Here's an article from a German magazine I've translated a few weeks ago: Semi-clumsy translation inc. It's an essay published in the SPIEGEL, a very prolific progressive center left-magazine in Germany.
>"I want a man who's kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?" - Zsa Zsa Gabor
>The german man is like Greece. Everyone knows something has to change. But everything stays as it is.
The Greeks have Angela Merkel. Maybe she manages to pressure them to implement reforms. The german men on the other hand even Merkel can't change. One can only cajole them into changing.
This was futilely attempted by parties ranging from Manuela Schwesig (Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) to the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Some time ago, the SPIEGEL urged via editorial that men should overhaul their self-image. As usual, nothing happened.
The list of men's shortcomings is long. He works instead of taking care of the kids. He wants to be the primary breadwinner. And then he tries avoid doing the dishes. Men need, here everyone is in agreement, a new concept of their own role as men.
>Interestingly many men think likewise. 82% of all men with children would like to work part-time, according to a study of the consulting agency "Väter" every third father considers 32 working hours a week the ideal amount. Many men are allegedly willing to forgo part of their income as long as their wife earns accordingly. So why are so few actually doing it?