What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Martin Mystery? I always see threads on Totally Spies but never about its predecessor

What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Martin Mystery? I always see threads on Totally Spies but never about its predecessor

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nigga M.O.M was the best Marathon gal

This. So fucking hot

it came off as very frenchy-foriegn but not japanese foriegn,

Isn't Marathon Quebecois or Italian?

Good show
Where's a decent/good quality download for it though?

I liked it very much, even with the awful dubs in my language.

I remember it reusing quite a few sequences, so I don't know if it's aged well.

I thought it came out after Totally Spies.


That's what I've been wondering too. Every episode is on Youtube but in pretty shit quality

It came out before Totally Spies? It always gave me the impression it came after.