Spoon feed me

What the hell is happening? I leave for a few days and suddenly a new scandal?

What did I miss?

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FBI discovered new Clinton emails that have led them to reopen their investigation. We don't know anything, they haven't reviewed the emails, we don't even know if they actually have seen an email that is horribly confidential or scandalous, just that whatever they have has led them to reopen the investigation.

I'm sure we'll know nothing until after the election.

Clinton is calling for them to release whatever the hell it is they're talking about so it can be out in the open, hardly the behavior of a guilty person.

Meanwhile Trump is saying this is worse than watergate, top fucking kek.


She looks like Liv Tyler in these pictures.

NYPD discovered new information while investigating Anthony Wiener (Huma's beard) for sexting an underage girl. Apparently they have the 33k "deleted" emails. Whatever is in there may or may not be damaging, but the mere fact that Huma and/or Wiener had them is a crime, and the mere fact that Clinton claimed they were deleted under oath is a crime.

Regardless, Comey felt it was big enough to warrant announcing a new investigation 11 days prior to the election.

Clinton is calling for them to release it now rather than just saying what was in them. Likely she thinks it won't stay hidden for 11 days and wants a week to do damage control.

This is worse than watergate, which was 19 minutes of deleted audio tape regarding reading private documents, not 33,000 emails regarding rigging elections and selling out American interests for private gain.

CTR is in full crisis mode. Anyone who says this is not a big deal is being paid to say that.

>CTR is in full crisis mode. Anyone who says this is not a big deal is being paid to say that.


Fuck off CTR jew

Someone stuck a weiner in Hillary's campaign

> Apparently they have the 33k "deleted" emails.

That is bald-faced wishful speculation. Why would Wiener have 33k personal emails of Hillary Clinton on his phone? He must have had something the FBI had not seen but all 33k? And those deleted emails were selected by a bunch of lawyers, not the Clintons.

>Clinton is calling for them to release it now rather than just saying what was in them.

How could she possibly know what was in them? She doesn't know what they have. She's sent tens of thousands of emails, how could she possibly know that?

>33,000 emails regarding rigging elections and selling out American interests for private gain.

There is no evidence of that. You Trumpfags are so melodramatic. The emails that we have seen show nothing like that, though there was a bit of a "pay for play culture" in the state dept, that's not the same thing as "selling out American interests".

>hardly the behavior of a guilty person

Thank you for attempting to Correct The Record, but you're wrong.

She's practiced in law. She knows they can't release anything they have involved in an active investigation.

It's an attempt to appear trustworthy and transparent. That is all.

The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.

The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.

I would

i-i-is that one of those clown costumes?

The wiener thing is a cover.

She's going down on RICO charges.

Kim Dotcom saved western civilization and nobody will ever know.

its just drumpfs clinging onto every little small thing as hope it will change things

nothing has even happened that involves Hillary but they are pretending it is

newfag here. What does CTR stand for?

the party, pal.


>NYPD discovered new information while investigating Anthony Wiener (Huma's beard) for sexting an underage girl. Apparently they have the 33k "deleted" emails. Whatever is in there may or may not be damaging, but the mere fact that Huma and/or Wiener had them is a crime, and the mere fact that Clinton claimed they were deleted under oath is a crime.

I think they will uncover serious RICO activities and it will implicate the king groid.

They all belong to jail.

Comey is trying to save his own ass.

>hardly the behavior of a guilty person.
She's just like OJ trying to find the real killers

I can't believe people are stupid enough to fall for these "CONFIDENTIAL MEMO" trolls.

Truth is Hillary has no need to pay people to promote Clinton on Sup Forums. All of these reddit Trump supporters are really easy to troll and that's what 90% of the "ctr" posts are. The other 10% are sincere. This is like /tg/ when D&D 4.0 came out. It's shooting fish in a barrel trolling you idiots by repeating/rephrasing Clinton propaganda.

>There is no evidence of that.
good job.
.002 shekels are in your CTR payponzi account.

The Never-Trump crowd have finally brought in a candidate of their own, his solution to Obama-care is pretty based:

There's also another new third-party candidate, she's been rapidly rising in the polls.

Also, Jeb is back.

All in all the two party system is crumbling

Welcome to the universe of Trump



He've been slowly and steadily climbing in the polls. This boring but steady approach have enabled him to avoid the attention of his opponents until on the verge of victory.
Also, his vicepres candidate Taylor have stolen half of Trump's supporters, leaving him just with the deplorables.


pic related

they did not "reopen" the investigation.
Comey had to inform congress that he would read those three emails.

As much as I hope this will finish Hillary.
It is indeed nothing...

I see, thank you for correcting the record (tm).

Guess I'm back to voting for Hillary then. Nearly #felttheBern there.

>facts mean you shill for hillary



I know a lot more about this than you, my Kraut friend.

Give it 3 days.

i don't, some people are saying that but i really doubt that's all it is. Why would he announce that during an election? Doesn't seem to be something he'd need to announce unless there was something there. Though, he did the same shit with the initial investigation so there's that.

>33k personal emails of Hillary Clinton on his phone

The emails are on a family laptop. Huma used it for conducting State Department business through a fucking Yahoo! email account. Weiner used it for spanking his weiner to jailbait.

Rumors are flying that the FBI confiscated 4 devices from their residence: his phone, a family laptop and two of Hillary's old Blackberries.

You hear that sound? It's the Clinton airplane crashing with no survivors.

> Better them than the rest of us.

>. Why would he announce that during an election?

because he is looking after his own butt.
He told congress that they would not review any additional mails.
If he would read those three mails without telling congress about it he would lie.

I sure hope so.
It doesn't matter anyway, just the media reporting this shit helps.
The Trump stuff was literally nothing... and just reporting it had an impact.
I hope the media will milk this none-news for the last one and a half weeks to the election.

No, you look like liv tyler in this pictures

>She's going down on RICO charges.

This. And it's going to be fucking delicious to watch. I hope Bill (and Huma) lives long enough to be prosecuted, too.

> tfw Huma is the final rung up the ladder and a Saudi spy
> tfw she gets thrown under the bus
> tfw she turns state's witness
> tfw Hillary is first on Rope Day

FBI has found new emails pertaining to the Clinton case.

According to Sup Forumstards this will swing the election, despite all evidence to the contrary. People don't really care about the emails, like, at all.

Still, can't wait for the salt on pol once Hillary wins.

I wrote two replies for you, pick the one you like:

Dude, you should know by know that anything that goes against our narrative will be automatically dismissed as a fiendish ploy by CTR.

Don't worry. When you say facts then I listen and believe. My vote that was previously intended for Drumpf will now be cast for Hillary. Anything to stop that madman from getting the nuclear codes!

They should all hang

Thanks for Correcting the Record

>o Sup Forumstards this will swing the election,

No, it's going to lead to the entire Clinton Gang being arrested and tried under RICO statutes.

i want to penis her

Add to the fact that if FBI priduced material during an investigation it may render that material inadmissable.

Dumb fucking jillary. It's a lawyers ruse that only a complete noob, or complicit ally, would fall for.

Rumor has it that Assange and Kim Dotcom have revealed to the USG that they had all of Hillary's e-mails - all 33,000 of them - all along. If they do not indict Hillary and throw her in jail, Assange and KD are threatening to release ALL of the e-mails, unredacted, to the public. These e-mails will not only completely implicate Hillary Clinton, but also Barack Obama, and - worst of all - set back national security by 30 years.

Rumor has it that Comey and Obama are now working to throw Hillary under the bus rather than expose that their entire administration is a corrupt house of cards and destroy national security.

Rumor has it that Hillary has become the patsy.

That is, if you believe the rumors.

>Trump you're building a wall... AT THE WRONG BORDER, look north!
You know she's right

Comey literally said he's reopening the case fucknuts

the only crime she committed is not rubbing those feet on my face.

How do you have sex with nuts? And why?

Isis can wait, Prime Minister Trudy is the true danger.

pepe y u do dis

>norway in charge of knowing American idioms

consider killing yourself, my man

they can't figure out what chans are going to do next because we don't already know ourselves

The tidbit that this obvious shill left out is tah the FBI can't release anything during an investigation. So Hillary can say dumb shit all she wants.

Screw the fact that he's prime minister, check the moustache! That nasty fucker alone should make him be on some watch-list along with at least some kind of UN-sanctions.

How can you know what is in emails that nobody has seen?

So much fucking YES!!

Will killing somehow myself grant me knowledge on the subject of having sex with nuts?

>Kim Dotcom saved western civilization and nobody will ever know.

I'll know senpai.
I'll know


do it

Correct. You'll get 72 uncracked nuts upon killing yourself.

Okay then, gimme a sec.

Me too, kinda

She's only calling for the FBI to release the emails because she knows they can't release them until the investigation is over, which will be well after the election is over. It's an empty gesture.

What in God's name is she wearing? Flying out to a DC Halloween party maybe?

why are all the pictures broken, i want to see sexy huma

I want to believe.

She's a lesbian spy that licked Hillary for information to give to the saudis.

i imagine it would be some angry bdsm leather crops involved sex.


this..wtf is wrong with Sup Forums today?

>implying we don't just share intelligence with the Saudis anyways

Ok look at the bottom left of the photo. What is that extra ridge at the bottom of her foot wtf. Is that her reptile tail?

Where do I collect my check for being part of CTR?


Test, plz ignore

That's a tracksuit with high heels?

the federal reserve.

Deep State is doing Hillary in.

She must have really shit her pants this time.

yah blew it

What do they do with their findings if they haven't reopened the investigation?

>Deep State
[citation needed]

Not that I'm disagreeing, but what makes you guys so sure she'll go down on RICO charges? RICO is hardcore, could they find enough shit to bring everything down on top of her?


these people have HORRIBLE IT security. Why didn't the clinton camp think of wiping Weiner's computer like a year ago?

idiots, the lot of them

There's plenty of evidence if the FBI and DoJ are willing to put it together. It's also such all-encompassing corruption that RICO is about the only tool to use against them.

I'll miss Jenna Haze

only one way to know for sure

you sure that's jenna? I'm just shitposting out of an old hard drive folder


>Clinton is calling for them to release whatever the hell it is they're talking about so it can be out in the open, hardly the behavior of a guilty person.

She does this because she knows that they can't release information regarding an ongoing investigation, so it makes her look like she's being transparent when she's being anything but.

She and her entire circle are corrupt. Huma is guilty of perjury at the very least. Clinton may be as well, depending on the content of the emails.

Steven Tyler i think you mean m8

I feel genuinely touched. And by a fucking leaf, too.

sure looks like her in the pink

especially if it's from an old HD

it's a fuccin great recap, well worthy of memeage!

Is this a just a case of not deleting emails and keeping a clean inbox? Are they that stupid?



backstabbing muslim

have annudah

This is such Trump shill hyperbole.

She said under oath that they were deleted, that doesn't mean if someone had them hidden on their computer she is guilty of perjury or wrong doing. That means Wiener is fucked.

And to assume the emails are about "rigging elections" and "selling out American interests" is simply erroneous. You don't know what the emails are about until you see them.

Comparing it to Watergate and saying anyone who questions its importance is being paid is simply a means to suppress critical thinking that disagrees with your agenda.

CTR is in full crisis mode? Judging by what I see on Sup Forums, the Trump supporters are flipping out because of the polls and on full offense, trying to turn around what is clearly an unavoidable conclusion: Madame President Hillary Clinton.

The "#DraftOurGirls" or whatever, trying to fuck with her voter call system, pushing lame propaganda memes, etc. is just evidence that, deep in their hearts, Trump supporters know the game is lost.

You guys backed the wrong horse and fucked over the supreme court for the next generation. You should have supported an actual Republican candidate who could have defeated Hillary, instead you picked a demagogue RINO who had no chance of winning.

He did extremely well given he is not part of the political establishment, but he isn't going to win. Everyone knows this. Denial doesn't change reality.