Well Sup Forums, are we hororary aryans now?
Brazilian protest in support of Trump
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dat israel flag
monkey see monkey do
I'm not aryan and I want Trump win just for the lulz.
Supporting America and Israel is a step in the right direction Brazil
Yeah I've heard that there are like 15-20% white people in Brazil, that's a lot of people in a country of 125 million. The whites in your country can be honorary aryans after this yeah but we're building a wall on your border.
Nope. Still HUEniggers.
What's that flag next to the kike one?
>this amount of illegal wetbacks
CTR pls.
whiter than you'll ever be huemonkey
ook ook gibs me guns
You would know since you look just like them.
>whiter than you'll ever be huemonkey
>coming from a Spanish speaking country
Sure you are.
Wetbacks are white, you shitlord.
>jews for trump
Illegals are not my problem.
Thanks user.
I bet they brought the Israeli flag and support Israel just to give the impression to everyone that "hey guys we support Trump but we are not racists or anti-semites; we stand with jews so we are not bigots ehe".
Many nationalists do this.
Anti-trump leftists getting rekt
Nope. Neo-Nazi really isn't a thing around here.
It's probably to piss off SJWs and cucks who whine about Palestine, like Latuff.
>Neo-Nazi really isn't a thing around here.
If by "here" you mean São Paulo.
Brazil has 200 million people
I've had bad experiences in business with Brazilians but I have much respect for you guys for kicking out Lula and now holding him accountable.
That's more than I can say for our government, the way it looks right now.
Pure coincidence.
Yes you are. Honorary Aryan is a state of mind.
Is this what a Sup Forums meeting would look like?
Eh, there are some autists in Santa Catarina, but I've never heard of any Neo-Nazi parade in Brazil.
You guys can pretend to like Trump all you want, you're still getting boot heels on each of your necks when the day comes.
Forgot to say that PRTB is basically pro nazi.
Really made me think...
Not clicking that honeypot tho.
I didn't even mention neo-nazis.
we have bad relations with Israel, but it will get better, they made 7x1 joke and we went mad.
There is no reason to fear getting called anti-semite here, as anti-semitism isn't a thing.
You mean he'll invade Brazil? If you're to reinstall the military in power here, even as a puppet government, you'd get a lot of support. A lot of nostalgic old faggots here who hate the current government
Laughing hard sense I just voted for Trump.
leia a sinopse que eles escreveram:
The rise of evil começa por fazer o retrato da mente jovem e em desenvolvimento de um lider embrionário, acompanhando-o nos seus anos de formação e em como evolui no homem que ajudou a nação, que apelou por um líder que pudessem seguir. Motivado pela raiva e inconformação com a situação politica, Hitler luta num mundo que acredita dever-lhe algo, liderando a Alemanha numa dança Libertação e prosperidade. Um Poderoso Documento Sobre Hitler que deve ser levado em consideração que o filme tem como propósito em certos momentos ridicularizar Hitler, mas que no geral é um bom filme .
shut up, you're our greatest ally, in ww2 you guys gave us lots of gibs for not going nazi.
Where's this happening?
São Paulo might be a socialist/communist snotty shithole but damn, they got the best state flag.
You dumb ass kissers supporting trump when you should support Hillary. Hillary is the one who will open the U.S. borders for us.
>São Paulo being anything socialist or communist
This ain't Rio Grande do Sul.
When you go to some real neighbourhoods like mine (the real Granja) or Alphaville, you'll know why this state is the best thing out of the cesspool that is this country.
> A fucking map
Kike flag... What you are is idiots.
>red and black all over
literally the edgiest flag
All of you american cocksucking monkeys need to understand that americans don't give a shit about you.
You are subhuman in their minds and if their next president suddenly wanted to invade Brazil like they did to vietnam and afghanistan they wouldn't even flinch.
Stop worrying about the U.S, they don't care about you and you shouldn't care about them.
And also daily reminder to bully american tourists on sight.
You're better than that, Chile.
>Wanting better relations with that insignificant country with no benefits to us
Do you even know what jews think of us brazilians?
Yes be a nice lap dog to the Yankees, while they give you shit and call you a monkey anyway, dumbass. You make me sad. And no I'm not PT. I'm just by an idiot like you.
>getting butthurt over banter
>and if their next president suddenly wanted to invade Brazil like they did to vietnam and afghanistan they wouldn't even flinch
oh god that would be a blessing in disguise to be honest
I can't wait for them to tear minas gerais in half and draw an imaginary line and everything down the line will be a SK first country and north of the line will be a shithole
when are you gonna learn that it ain't about caring or not, but money?
If dollar goes down, things get cheaper and life is better for everyone. Thats why we like the US.
Based Brazilians. But there should be more of you hues out to Support Trump. Should be 1000 of you at least. Not bad though, respect
They would drone your ass for the suspicion of insurgency and leave.
No south korea-like first world for you, more like iraq desolation.
This board represents a very small cross section of people.
Most Americans just don't even think about Brazil at all, or if they do, only think Rio is a great tourist destination. Not even realizing that Rio is kind of a dump and definitely one of my least favorite places in Brazil.
The idea that the average American holds the Sup Forums view of Brazilians as monkey niggers or whatever is really off the mark.
>le bantz XD
Hey guys can I be your friend?
No fuck off, monkey.
Hoho so funny
No we're serious. Fuck off monkey
Stop it you guys you're too funny XDD
Are they retards?
>Trump wins
>South and Central American countries overthrow their government and swear fealty to Trump
>the entire Americas unite as a single Empire
>Waaah someone was mean to me in a cartoon imageboard!!!!!!!
No, São Paulo is a shithole.
Full of brown people with very weird skull shapes
Anyone else currently in Belo Horizonte??? ola
By 2020 the whole world will love Trump like they loved Obama in 2009. Only Trump won't destroy the middle east and europe.
>they made 7x1 joke
What does this mean
Y-yes I think.
No you guys are still a bunch of shit monkeys on the same level as pajeet. Also no one gives a shit about you so fuck off and keep producing bestgore videos
Nah we won't invade we'll prop up a right wing regime, Reagan style. Purge the commies and such.
Reagan was weak.
We need someone like Stalin here, but without being a commie
To be fair to India, it's like 5 countries combined into one. They have the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich in one country. They have a space program and nukes but also open sewers. It's so fucking bizarre.
Makes me proud. Trump is making the world great again and he isn't even president.
Reagan wasn't weak he just wasn't as good at realpolitik as Nixon. Also, he got caught in the Iran-Contra thing. Also socialist groups in Brazil weren't top priority at the time. In terms of South American relationships, making sure Brazil stays a relative free market is in the best interest of the US. Especially for things like rubber.
This election would be his time
Rest in peace glorious Eneas
If there's going to be one in Brasilia I'm going.
Already own a hat and shirt.
I don't care about what they think about me. I want Hillary to win because in want to migrate to the U.S. and Trump winning is contrary to my interests.
After I get my citizenship I might just vote democrat out of spite. Yes, maybe I do care a little if they insult me, because I have a modicum of self-respect.
You're replying to an anti Trumper being racist because brown trump supporters trigger him. Probably a tranny kek.
This board is full of them.
Trump is fast tracking legal immigration, how is that against your goal to be American. Hillary wins and you are illegal living in a sanctuary city with the fags and niggers. Trump wins and you come legally and quickly and can own guns and live in actual nice places.
Just saying, trump is the one for fast tracking legal immigration. Hillary just wants to give amnesty to the illegals here.
Brazil needs a Duterte
Eneas has named the Soros in 88
He was glorious but a little 2deep for the people
Don't worry, if you are a richfag you'll be able to legally migrate. If you're a poorfag, you're out of luck, regardless of the election result.
Also, relax. No one will call you a monkey if you don't behave like one.
I refuse to believe you wasted money campaigning a candidate of another country, more than that, a candidate that literally says we are ripping them off in trade and doesn't care about you.
Please, study brazilian politics and fight for Brazil. This is the place you were born.
Let the americans fight for what they believe is best for their country.
If you believe democrats are about handing out green cards, you haven't been paying attention. Obongo has been in charge for 8 years and nothing changed, illegals are still illegals.
It's in their interest for this not to change, that way they can milk support from latinos and stupid people like yourself.
But smarter. Duertes biggest problem is he is kind of stupid. I admire his strong leadership but to drop America and then turn around and become china's bitch is retarded. It's pretty much the equivalent of being a whore who gets passed around by 2 pimps kek.
Brazil needs Duertes unapologetic passion though but I don't think Brazil would benefit from his dependence on foreign power, especially u.s or China.
> more than that, a candidate that literally says we are ripping them off in trade and doesn't care about you.
Trump never said that m8. He just wants to put America first when it comes to making deals, like any sane country that would put its own interests first. Putting America first doesn't mean shitting on Brazil. You're one of our most important trading partners, especially for rubber.
>I admire his strong leadership but to drop America and then turn around and become china's bitch is retarded.
I think it's smart as fuck actually. Now the next President is gonna be keen to get relations back on track with the Phillippines ASAP, because they're one of two projection points for American power in all of Asia. It gives him leverage.
Oh god this guy is fucking great.
for gods sake there are fuckin kikes even in brazil? what's next? jewish pride parades in china?
>le 60%
>muh white skin
Most whites on USA are trash, they would love the pardo big brazilian cock to fill their cunts with all the HUE we can, burger.
There was no internet at his time, he was painted as crazy by our media
He was really fucking great
I do like Brazil. Wish your Goverment wasnt so fucked up.
Is Latuff popular in Brazil or is he a literally who?
Nothing will happen until the whole world takes a stand against the money sucking kikes.
The only way Brazil could be fucked by Trump is if we were abnormally benefitted from them during Obama's period in the first place, he would cut ALL expensive ties leaving us to drift away, shit, the same thing is happening with other communist countries over Latin America because PT is not in charge anymore and guess what? They spent BILLIONS on infrastructure over there, they tried making this a communist country, God forbid rooting for someone that is against that at any part in the world, right?
I cheered when Dilma got fucked, when Brexit happened, when all those sleazy politicians are being sent to jail, and now I'm hoping Temer does manage to ''fix'' things while rooting for Trump and his policies to suceed, and 2 years from now our own Bolsonaro to be sent to office.