>not owning a firearm
It's as if you cucks want your house to get broken into by niggers that will tie you up and rape your wife and kids while you are forced to watch because you couldn't defend yourself. Pathetic.
But OP, that would be exactly what cucks would want.
Sounds like an american problem.
I have bought a pistol and two ar-15 lower receivers, gonna pick them up sometime next week. Have I done right?
Yeah I'm not suprised so many cucks are anti-gun and anti-second amendment.
You've done good user. Shotguns are the best for home defense imo thought.
Lad, fix that shit you have in your head. It sounds like you really want this to happen to you.
>needing weapons to defend himself against blacks, whites or whatever
I live in apartment, and plan to build one ar-15 into suppressed SBR.
Pretty sure that's my AK in pic
Sounds like you got a rape problem a lot worse than ours. Keep letting those rapefugees grab your wife's pussy on the train. It would be islamaphobic if you defended yourself wouldn't it?
Still have a gun because they're fucking fun to shoot. Plus self defense.
so you're bringing a knife to a gunfight? or nothing at all? you're a genius.
I do agree.
Like what if there was a happening and there was civil unrest? I feel much safer knowing that I can defend myself and my family against the unthinkable
>not using the best tool available for the job
Sure you may not need a hammer to drive a nail into a board, but why would you use anything else?
Same idea.
Yeah whatever you say eurocuck
I like you user. You got a good head on your shoulders
As long as you don't get that faggoty A2 front sight when you buid 'em...
Yea if you shoot Tyrone then he can't fuck your wife.
I don't feel the need to own a firearm so that I'm safe. Notice anything?
Shotguns are better when you have neighbours.
Pellets don't penetrate walls that well.
>No trigger discipline.
0/10 would not bang.
>suppressed SBR
enjoy waiting a year