Let's celebrate Popeye the famous sailor.
Let's celebrate Popeye the famous sailor
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>I'm almost sorry that Cousin Jim died
Wimpy's a stone cold motherfucker
Does anyone have that comic where Wimpy attempts to straight up murder a man for a hamburger?
Man, broken English was quite a feature of comic characters in those days. Yellow Kid, Krazy Kat, Popeye...
holy shit, Wimpy
>Does anyone have that comic where Wimpy attempts to straight up murder a man for a hamburger?
It's the measure of Wimpy that I have to reply with the question: WHICH ONE?
I could only find this when I searched for it. If I remember right someone bets that Wimpy would murder a man for a hamburger.
Newspaper comics used to be so weird in a good way. Now they're just weird in a terrible way.
Holy shit wimpy is a psychopath
I miss when Bluto was not just some chump but an actual threat to rival popeye.
What the hell is that?
A terrible comic from the worst CPA firm in town.
>meaner than satan
damn son
you talk like you were there, how fucking old are you?
Please tell me there is a collection of old Thimble Theater/Popeye strips?
Or at least that some newspapers reprint them like they do with Peanuts.
I've never actually thought to seek out the comics, the cartoons were always enough for me. But now...
God damn, I knew there was a reason Wimpy was my favorite Non-Popeye character as a kid.
Considering it's Wimpy, the next strip could have been him commenting that he knew it was blanks because of the way the guy felt or he genuinely just didn't care.
Either way, it still would have perfectly in character.
How has Wimpy never gotten his own series of shorts?
holy fucking shit i didn't think it would be that straightforward
I was thinking it was going to be something like "that episode when" threads where the claim is greatly exaggerated, and ends up being gross negligence out of greed, but this is just nonchalant homicide
Odd really considering how popular he was. Wimpy basically took over the Sunday strips for a while there.
Wimpy the philospher.
Please tell me someone has the rest of this.
I don't have those strips but here's what happens if I recall correctly::
The Geezil doesn't die for whatever reason, Roughhouse refuses to pay for an incompete murder and gets into an argument with Wimpy over it, Geezil retaliates for the attempt assassination by putting rat poison in Wimpy's food, Wimpy eats it and is declared dead by a doctor, Roughhouse celebrates Wimpy's death by offering free hamburgers for everyone in the place, and the lure of free burgers is enough to resurrect Wimpy.
I found part 1. This comic strip was filled with foul characters.
Based Wimpy
Had a bit of it mixed up I see.
I'd initially expected him to just be considering it before moving on to a different scheme.
Wimpy rules. He makes Jughead look like a bitch.
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
Thimble Theater volumes, when?
He's Popeye the Sailor Man
He lives in a garbage can
He turns the heater
It blows off his weiner
He's Popeye the Sailor Man
Jesus, he ate the bear alive, fur and all.
Lord help us if he ever eats some Spinach.
I doubt anybody will ever bother. Fantagraphics printed the stories with Popeye (those books are now out of print unfortunately) but there doesn't seem to be enough interest in the strips from the decade before he showed up to justify collecting those.
Look at that last panel again; not only did Wimpy do that, but it went down so quickly that the bear didn't even realize what was happening.
Nope; Wimpy's a monster.
Is Wimpy related to Jughead? They both seem to no give a fuck for any lawn or conduct of society, they just want hamburguers
>Lived all my live thinking that The Goon was a darker and shadier take on Popeye
>It's the other way around
Dids someonesk says "goon">
>commits first-degree murder
>calls up mayor to brag
I mean I know Wimpy tried to kill him, but I still wouldn't recommend that.
Genndy's cancelled movie would be nice to have, as a tribute to the cartoons, but the comics are how I want a new show to be like. Less dependent on the Bluto/spinach formula for one, and more wacky slice of life.
>George is often portrait as a clobber, dishonest pawn shop owner or as a scam merchant
>Pic related
Now they share juice.
He's Popeye the Sailor Man
He's lives in a frying pan
Turn on the gas
Burn off his ass
He's Popeye the Sailor Man
Please let whimpy's exploits be a new meme
Who'd win in a fight: Wimpy or Jughead?
Keep in mind burgers are on the line.
Fantagraphics reprinted the entire Segar run in six beautiful hardcovers. You might have to shop around (the fifth book's sold out on Amazon US and UK) but they're absolutely worth it