>say the most controversial thing you can in 5 words or less
harambe sucked and trump gay
>say the most controversial thing you can in 5 words or less
harambe sucked and trump gay
I disagree with your opinion
Asians are hostile, not bro-tier.
i will fuck your peehole
I'm a proud white male
nothing wrong with being jewish
Putin is great
Australian posters are the best posters
Estonia is nordic
Communism is progressive idea and must be brought to life
Feminists are very serious and influentual movement
The Holocaust should have happened.
aryan blood tastes like shit
Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.
Civilisation is cancer to humanity
youre waifu sucks
I only fuck black girls
There are only two genders.
Nigel Farage is pretty ugly, I don't like seeing his face all the time on Sup Forums and wish people would stop posting him
But the year is 2016!
I'm Christian.
Most neets enjoy anal play
I just want government accountability.
"never happened but it should"
Lol. I don't think most people got your joke.
underrated tbqh
why were pepole mad that harambe was killed? It was dragging a fucking child.
mental illness is not okay
Blacks are people too