Arizona is the best state in the union

Arizona is the best state in the union.
Prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't

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What are these memes called?

Nigger it's still 90+ fucking degrees here in Phoenix kill me

Stop breaking AZ code on Sup Forums. You're supposed to talk shit about AZ so no,one wants to move here, newfag.


As a Euro who has never been to America I will make the official top 5 US states(in no particular order)

>New Hampshire

Thank you all.

I'm open to swapping either Oklahoma or Tennessee for Florida though.

they come from /k/. I don't frequent that board though. i think they might be called /k/onstituion.
this one in particular was made on Sup Forums by a hilarious user

>>New Hampshire

This is the list 2.0

These are the two lists that are availible for you all.

Now pick.

literally Aussie-tier

that list isn't quite right sven


Never heard of it

If you replace new Hampshire with North Dakota or Colorado I agree

That is what I like about Florida

It's hot and its trashy and danger lurks everywhere.

Sounds like a great place to breed based whites in.

Basically an Australia but with freedom.

Officially, the state of Arizona website, museum, and official materials cite the following origins of the Arizona flag: "Charles Wilfred Harris, Colonel in the Arizona National Guard, served as the captain of the unit’s rifle team in 1910. During the rifle competition at Camp Perry, Ohio, the Arizona team was the only team without an emblem of any kind. Colonel Harris was chiefly responsible for the creation of the rifle team flag that in 1917 became the Arizona State Flag. Blue and gold are the colors of Arizona. Red and gold are the colors carried by Coronado’s Expedition of 1540 to the Seven Cities of Cibola. The blue is “liberty blue” identical to the color in the United States flag field of stars. Since Arizona is a western state, the rays of the setting sun seemed appropriate. There are thirteen rays representing the original “thirteen colonies.” The large copper star identifies Arizona as the largest producer of copper in the United States. >On February 27, 1917, the legislature passed the bill to adopt this flag as the official Arizona State Flag despite dissenting votes and Governor Campbell’s refusal to affix his signature to the bill.


Top 8:

Arizona 'cuz I live here
New fuckin' Hampshire

they're both better than the nordic shithole that is sweden
sweden looks like some creepy claymation christmas movie

too many qts here for this to be considered a shithole desu senpai

baltimore & the beltway don't represent us!

Born and raised in Phoenix. Nice places outside of the cities but Phoenix and Tucson are shitholes. Spent several years in Prescott, liked that a lot. Now living in Idaho, won't be back.

you guys did produce John Wilkes Booth, you get points there.

honestly jealous

Ive been to Phoenix for a Rattler workout. There was 3-4 prostitutes in my hotel lobby. Cool city

But I love the cactus. It's easy to avoid and is nice to look at. Haven't fallen into one yet, but they are easy enough to avoid.

Cool, never knew that. Arizona's flag is really nice.

That's right everyone, Arizona is all desert. Only come here if you want to move to Phoenix or Tucson in the desert.

Stay the fuck out of the north.

What part of Arizona should I move to?

The mexicans cant speak english anyway

Idaho isn't very pro-white despite the hype.
They literally cover up rapefugges.

>Stay the fuck out of the north.
no :^)

Doesn't change the fact that your state is utter trash.
Anything north of Case Grande

Fagstaff get out

Someone post the Floirda Constitutions because it is the best state

>hot college girls

but they're soooooooooooo dumb. I spent a week working at ASU once, it was basically pic related, everywhere

Not so fast desert state

I agree. Arizona is the birthplace of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Traci.


More like Swagstaff

cholla is the worst. fuck cholla

>want to move to AZ for muh guns and muh skywatching
>live in washington
>literally can't function if it's 75+

> Oklahoma

There is nothing swagish in Flagstaph. Just a bullshit city with a bullshit university and bullshit snow slopes.

110+ degrees at NIGHT in the summer in Phoenix. TFW you can bake cookies in your car. Why the fuck do people live there?

Coloradofag here... free healthcare is on our ballot this Nov. How will they pay for it? 10% state income tax. Things are not looking good :(

>decedents of people that broke down on the way to California
>old people
it is hot as fuck here, but everything is air-conditioned so it's no big deal
unless you want to be outside, but who wants that

What the fuck happened to you here?

Stop being a fatty

It's not a good state if it's going to go blue.

Then you should move to a northern town like Flagstaff or Prescott.


That why you keep electing Cancer boy MCain?

>120 degrees
>full of illegal spics
>best state

great state to live in, outside of ASU and the califags that come here in numbers equal to jews in a train

couldn't quite make the top 20?

I'm sure you'll do better next survey

No men may poo in ladies loo here m8.

imo washington state and maine are the best, but pretty much every state with the rockies as well is top tier and comfy

LA fag here. this is so true.

where from friend?

there's drug addicts, homeless people and poor people everywhere in Phoenix. It has extremely high crime, 120 degrees, illegals everywhere, mexican gang and drugs everywhere. The best place in arizona is the 3 mile radius of ASU, and even there resides homeless meth addicts on the streets.

Also the Air Force is trying to get rid of A10s, it's a crappy jet.

Florida sucks, aside from beaches and fishing (which are both awesome). It's nothing but old people who can't drive sitting around waiting to die, and cousin-marrying rednecks.

I'd substitute Kentucky or Georgia for Florida.

Oklahoma is basically just Texas but with more indians and mexicans and a shittier economy. There's two cities there that barely matter, and they are like 30 minutes apart.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>Not Target and Harris Teater
needs to be updated tbqh

All over the southern half of the state. We moved around down there when I was a kid. Living in Georgia(Macon) rn, fuck Atlanta.

Never understand why Texas has those 90º degree straight line limit with Nuevo Méjico

Yeah fucking right. Hairy Petter got bought out.

originally a New Iberia sugar cane planer fag here

>encouraging more people to come to Tucson
pls no

we're full of stupid liberal shit and beaners as it is, the only worse place in AZ is Phoenix

no more

Where's the NJ one?

Get a qt prescott/flagstaff gf to hole up with for summer.

Awww jesss
MUH nigga any yuma fags here?

maryland is a communist shithole. fuck your state and fuck your speed cameras.


Yes. Thats the point.

>tfw arizona has more forests than germany
One of the provisions was to make the new mexico territory that took land from Texas, but the state was granted $10 M in return.

central and union hills here.
born 81

cactus view elementary school.
vista verda middle school.
north canyon/ironwood high school.

have any of you newfags even heard of jesters court?

Stop ruining our best secret god damn it! Everyone still thinks AZ's all deserts and it needs to stay that way!

>speed cameras
>get hit with commute flashbacks

Of Arizona goes blue, that will prove you wrong

>no access to clean water
>can't live sustainably
>filled with morons who have no idea how to take care of themselves
>fucking morons.

you even have snow, oy vey stop hiding it

lets see this post with cost of living comparisons faggot

I've been to Philmont in New Mexico. Of course it's cooler up there when you're well over a mile above sea level.

oops meant to respond to

wtf is going on here?

You meant Pennsylvania, desu

> capital of the new world

Lived in Phoenix for a few years, public transportation is shitty and when you're blind in an eye you kinda have to rely on it.

Also pic related is so much more comfy.

we call that snow, Muhammad. I know you immigrated to Sweden last spring, but you should know they get snow all the time in the upcoming months.

California can live without the US

US can't live without California.

Fuck yourselves poor liability states

AZ has a ton of forest like 35% coverage is pine forests. I think we have the largest pine forests in the world

>120 degrees
you can't handle the heat pussy?
>full of illegal spics
Trump Train will ride them out soon enough

>pic related's state is the 2nd best state because pic related

does anyone have the michigan version of this picture?

Right exactly this

It sounds nice but I wouldn't be able to deal with the heat.

>mini mexico
>best state

top jej

look here, there's most of em

>The best place in arizona is the 3 mile radius of ASU
what? no. have you ever been to Gilbert or select parts of Socttsdale?
Even Mesa has some based parts.
Also, dare to venture out of maricopa county

I'm moving to pic related with my wife in the future. Pretty sure Montana is the best state.

ayy thanks

As a fellow """Euro""" i will update you're list

>New Hampshire

Sorry if your state didn't make the list maybe you should stop being a cuck and do something about it.

It's a swing state with 1/3 of it's land not belonging to its citizenry.

>The best place in arizona is the 3 mile radius of ASU, and even there resides homeless meth addicts on the streets.

Tempe is a liberal pit. Easily most liberal city in the Valley. Scottsdale is way better.

Hot dusty and despicable scenery.