam. There is your problem!

Here in Norway it is pretty much something everybody does in their youth.

When I was young there were sweedish boys with blonde hair, tan skin and shell necklaces all over the place. Bill Kaulitz tokio hotel danish boys too. And us tough, no EU membership, handsome norwegian vikings dominating their butt. Proving the supreme power of the northest king nordic master race.

Yeah, I don't give a shit.

Keep your sexuality private, it's irrelevant to the world at large.

Grow up. It's easy to not be such a soft faggot about it. But you're so entitled to feel that the world should bend over backwards to accomodate your feelings.

Get fucked.

sometimes i shed a tear thinking about a man who actually wants to hold hands

Why can't you operate in public without clinging onto somebody like an insecure woman child?

>We still can beat the shit out of heterofag that acting too violent against us.

Really? Cus I've seen some hilarious Russian videos where people go around "fishing" for gay men and then film themselves beating them half to death. Sounds like you guys are the ones that get the shit beat out of them if you ask me.


Enjoy the videos. :^)

Stop fucking parading and bellowing about how faggot you are, wearing rainbows and daring someone to disapprove, you fucking faggot

Activists are cancer no matter what they're fucking supporting. No one fucking likes shit forced down their throat

Fuck off and suck dick in a bathroom somewhere. That's fine, I don't see it.

Start sucking dick on a lawn because the guy who mows it said he didn't agree with homosexuality, and we have a fucking problem, you degenerate piece of shit


>giving a shit about what people think or say to you

>mexicans in charge of humorous, long-winded insults

You are literally mentally ill. I'm not saying this to insult you, I hold as much hatred for gays as I do for the depressed, but you are undeniably broken. You should work on fixing yourself rather than petulantly demanding others to accept your disfunction,

Who else /self-hating/?

Im 21 and had 1 bf and i just want to settle down with a wife and have kids. I have no idea how to even make eye contact with women, let alone talk to one. The loneliness is really getting to me and I crave a physical relationship, but all I know how to do is attract men and the temptation to go back is strong

They are you dumb faggot now fuck off and suck a dick

Just cuz youre allowrd to love doesnt mean we cant call you faggots

Any Sup Forums gay boys going to the cedar springs bloc party in Dallas tonight? Let's get a drink and dance

look man, i don't know shit about biology or psychosexuality. maybe they are mentally ill, but so what? it's a benign mental illess, they won't hurt anyone and they can function as completely capable, productive members of society. they have this one different thing and honestly, who cares? this is what fascinates me about this issue, the decades of debate and prejudice-just...WHO THE FUCK CARES?

You don't want tolerance or equality, you want acceptance and/of degeneration.
>we just want to get married
>we just want to force you to participate in our wedding
>we just want to sue you and negatively impact your livelihood if your aren't as supportive as we think you should be

I see faggots making out everywhere here in California.

I really wish you'd fuck off, and I say that as a queer myself.

You shouldn't call for normalization and acceptance of a mental illness.

nobody is stopping it except demented Abrahamic and retarded neonazi maniacs who should all be killed because they do not deserve to live nor do they have any right to exist nor do they have any authority to maintain their beliefs
>but muh skyjew YHWH!
yeah no

degenerate faggot

>conservatives want government mandated morality
>liberals want moral anarchy
This world is really fucking weird.

or what's gonna happen? i might get fabulous?

Interpersonal behaviour is both symptomatic and deterministic of the health of a civilisation. When we didn't glorify these behaviours, we had stable family units, lower rates of mental illness/suicide, and a far healthier take on life. If you don't care, then you should.

Something something slippery slope.