How did Sup Forums become the flagship board of Sup Forums?
How did Sup Forums become the flagship board of Sup Forums?
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liberals completely shit the bed so even normies want an alternative
It allowed people to voice their opinions, which gave way to shitposting. Everyone loves to shitpost, and Sup Forums was the new fresh hip area to do it.
[citation needed]
Sup Forums turned into utter shit. not a single interesting thread for months kills a board.
>How did Sup Forums become the flagship board of Sup Forums?
Dealing legit redpills since 2003
because Sup Forums because utter crap and everyone went here during the Zimmerman trial and stayed here
Yeah, it's all porn now. There's only so much interest that can be derived from moist friction
Plus, using english and memes like a programming language to determine the fate of humanity is pretty entertaining
Because election.
Most folks will jump ship afterwards
A lot of the original userbase including myself moved here.
The media created this place.
>How did Sup Forums become the flagship board of Sup Forums?
prove this
When every other board references daily I think that is proof enough
after the mods went SJW and stopped all fun on all other boards, people came here because they heard it was fun
the death of caturday threads and all cheesecake threads on Sup Forums ended that board
And it is getting to the point Sup Forums is slower than Sup Forums occasionally.
By being right, always right
This cutie heiling hitler?
Too many traps and children on Sup Forums. I have a lot of filters going just for this board just to get rid of gay shit, sitting at 21 threads atm.
When you beat on people enough they'll want a place to hide. That's how it started. Now we do the beating.
I have a theory most of us came from Sup Forums
Yep. It's actually kind of amazing how badly liberals have fucked themselves in the past few years
It used to be Sup Forums. Then the election happened.
The censorship and bias has become insane, after growing up with so much cynicism and post modernism used to keep political and business elite in power, people have finally grown weary of the psychological yoke it imposes
We had a big Sup Forums meeting.
Didn't you get your invite?
This is why.
>main reason, election year
>increasing moderation (no raids, no dox etc.) and lack of dank memes which weakened Sup Forums
>users get tired of Sup Forums after a year or two, usually migrate to other boards anyway
>cross board pollination of memes, Sup Forums shit always gets mentioned on other boards
Sup Forums is being killed by traps, furries and dick rating threads. Sup Forums has all of the entertaining content of old Sup Forums, even the actually funny YLYL
>not shitting in your bed
are you a sexist, racist, homophobic and xenophobic??????????????????????????????????????????????????
We pretty much are old/b/, without any porn.
where else in the world can one go if they're tired of lies and seek the truth?
This. I went back on Sup Forums after several years hiatus and it was nothing but trap and cucks threads. Came to Sup Forums out of boredom and mild curiosity, now I hate the Jews.
When pol started we immediately produced the best OC and people came from all around to see it. Then lebbid banned memes and now POL is like a subrebbid for unpopular social media justice kids
We know the playbook of the elite and how they work.
So we can predict the future, like some time traveller, its not really prediction they are just powerfull enought and can make sure their plans they did decades ago are followed (yes, the stuff is planned since decades ago because something called creeping incrementalism must be done to make sure people accept their goals)
It didn't. It's an containment board for manchild faggots.
Forgot to add the final part, by "predicting the future" we made people come here to see what we are doing to be able to do this
Reddit's first board and people coming from Sup Forums after it turned to shit.
>without any porn.
I lurked for 4 hours last night and counted at least 7 cuckold threads posted. We have lots of porn, it's literally all cuck shit. Obviously we're being raided, but retards always ALWAYS reply so you can't really blame the raiders at that point. We are the ones who keep cuckthreads bumped all day.
We're funnier than most of Sup Forums
I bet he assumes people's gender
there was a time when Sup Forums was only a whisper of an idea, where even on Sup Forums people started to get banned for PC thought crimes, the whole internet looked like it was going to be censored, all these forums and other places where being closed off, this was around the time the was a communist purging at Something Awful, where SJWs excised 80 percent of the user base.
We fought with moot and jewed him into creating a board for us , claiming it would be a "containment board" but we planned to use it as a base to strike out at the entire internet and now we have bases across the internet and mods tremble with just the mention of the name Sup Forums
The only correct answer.
No other board has better fart jokes.
>the fappening
It's all but finished anyway, the entire site. The jews knew what they were doing when the planted that shit in here. The cancer is real.
katy perry is a dirty racist
Nope. Sup Forums has always been self-hating cucks since before it it got remade from /new/.
Truly blessed are those who walk the righteous path
I kind of like the trap threads on Sup Forums
>implies Sup Forums neckbeards ever got anything done.
it's a (more) sfw Sup Forums
>Implying Sup Forums isn't the flagship board
where my Sup Forumsartans at? we play football and we get laid nigga
Now its right
veni vidi vici
Sup Forums died after the scientology crap, then Sup Forums became the new Sup Forums, Sup Forums died after gamergate when reddit took over, now Sup Forums is the hot new shitposting board
It isn't.
Literally every other board hates Sup Forums, even if they share some of its ideals
Fuck off
>implying Sup Forums is not just a platform
Your's nicer, fucking saved
They hate us 'cause they ain't us.
at one point moot sort of realized this and deleted Sup Forums it was pretty funny
fappening, GG and SJWs
I got kicked off progressively from everywhere without even being that redpilled as soon as 2014 when SJW took control of my places.
I went occasionnaly on Sup Forums for the lulz during the late 00s but I browsed more than I posted.
Sup Forums is just great, you don't have to censor yourself/downplay your opinions, you don't have to aknowledge feefee of others to avoid bans and you don't have these people seeking attention, people just judge your post on its merits.
Leftist and other SJW basically created this monster and it's pretty neat to be a part of it.
Thats the most pathetic thing to care about
Mostly redditors, I liked it better when it was picking up from Sup Forums harbor during 2015, it was just less repeatings of the same shit compared to now.
I saw shrek is love shrek is life greentext
Found Sup Forums
Only could take it there for a month or so
Been here ever since
mainstream culture has gone full leftist. Sup Forums has always been reactionary. I always think it's funny when people on other boards say GO BACK TO POL when Sup Forums IS pol/ now.
Well it has more to do with the fact that being a liberal is dehumanizing and shitty and wicked boring.
the edgy kids who frequented Sup Forums, grew up into adults. All there is to it, in my view.
>t. oldfag
Sup Forums was the flagship... the old Sup Forumstards discovered the darkness of their memes. It was an awesome amount of power ... think of when A superhero character first discovers his power and just messes around with it for the lulz...
After a while of doing that, there was a depression stage... summer fags started flooding the board and with them came the futa, gore, and sick rating...
At this point, some Sup Forumstards started to pay attention to world events and went on to Sup Forums... it was in fact a mass exodus to Sup Forums.... and there they started mixing and concocting their ideology of white supremacy, and anti-SJWism which exploded even further with Gamergate...
Finally that ideology matured and all that was left was to find Sup Forumss manifestation of a real political movement and a figurehead... KEK was the discovered and through darkness and repeated digits, He chose Trump as the meme candidate that would bring about the randomness and lulz that is at the core of original/b/ spirit...
>tl;dr Sup Forums is the original people from Sup Forums that were what made Sup Forums relevant in thee first place... they've just matured and found their vocation
Fact : Sup Forumsack's are the most powerful race in the world
(You) owe me.
Remember this user.
Explains a lot.
To be fair everyone on any board came there from Sup Forums. Everyone goes on Sup Forums when they are a young redditor to see if it's as gross as they say. Fags cant handle the heat and fuck back to /r/fags and men learn to derail wincest threads with spider-man. Only after being on Sup Forums for a while do people realize that there are actual boards dedicated to hobbies and interests on this site.
Pretty much this
>After a while of doing that, there was a depression stage... summer fags started flooding the board and with them came the futa, gore, and sick rating
I remember these times well...
>Everyone goes on Sup Forums when they are a young redditor
the cropped image really fucked with my mind for a few millisecs...
Naziism is becoming cool i guess.
Sup Forums is nihikism the board, eventually you realize that you have to get on with your life and you've only wasted your time through nihilism.
Because we're actually doing shit. /sg/ has actually gotten terrorists killed using their russian and good detective work with sattelite images
If trump wins, we can also add "influencing a US presidential election" to our accolades.
That alone would mean more than any raid Sup Forums has done or all of them combined
>From Leddit
Idk what kind of fuckboy you are but I've been here before reddit even existed
There's basically nowhere else to get real news in real time, and there's fun shitposting.
Sup Forums is the only board left that remains irreverent and wild
every other board you can find a close equivalent on reddit
you're right, using that phrase was very xenophobic against indians of me
>you will never discover the power of dank memes for the first time again
We're the most avant garde. Sup Forums is known for controversy, and Sup Forums causes more than any other board.
Election season did it. Sup Forums was the previous flagship, GG being a giant controversy. It spilled into Sup Forums too but was mostly a Sup Forums thing.
After the election winds down, another board will take the reigns next year.
>implies Sup Forums coordinating airstrikes on terrorists is nothing
After Sup Forums become a shithole LGBT-tier any half decent person migrated to Sup Forums.
Plus, being politically motivated made Sup Forums more visible
2 of 2
SJWs fault.
Sup Forums is extremely meta
[s4s] is what old b/b use to look like.
Sup Forums in alot of ways is the spiritual successor of Sup Forums tho. High user count, raids, and influence in the media
SJW wormed their way into power everywhere else and the outgroup grows.