>think all this tranny shit is just propaganda
>bored, checking facebook
>see pic related
>this is a dutch male
>haha it's ok dude, it's just a costume party
it seems normies instantly pick up all the fucking kike propaganda
>think all this tranny shit is just propaganda
>bored, checking facebook
>see pic related
>this is a dutch male
>haha it's ok dude, it's just a costume party
it seems normies instantly pick up all the fucking kike propaganda
>using Facebook
You wouldn't fuck it OP? I would
not an argument
There's literally nothing wrong with being a tranny.
Would bang
Men make better looking women than most women.
yes, but you are gay, that's hardly surprising
is that Huma?
Prove me wrong.
I'm not saying cross dressing is good or acceptable.
kinda cute
Wew lad, I was under the impression that the world was under a cultural marxist agenda.
I'd fuck it
Only on Saturdays.
>guy puking.jpg
Wouldn't fuck
>Transparent Argument.jpg
>not Transparent Argument with actual transparent background
missed opportunity mate
fucking gross desu
> brazil
My college is constantly having drag shows and parties for that godawful Rocky Horror bullshit. Just nuke us please.
He looks pretty sexy though.
>not appreciating Drag Queens
That's my fetish
he would be a great tranny op! Stop being a jealous faggot and share more pics of her
kill yourself Ziemowit
Maybe blonde is more your thing
even worse
It's acceptable if we choose to accept it.
You could just ignore it, rather than sperging out and demanding people limit their freedom of expression to avoid offending your sensibilities.
I've crossdressed once using my gf's clothing at the time, late halloween party so why not. Was alright, bit tight and no idea why women make themselves so vulnerable, felt weird but was fun.
Btw, cross gender kind of shit is as old as humanity, it has nothing to do with kikes, its a form of release, especially for males, from the pressures society puts on males, a way to be free from all of it, which is being part of the privileged and coddled to part of society, women.
My little bro dressed similar to this but more slutty last night.
He was fucking hilarious though, pretended he was a tranny the whole night and never broke character till the end. Even then he had to do that cos he and his misus had to fend off several desperate degenerates.
Maybe where you're from. Normies here think the tranny movement is ridiculous
>being a faggot
He has a kid and a girlfriend, so he is a pretty shit faggot. He might be bisexual though I guess.
I'd say it was more of costume taken too far than a prank.
he was cute
>He has a kid and a girlfriend
like many homosexuals who later came out of the closet.
*Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.webm*
He already had extremely feminine features as a man, so he was already halfway there.
As long as they pass as women outside, I don't care.
It's when ugly as fuck men suddenly decide they are women and walk around in wigs, dresses and full beards that I think we've gone too far.
They also champion the term "TRANS" instead of the gender they identify as.
Very few people actually have gender dysmorphia, there are medicines you can take to rectify the chemical imbalance that makes them disgusted with their own bodies.
The only thing is that LGBT-rights groups try to demonize them as zyclon B for trannies.
It takes about 1-2 years on the meds and you're back to normal.
Social justice has done more harm than good and they NEVER EVER have an actual solution after silencing, sueing and driving people to suicide with their tolerance.
If you're ever having a discussion with a SJW ask them what their final solution is.
Creating a dialogue and respecting people are not good answers.
They literally want the .4% to be at the top because they are the most oppressed.
It's not based on merit or skills, just being the best in The Oppression Olympics.
>gender dysmorphia
Gender DYSPHORIA, actually.
>The only thing is that LGBT-rights groups try to demonize them as zyclon B for trannies.
Most LGBT groups don't, it's really only Tumblr that's opposed to it.
>If you're ever having a discussion with a SJW ask them what their final solution is.
I wouldn't advise using those exact words, because they have, as they say, "certain implications".
I'm going to a party tonight as a (((racist))) Donald trump supporter
>I wouldn't advise using those exact words, because they have, as they say, "certain implications".
Maybe in North America, but not here.
so, as a kike?
man i would party with him and get him drunk then fuck his ass
>Modern women are unfuckable SJWs
>Based trannies step in to fill the void
What's the problem?
Most trannies aren't any better than cisgender women. A lot of wannabe tranny chasers think trannies would be cool since they think like men, but that isn't true for the most part since they go out of their way to reject anything man-like.
It's funny. Black folks I know spout this shit about how you should never wear women's clothing even for jokes because it's a tactic to rip self respect and demasculinize yourself.
They are so fucking right kek. Whites really need to stop this shit and beat people like the guy in op. It isn't really funny and it's actually pretty sad. I mean really, this is what happens when you let bitch culture run rampant.
If you're a faggot I guess it wouldn't be a problem.
If you feel that threatened by trannies, you're already emasculated. And beating them up won't make them cis, it will probably just seem to confirm their suspicions that masculine men are inherently violent and destructive. Male-on-male violence is basically the main reason internalized misandry is a thing, after all.
that's not the point
>strawmanning this hard
>that's not the point
You obviously feel that there is something which justifies using violence against these people. That's not a very manly attitude to have. You can't "force" people to be manly, because being forced to do something is inherently unmanly.
>>strawmanning this hard
I'm not strawmanning, but speaking from personal experience.
>using violence
stop making shit up
>beating people up isn't violence
Are you L I T E R A L L Y retarded?
post more pics of vincent
preferably in stockings
for research purposes
>>beating people up
when and where did I say it?