I was doing some cryptid research and I found this

I was doing some cryptid research and I found this.


This is a cryprid that lives in ohio. It is a large humanoid frog. Here is an excerpt from the page

"The story tells of the businessman watching the figures converse for a while until one of the creatures held a wand over its head and fired a spray of sparks, startling the observer into fleeing the scene"

A wand of sparks? like Shadilay? More evidence of meme magic?

That's not all, the latest reported sighting of the frog was august 3 THIS YEAR. Just few weeks after the Cleveland RNC.

What are these creatures in relation to kek? What do they want?

I just posted this in another thread, and as soon as i did an user got trips with the post "We will all turn into loveland frogs"

Then the thread 404'd. This is getting too deep man. I'm getting really scared.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Thread 404d after someone got trips as well

I'm ready.


It's all true


>you were born just into to evolve into an amphibian


>yfw this election was Sup Forumss downward spiral into practicing meme magic and becoming the very jews that control the world in the shadows

This election has broken Sup Forums. We'll attempt more meme magic for other political struggles, and we will succeed.

>MFW Sup Forums created a tulpa

cryptids are mostly bullshit but mokele-mbembe is pre cool

>election has broken Sup Forums.

Pretty sure it's the other way around.



>Two weeks after that incident, a police officer named Mark Matthews had another encounter with the creature. He reported seeing something crouched along the ice while driving and thought it was an injured or dead animal. He intended to remove it from the road but claims the creature stood erect on its hind legs. Matthews recounted shooting at the creature which then hobbled over the guardrail and into the river.

What a patriot. Sees a legendary creature from the realms of mystique and wonder, then he just immediately decides to start shooting it.

He will be one of the first to go when the uprising beings and frogs reclaim the earth.

That was a kappa not a frog. But thanks

A frog to be
A frog to die
A transformation in disguise
Whoever wanders with a wand
Will cast a spell within the pond

link to thread plz


The Dogmen are pretty fucking real.


We will all turn into loveland frogs.

Whats this? I took a break from the internet for the last week

that has been around for longer than a week

I remember some tinfoil from russian lj from few years ago, who though that world elites are dogmen, trying to degrade humanity into animal state.
Turns out he was somewhat right. topkek

The troops of chaos and light made manifest!

Well this is my first encounter of it.

lurk more

>turning into a giant frog

I am actually ok with this

A song by a band called P.E.P.E. that came out in the 70's under the Magic Sound record label with a green frog on the cover.

its not an old theory

Phil Schneider says psychic/telekentic 8' tall Blue Orcs (amphibians / lizards) live underground and eat people
>youtube phil schneider

Kyle Odom says interdimensional frogs from mars run the world
>youtube kyle odom spree shooter

Ancient aztecs/mayans have various legends/paintings of blue people sacrificing and cannibalizing people.

Various modern representations are out there too: Avatar, Battlefield earth (blue and dreadlocks), hindu gods (blue and dreadlocks), michael from underworld blue supervampire hybrid,and even "blue angels"

>tfw lurked for 3 months before my first post

Never mind forgot about that song by P.E.P.E.

It's funny you mention this. I heard this urban legend while listening to a last podcast on the left a few days ago.

Yeah just remembered it

Frogs are all connected to mother earth. She doesn't like what we are doing to her so she is fixing things. In an ecosystem frogs are the most sensitive to changes.

She is manipulating our collective conscious. The world is too large for her to do it all at once so she uses groups of people. Her strongest influence is on Trump.

Screencap this. It will be proven.

This election. This year. This everything.

I refuse to believe we're in real life anymore. We're living a GTA satirical parody of reality.

>those wiki leaks about aliens
>the radio singles
>that "Dyson sphere"
>had a relative from Arizona call me about floating lights in the sky.
>confirmed shadow governments

I'm done. My brain has just been splattered.

Blue angels,that's soul reaver,is it all connected?

>We're living a GTA satirical parody of reality.
too true

I feel sorry for everyone who wasn't well versed in conspiracy in the early 2000's leading to this election cycle.

I spent obama's entire term learning about every single conspiracy and in 2016 nearly all of them have been proven true.

Deus Ex is a documentary
Conan the Barbarian is a documentary
the Lord of the Rings is the TRUE HISTORY of humanity which may have taken place on Mars

>the Lord of the Rings is the TRUE HISTORY of humanity which may have taken place on Mars
God I hope so.

>tfw we are living in Metal Gear Solid

>open catalog just in time to see thread about frog people
>click it just in time to get 404
>wtf guys

>tfw researching random conspiracy related terms in google circi early 2000's finding crazy ass foreign websites talking about the most outlandish shit ever and loving every minute of it

i shit you fucking not i saw a light in the sky appear for a few seconds then it warped away like a shooting star. Its animations or whatever were abstract/weird/surreal not just a comet

If someone told me 2 years ago about all of this, and that i shall be in front seat of that shitshow,
discussing it with anons across the world on korean image board and praising ancient egiptian deity,
i'd broke this crazy fucker's nose

Ok I get deus ex,but explain lotr on Mars and obviously conan was real just with added magic,so an alternate history before the dimensions diverged

>this bizarro reality is also bothering Russians
I am really relieved to hear this. It's like we aren't in the real world anymore.

sounds like a wendigo. the location is right.

"On the night of 3 August 2016, two teenagers playing Pokemon Go between Loveland Madeira Road and Lake Isabella reported seeing a giant frog near the lake which "stood up and walked on its hind legs"

If they were playing PokemonGo then why the fuck didn't they switch to the camera and take a pic of them?

Some Lovecraftian shit there mang.

>Meet something new
>Immediately start shooting at it
If Darwin had been American, there'd be no animals left alive.

Absolutely Lovecraftian

Witnessed! Praise Kek! SHADILAY!

what did Ted mean by this?

Someone where in a higher plane of existence a being identical to you is playing a version of GTA that takes place in our "universe".

they did actually. I found the news article about it

Forgot the pic

you don't need to worry about that.

kek has sick gainz


Lord Kek has personally manifested in a swing state to ensure his chosen one wins.

We all know that he walks outside of time and can retroactively change the past.

Like my friend said, with whom i share some of this madness:
>darkness...I want back to USSR now... Shut the borders, fuck the rest of the world. take kefir, take half a loaf of bread and go on factory shift. Brains dont foul, and only care is family, work and country... world is mad. and seems so, been that for a while

You, definetly, not alone. Even blue pilled russians nervous about what's happening in Europe, for example.

You're all going to croak

>watching the figures converse for a while until one of the creatures held a wand over its head and fired a spray of sparks

Holy fug

On September 10, 2008, CERN activated the Large Hadron Collider for the first time. It was operated at an extremely high power level, burning out much of the machine. Publicly, this was announced as a failure/accident, but in actuality, it accomplished the task it was built for.

This was the moment that our dimension was overlaid onto another dimension. It's when Berenstein Bears became Berenstain Bears, and when meme magic became real.

Praise KEK!

One day the cult of Kek shall disappear in a shadow. We shall fade into legend and when next we return it will be thousands of years from now as a group that controls and dictates all things from some unknown precipice.

good, this is all good
why in the world would anyone want to live in a world devoid of magic


Assuming this were true.. what could be (((their))) motivation? Giving us power seems like the last thing (((they'd))) want to do.

I didn't know it was even possible for the most trusting Russian to be blue pilled.

I do. I'd welcome back the concept of living in a grey world instead of one's with confirmed supreme evils and confirmed supreme goods.

This whole situation has broke down and now I feel that I have to make some decisions about who I should start praying too. Heaven and Hell is now on the table, but there's so many contradictory sources that I don't know what to fucking believe.

Whoa this is spooky

I live around 30 minutes away from Loveland too

You must take a pilgrimage to bring glory to Kek. Shadilay, brother.

>that "Dyson sphere"
What's that about?

Just leave you autistic sick '"man'"

The advanced frog civilisation in prehistoric Ohio was hunted to almost near extinction by settling native americans.

KIC 8462852 (Tabby's Star)


Song name: Kekfeny
Label: Tramp Records

Using that flickering light method (when a plantary body floats in front of the sun) they found a solar system which sun is blinking very erratically, hinting that not only HUGE objects are floating passed the sun, but in every which way, outside the projected orbital plane of the solar system. Defying the known way that solar systems form from disks of dust.

Posting from phone so I can't actually pull this shit up atm.

>that "Dyson sphere"
Or you asking what it means?
Hypthetical megastructure, that advance space civilization could build around star, to harness its energy

A world with magic is a world with Moloch.

The elite made their god real, allowing them to exercise absolute power in the last 8 years since then. Kek was not part of their plan. They had carefully spent the preceding century spreading godlessness, so that they would have no competition in the newly changed world. In their arrogance, they never imagined that they had opened the door to a power that could grow to eclipse their own.

This post?

its basically a massive solar panel that you build around a sun, can be built in different ways. a full dome, scattered platforms, whatever.

they found a sun that has one built around it. confirming the obvious fact that there exists life beyond earth.

Did you think this was a motherfucking game?

praise kek

Who are they



So you're saying they didn't count on our autism. The seriously, who the fuck would have guessed this course of events?

>Autismos start jokingly celebrating the repetition of integers on their post numbers.
>Some fag makes a comic with a frogheaded man that becomes a popular meme.
>Autists find out ancient KANGZ worship frogheaded god that created the universe through repeating numbers.
>Cult formed around frogheaded god on nazi/ancap basket weaving board

They dun goofed

>implying that we shall not become picrelated

We are pic related

Dubs gets put as leader!

>story tells of the businessman
>Trump is a businessman

I can finally relive my childhood.


Does this have anything to do with the dogmen/werewolves reported up north?

>That's not all, the latest reported sighting of the frog was august 3 THIS YEAR. Just few weeks after the Cleveland RNC.


All of reality is beginning to distort and take on the properties of sympathetic imagination, the overlaid it with another with CERN and now things are spinning out of their control, frogmen, dogmen, mothmen the imagined is beginning to take shape and thus we use this magic to propel TRUMP to victory

Fuck, that's... A good point. Every time I read about the Mandela effect or strange changes, nobody ever mentioned the LHC. Something has happened, or is happening, and Kek wills it.

>Implying there isn't many factions of humanoid beings, terrestrial, extraterrestrial, and inner terrestrial all fighting for control over Earth

Nigger you're going to need to share the lord of the rings stuff

>tfw we are living in Metal Gear Solid
We're getting closer to Metal Gear Rising.

Shit guys one of these just burst into my living room. What do?