Let's say this election in the U.S. begins to go drastically sour. In a second American Civil war sides are taken. Who will be these coallitions? will it be Fed vs States, Fed and States Vs libeerals? I'm curious what Sup Forums has to say on this.
Let's say America goes into a civil war
Isn't Democrat Florida just a meme?
>arkansas is neither murrika or america
California and likely Florida will be non issues in a civil war due to intense internal struggles that would come about.
That's what I'm saying.
ohio a red state tho
its actually the opposite tho.
Everyone in America is an immigrant or descended from one.
perfect map
You guys didn't even put in south carolina. I guess we really don't matter. :(
Would Hawaii really care if there was a civil war? I know they vote dem, but I feel like they'd just stay out of it
The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.
The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.
If it's another civil war the .mil will be split in two. The question will then be who has the most nukes.
The army would crush any insurrection before it got out of hand.
They're drilled their entire career to be subservient drones, they aren't going to (join the) revolt unless something much bigger happens, such as the government ordering the massacre of unarmed civilians.
it would be so disorganized you wouldn't be able to organize it. dozens of ways to divide people followed by hundreds of sub groups unique to each city and state.
it would basically be the feds vs. everyone
If there was a "Civil war" It wouldn't b organized red vs blue states, it would be low-class Mexicans rioting with ghetto-blacks, both killing each other. Meanwhile the middle and upper class americans defend their suburban neighborhoods and are protected by heavily armed natty guard and police.
Federal side:
>fedguv, wealthy/elite, (((misc.)))
>armed alphabet agencies (~90% of current employment)
>loyalist military (~20% of total enlisted)
>loyalist and neutral citizens (~80% of population, not active combatants)
Insurrectionist side:
>remainder of military
Floridian here
I see Trump everywhere.
And Clinton signs rarely.
Im gonna go ahead stick with the guys that have the guns.
Why do you guys think the race is determined by the yard signs in your trailer park?
It's absurd.
Red guys do, according to nuke maps.
Actually, it's kind of unfair, red guys have the most army bases too I think.
I'm down for Civil War if it means greasing ungrateful sand nigger immigrants.
WA would go red, except for seattle and a few surrounding cities, the rest of the state has guns and are republican
>tfw from Michigan
>tfw niggers and union niggers have literally ruined Detroit, and the entire state
I have seen two clinton signs the entire race.
You tell me you fucking retard. Does it not take basic logic?
I'm telling you, thats bullshit.
Different user, small beach town here. about 20 trump signs to 1 hillary sign, no joke.
>All this hat for Florida
Good to be number 1
Love that you cunts think we are leftist shithole even though without us you would all be severely fucked
>Not southern
We've kicked more world superpowers out of our state than any of you cucks and we were the third state to secede
Get fucked plebs
Texas is literally only 46.7% white
Only Hilary sign I've seen and it was defaced
>Implying whites and jews didn't ruin Detroit
Fuck you faggot take responsibility for your failures instead of pretending it was someone else's fault
There are 3 near me and they're a ll old boomers in their 70's
>Muh red states and blue states
That's a lie, user. Rural people vote republican, urban people vote democrat. Looking at results on a state by state business is just the media trying to manipulate your perception of how Americans vote.
Evil vs Good.
This is one of the rare instances where it is purely black & white. You either side with Aragorn, King of Gondor, or you side with the Dark Lord Sauron.
The image is largely irrelevant, I just had to upload something. Anyway I'm curious if jews have enough influence in our government to command the actions of the military. I want the republic to remain. I just want to see who the enemies are besides the clear ones.
Cut Florida right below lake Okeechobee.
Maybe some of East Coast.... rest would be Murrika... and the internal struggle wouldn't last long.
> Libs
Afraid of Guns
Born to them
Indiana is red again though. It was in 2012, 2008 was an outlier. Indiana has historically been one of the most surefire red states
Same, I also saw two Hillary stickers on shitty minivans, I've seen way more Trump stickers but that stuff was pretty demoralizing to me knowing that OR is a blue state.
Visited Florida a while ago
Also saw only one Hillary bumper on a pathetic low test car
Bunch of trump signs on all types of cars
And that's with the skew. Nice try. It's the northeast + western states vs rest of the union.
michigan is murrika
you have no clue how many based rednecks we have
>mfw i see my car
this was a good /o/ bread
This. Only Tacoma, Olympia, and Seattle are degenerate. The rest of WA has their wits about them.
My nigga
>implying florida will betray its confederate brothers
We once stood united against the eternal Yank, we can do it again.
is arkansas going to be like switzerland?
Republicans are leading early ballots in MI so it is at least a toss up, probably leaning red
>that /n/ bus
my sides
So does this mean battleground states will be literal battlegrounds?
This is a BS map. Pretty will every state except California will be red.
If you,shill, are dreaming of a win like this you had better get even more Soros voting machines in place and visit some more graveyards to register some more voters.
Hillary when she's not fantasizing of Huma can only dream of getting that many states. .......
SO CTR Shill Fuck off and go back to wishing you had ordered a second copy of Bleach Bit.
Hahaha Warmonger Hillary is so corrupt it is simply a joke.
Okay the map detracted from my question a bit. I just posted an image on the fly not really thinking about it. Ill try again some other time.
As a Pennsylvanian, I hope so.
The red states win, since they have all the food and most of the army bases.
If you're born here you are not an immigrant. "descendant of immigrant" I think the proper word is American
Injecting a more accurate picture than ops.
Lets call the red area "Murrika"
I look at how red Oregon is and I weep for it has never been counted red since Reagan ran for office.
Arkansas is wierd. The southern half is like oklahoma part 2, with less rusted out cars in front yards, and the northern half is niggers and numale cuck hipsters that want to pretend they are new yorkers.
Well it wouldn't be red state on blue state, it be city on country. More importantly, country has all the food and more guns, but cities have the power, money and slightly more population.
A whole shitload of people on both sides would die.
There will be no civil war cuz libcucks are anti-gun
Finally, Republic of Arkansas.
The fuck, what are you on about.
And most industry, most guns, most weapon manufacturing, most military people, most defendable area, most of the food production, all water sources going to blues....
What do the blues even have that can be used in a war?
Nothing ever existed because at some point the universe didn't exist
Checkmate logic, nihilism wins again
Of course we will have stuff supplied to us by China, Russia, etc.
Pic related is so very true in the red areas of this map.
This map is BS.
Some Hillary shill dreams about getting this many states.
So Fuck off with the disinformation.
These States don't reflect internal divisions within the States themselves. For example, North California is pretty redneck, but its population can't outweight San Francisco and LA.
On the other side, Texas is pretty red, but huge chunks of it, particularly in its Eastern portions are liberal. Ditto for a split between Arizona around the cities of Tuscon and Phoenix respectively.
By that logic, literally everyone in the entire world fits that description.
Either way New Mexico will get absorbed by either Arizona or Texas which in the end is better than being smelly old New Mexico
Everywhere between Everett and Olympia is, east as far as the Snoqualmie Valley. It's most of the state's population, user.
same with South Carolina
>trailer park?
I live in the wealthiest town in (((Debbie Wasserman-Schultz)))'s district. Trump signs are everywhere. Funnily enough, so are DWS signs, which implies that there'll be an overlap.
Yeah Wyoming helped for once. Thanks for the nukes gubment
What in the fuck are dems smoking?
Besides mexicans and Vegas niggers, dems have little support, plus our state is 99% empty
Also only west coast metros are blue.
Central Florida here. I only see Trump supporters out in public. Most people are jewbook are clinton supporters but my God I only see public support of Trump. Maybe the liberals know if they openly support clinton they'd get robbed because it's just saying "I don't own a gun or would protect myself"
>That giant band of blue stretching across the southeast.
Hmm, wonder what that could be from.
You got that backwards laddie.
Democratic Indiana. No way. People around here hate big government. We just voted Obama cause the Bush admin blew.
>those fucking yankees up in the New England
I wholeheartedly support their emigration to Canada.
It would look more like this.
Human wave tactics
Winning a civil war would be easy for the right because all the leftists are located in cities. Blockade the cities and starve them out.
Also, liberals don't own guns because they are scary death machines. The military is mostly right leaning too.
There is a hell of a lot of people in those blue places though
Y no Arkansas? ;-;
Simple all of the leftists live in the cities, cut them off and it is over in weeks. NYC needs a constant supply of food, stopping shipments for a few days would mean empty shelves. These big liberal areas don't actually produce anything.
This woukd be one of the shortest major wars ever.
kek, what if alaska actually looked like that.
yamamoto never said this
Not even close, a huge bulk of the military is country kids that come from conservative homes. Almost all of the leadership is conservative. The libs military would be the bloods and the crypts.
wtf is that map?
That can be said for any country on the planet if you go back far enough
They hate on Florida because of the southeast coast. Too many haitian/jamaican/cuban/dominican immigrants etc fucked the demographics.
Realistically I and many other leftist just feel to Canada. Enjoy having empty cities.
It's adjusted so every part of the map has an equal population density
Less populated places are made smaller, more populated are larger
Political map warped by population