Germany's biggest Left wing magazine admits that's there's something wrong with modern women

Here's an article from a German magazine I've translated a few weeks ago: Semi-clumsy translation inc. It's an essay published in the SPIEGEL, a very prolific progressive center left-magazine in Germany.

>"I want a man who's kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?" - Zsa Zsa Gabor
>The german man is like Greece. Everyone knows something has to change. But everything stays as it is.
The Greeks have Angela Merkel. Maybe she manages to pressure them to implement reforms. The german men on the other hand even Merkel can't change. One can only cajole them into changing.
This was futilely attempted by parties ranging from Manuela Schwesig (Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) to the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Some time ago, the SPIEGEL urged via editorial that men should overhaul their self-image. As usual, nothing happened.
The list of men's shortcomings is long. He works instead of taking care of the kids. He wants to be the primary breadwinner. And then he tries avoid doing the dishes. Men need, here everyone is in agreement, a new concept of their own role as men.
>Interestingly many men think likewise. 82% of all men with children would like to work part-time, according to a study of the consulting agency "Väter" every third father considers 32 working hours a week the ideal amount. Many men are allegedly willing to forgo part of their income as long as their wife earns accordingly. So why are so few actually doing it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>One explanation looks like this: men are trapped inside traditions. They can't distance themselves from the outdated concept that they have to feed their family. They're still stuck in a 50s mindset. They say they should change, but they don't want to. This behavior was called "Verbale Aufgeschlossenheit bei weitgehender Verhaltensstarre" ("verbalized open-mindedness while suffering from behavioral immobility" or something like that) by sociologist Ulrich Beck over a quarter of a century ago.
>Possibly this explanation is correct, but not as Beck intended. He's right about the behavioral immobility. But is it really men who are the immobile ones? Couldn't it also be the expectations of women? Regarding the role of men, the desires of women are, carefully phrased, contradictory.
>The president of the Berlin-based WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Jutta Allmendinger, has interviewed young women and men about their positions regarding job and family. Some findings were to be expected. Most women said their partner should support them profressionally. They want them to do a fair share of the household chores. And they don't want to be left alone with childcare.
>Other results are surprising. Over 93% of all women want, according to the study released in 2013, a man who can pay for his own livelihood. But it isn't enough for the women if a man just gets by. Almost three quarters of the interviewees expect the man to earn money, and not just a little, but a lot. It seems to be true what the british "Telegraph" has written succinctly, but hardly gender-sensitive: "what women really want: marrying a rich man."

>Other results are surprising. Over 93% of all women want, according to the study released in 2013, a man who can pay for his own livelihood. But it isn't enough for the women if a man just gets by. Almost three quarters of the interviewees expect the man to earn money, and not just a little, but a lot. It seems to be true what the british "Telegraph" has written succinctly, but hardly gender-sensitive: "what women really want: marrying a rich man."
>This produces a difficult situation for men. Technically he should have distanced himself from the idea that his position in the family is defined by his income. After all, we're in the middle of a "crisis of male identity and the political structures that rest on the man as primary breadwinner", as the Cologne-based political scientist Thomas Gesterkamp called it.
>On the other hand the woman expects that the wallet is stuffed when he gets home. How can a man see in a relationship context eye to eye and simultaneously earn a lot of money? Not really with a part-time job in a nursery school that leaves plenty of time for housework.
The truth is: there are very few jobs that enable a guy to earn a lot of money and leave enough time to drive the son to his violin lessons and the daughter to her soccer training. Presumably that's the reason why men still stick to working full-time, instead of taking on part-time jobs in the service sector that are touted on "Boys' Days" (iniative in Germany that's supposed to awaken curiosity in boys for traditionally female jobs, counterpart to the "Girls' Day" that does the inverse for girls. No, it's not a translation, it's actually named called like that).

>Men would love to be different. "We don't want to be the sole breadwinners" said the signatories of the men-manifesto of the Green Party five years ago. "we want less pressure to perform, better health prevention, more valuable time. We don't want to be Heroes of Labour." >Who prevents the men from working less would be one obvious question. One possible answer: their wives.
>On the one hand a man can't be modern enough for them. On the other hand the concept of the man as the primary breadwinner enjoys unwavering popularity among women. Not only Allmender's studies indicate this.
>The british sociologist Catherine Hakim concluded in her report for the London-based Centre for Policy Studies that women in most European countries aspire to marry up. This means they want a man who is better educated and earns more than they do. According to Hakim, this also applies to the gender-politically progressive norse countries.
>The desire to marry into money and status remains strong. A study relased a few years ago by the Bundesfamilienministerium (federal family ministry) regarding the Lebensentwürfe (no real English word for this I am aware of, it describes an idea of how you plan your overall life to be) of young women and men came to the conclusion that the fixation on traditional gender roles didn't bother the young women - "on the contrary: it is considered as necessary for enabling one's own life planning".
>An ever-increasing number of women have reputable, well-paid jobs. It would be imaginable that they stopped expecting status in their partners for that reason. Instead, the opposite seems to be the case. The demands grow. This is an interesting phenomenon.
>In an article for the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", a while ago a colleague made a calculation: "if half of all smart men marry a dumb woman, all that's left for more than half of the smart women are dumb men." The dumb ones, these were men and women without university degree.

>No wonder many a man is unsettled. Which of the different roles women expect of him should he fulfill? Men who contemplate about gender roles and their place are considered as introspective and self-critical, like women want it. Or so one thinks.
>But then Nina Pauer wrote for "Die Zeit" an essay where she moaned about the "Men of Sorrows" who couldn't come to terms with the "overtaxing dual message" of women. The reform of the mentality regarding the classic image of men has gotten grotesque, she wrote. That men didn't know anymore when it was "the moment to come forward", to make the "decisive move". Women want to be swept off their feet, this was Pauer's message. But men weren't able to do that anymore.
>One could object that someone who asks for vegetarian scrambled eggs in a restaurant shouldn't complain afterwards that the meal lacks bacon in it. But women can live with that contradiction. They want their scrambled eggs vegetarian and with bacon.
>If the pensive ones already have it hard, what about those men who actively take on the new role? Who clean the stairs, sew on buttons, and use the vacuum cleaner, and this not only every once in a while, but at least as often as their partners? Women are happy - at least that's what they say in surveys. But they don't consider these men sexually attractive.
>The american family therapist Lori Gottlieb published a long essay for the "New York Times" last year, where she relayed her experiences with couples who shared household chores equally. She observed that these marriages worked well on a friendship level. Alas, these women less frequently wanted sex with their partners.

>Gottlieb's perception are confirmed by a study published by the "American Sociological Review" some time ago, nicely titled "Egalitarianism, Housework, and Sexual Frequency in Marriage". This study came to the conclusion as well that men have less sex when they take on household chores. This goes for classic household chores like wiping the floor or vacuum cleaning. But when he repairs the car, frequency of sex increases. Women consider a man attractive who can handle a car jack instead of a scouring cloth.
>And what does all this mean? Whoever likes it quiet and peaceful and thinks sex is overrated anyway should be considered a winner under the modernized gender roles. Everyone else is better off waiting.
In the meantime, women can think about what they actually want from men.


Yes please

can you post source? I want to read it in German

Women don't know what they want

Something men have already known for thousands of years

women say they want one thing in a man and then demand the exact opposite

to summarize: women just want independently wealthy men who have the free time to raise kids and do chores

In other news, water is wet

The only difference, i guess, is that this article is critical of modern women and is in a major publication.

I found the article from another forum, from a German poster who translated the article into English. I can't find the source online.

Cucks aren't desirable to women despite what feminism tries to claim

>It's a "women don't know what they want and society suffers for it" episode
Yawn, this is a stale one
At least people are beginning to clue into it

Cucks are often dependable sources of income, allowing women to pursue the seed of dominant males.

That's the purpose of shit testing you - are you compliant to the surface demand (be a sensitive and caring man, so a cuck candidate) or are you going to discard the test entirely, signaling your dominant status.

I appreciate the post OP.
Women want to have a man who is caring, does chores, takes care of their children, lets them do what they want, cuddles, doesn't care if they get fat, has slow sensual sex, makes millions of dollars, has a demanding and powerful position, tells them what to do, fucks them like a jackhammer, fixes the car, makes them do the chores and stays in amazing shape.

The rise of the chucks is partially because of this. They embrace one side of the equation completely and it's the side that benefits the, the least.

thanks aus user

I envy the next generation who will have thin subservient wives after women realize how shit they are and go back to being how they should be.

Except this never happens irl outside the trailer park
Most separated fathers are cucks who end up paying huge child support

>to summarize: women just want independently wealthy men who have the free time to raise kids and do chores
You didn't understand. Men who do the housework have less sex. It isn't just about money.

>men are stuck in a 50s mindset.
>and for millions of years before that.
Why is this always left out?

This feminism bullshit is a blip on the time line that won't even be remembered in 200 years.

It will be an Islamic one, unfortunately. There is no cure for feminism but death. A shame we can't have sensible gender roles along with Western ideals.

>Most separated fathers are cucks who end up paying huge child support


>implying women won't just blame men for not existing in two states at the same time.
If their fucking cat can do it why can't men?

Women say they want men who are feminists who stay at home, but they are all hypergamous and insist on marrying a man richer than them with better income who works more.

It's almost like gender roles are biologically linked or something. :^)

The next generation is probably going to be even more worse off, considering they will grow up in a world where stable reasonably payong work will become rarer as Automation and AI improves and destroys male dominated industries.
And women will continue to have unreasonable expectation of men, and those men that'll flourish in this world will have larger soft harems as women compete for access to the top men.

The generation born in the the 2030s will probably be the ones who'll benefit for the inevitable counter culture revolution.

it is only in fiction that women are independent or admirable. fiction probably written by lonely cucks.

prove me wrong.

testosterone is proven to linked to decision making. it should be no surprise that women are terrible at making decisions and should never be allowed to do so.

The immigrants will change all this. Forget 32hours per week when you have to feed and house millions of unwilling or unable to work.

>political scientist

hue hue...hue?

That is because all the female power crap has been pushed on women and it came to be from social engineering. Not naturally.

Except Islamic wives aren't thin
Arab countries have the highest per capita obesity rates

Also, a lot of those poor and undereducated guys watch porn and play vydia. A lot of them go out and indulge in violent anti-social behaviour.

Alas, family-less men have no reason to fight for anything. Hence why Islam will dominate.

>They're still stuck in a 50s mindset.
weird how the 1870's and the 1950's were the best years for germany

Feminist doublethink ruins everything.

You're almost there.

Guys are either alpha fuck or beta bucks. Women want Alpha Bucks, but there is no such thing.

Often women will a great man, a nice alpha fucks they get tingles for, but they want to beta him a little bit. The guy think that will make her happy and goes along, and before long the woman has made him into a beta and she's know disgusted by him.

Women literally do not know what they want. As a man you really should feel bad for them. They're beyond hopeless.

Spiegel - """"""center"""""" left


Here is more """"""center""""""" left imagery.

Goy, everything is (((Center))) in germany.

> woman blaming herself.
heh. a man can dream.

Women basically want a rich husband who pays for everything including a fucking maid to do all the normal wifely duties so they don't have to do anything.

At that point you're better off just fucking the maid. Or a harem of maids.

>every third father considers 32 working hours a week the ideal amount. Many men are allegedly willing to forgo part of their income as long as their wife earns accordingly. So why are so few actually doing it?
Because the standard work week is 38-40 hours and you can't just tell your boss, "I'm only working 4 days from now."

My sister was the typical third wave feminist growing up. She ended up marrying a moderately wealthy Christian Leb who was the definition of an Alpha traditional male. Every time I'll bring up her feminism,
and the blatant contradiction that's her life, she gets angry. She still considers herself a feminist. Yet she still has yet to explain the contradiction. Women are the definition cognitive dissonance.

So eventually there will be a Butlerian Jihad?

Bang on.

This is what happens when you spend your life trying to please women, or anyone really.

This whole thing reeks with the context of "man pleasing woman"

My sister was the typical third wave feminist growing up. She ended up marrying a moderately wealthy Christian Leb who was the definition of an Alpha traditional Mid East male although he wasn't stupid and had a successful grocery business, he even made her submissive, she now behaves like an obedient Oriental woman. I was impressed and kudos to the dude as he seemed like a top bloke. But every time I' bring up her past life as a rad feminist,
and the blatant contradiction that's her life, she gets angry. She still considers herself a feminist. Yet she still has yet to explain the contradiction. Women are the personification of cognitive dissonance. I just wonder how the historians of the future will see women of the 21st century, and the contradictory dynamics between the sexes which is leading to severe social and economic problems.

Seems that way.

Thanks Celtbro

Women are whining that men are too traditional, but they are also whining that men are not traditional enough. They want men to "be better", or in other words, they want men to serve them on a platinum platter 24/7. They want men to be perfect machines and they are upset that men are human and have flaws.

>All these replies

I see Sup Forums finally understands what I've been saying for a while now. Western women already get feminism and chivalry simultaneously. They want MORE MORE MORE constantly, and they think they are oppressed, despite being the most privileged class of people in human existence. They want even more feminism and chivalry, simultaneously. They want the freedom to either conform to or reject their gender roles, while men are locked in to our gender role with no way out. Having their cake and eating it too.

Sup Forums struggled to swallow this red pill for a very long time, but I am glad the message has been accepted now.

>"if half of all smart men marry a dumb woman, all that's left for more than half of the smart women are dumb men." The dumb ones, these were men and women without university degree.

I don't think women realize this about men:

We don't care how much you earn (you expect us to do the majority of earning anyways)
We don't care how smart you are or how much of your dad's money you wasted on an 'education'
We don't care about "appearing progressive" or what others think of our choices, and whether they're 'modern' or not

We do care about:
Support (emotional, sometimes with housework)
Reason - if we cannot reason with you, and you take your beliefs from the media, you will raise our children to be the same. We are the leaders of the home. Not the government. Not the media.

Women and men are different and thus desire different things. The day women wake up and realize this is the day that women become women again.

We're not living in your TV sitcom with your beta men who act like women, yet are essentially slaves to a woman's wants. We have wants and desires, and if you want things from us - some of our wants and desires are gonna have to supersede yours.

That's called compromise and it's essential for any elongated human relationship.

Women have been completely brainwashed by media to think that men do not have valuable desires, only women do. This is enforced by the government which passes laws that protect women's wants, and enforces them - thus removing any prospect of compromise. Her way or the highway.

More and more men choose the highway.

>b-b-but why are all of the 'smart' (high earning) men marrying 'dumb' (non-brainwashed non-'educated') women?

Cause they respect our wants and desires, while you do not.

Good article, but its only halfway to redpill. To sum it up
From perspective of a woman:
>rich alpha
The prince every woman wants
>poor alpha
Used for sexual gratification and genetic material
>rich beta
Used for support
>poor beta

Ofc there are not enough alphas or rich guys for all the women, and beta men also want a woman. This is where the eternal competition of sexes comes from.

>tfw gave up on roasts about five years ago

Best decision I ever made.

>these all have nothing to do with intelligence

Actually they have everything to do with being smart

Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

>Actually they have everything to do with being smart

No they don't.

Also read the part I selected:
>"if half of all smart men marry a dumb woman, all that's left for more than half of the smart women are dumb men." The dumb ones, these were men and women without university degree."

Women only consider you 'smart' if you have a degree. Is that directly linked to intelligence? Nah son.

I'd rather have a dumb wife who is loyal, than a genius wife who fucks everyone she can.

Basically women want richly paid slaves that they can fuck

>Women literally do not know what they want.
That's fine as long as they're told what to want, as it was and should be.


>llistening to women

This is a waste of time

Be what they need not what they want because they dont know what they want

Theyre like kids

>If the pensive ones already have it hard, what about those men who actively take on the new role? Who clean the stairs, sew on buttons, and use the vacuum cleaner, and this not only every once in a while, but at least as often as their partners? Women are happy - at least that's what they say in surveys. But they don't consider these men sexually attractive.

Fucking women.

This this this this this

For a bunch of supposedly "red-pilled" people, you guys are all fucking clueless sheep when it comes to women. Even "women do not know what they want" is a female convention to obfusciate what they DO want (which runs contrary to what men want).

Get smart, incels.

tldr They want a fat cock and a nicely filled wallet

>Lebensentwürfe (no real English word for this I am aware of, it describes an idea of how you plan your overall life to be)

life plan/life script

What they want is what they need

Theyre just too retarded to word it properly

I would never help a woman raise a kid I fathered. One of the benefits of feminism is that I don't have to do anything at all except fuck the dumb bitch.

>One could object that someone who asks for vegetarian scrambled eggs in a restaurant shouldn't complain afterwards that the meal lacks bacon in it. But women can live with that contradiction. They want their scrambled eggs vegetarian and with bacon.


We have to deal with these crazy manipulative shedevils or else face a lifetime of loneliness

>the son to his violin lessons and the daughter to her soccer training

That's it I'm done

I am so done

Life plans would be more accurate

Women are garbage humans.

>Men who contemplate about gender roles and their place are considered as introspective and self-critical, like women want it. Or so one thinks.
>But then Nina Pauer wrote for "Die Zeit" an essay where she moaned about the "Men of Sorrows" who couldn't come to terms with the "overtaxing dual message" of women. The reform of the mentality regarding the classic image of men has gotten grotesque, she wrote. That men didn't know anymore when it was "the moment to come forward", to make the "decisive move". Women want to be swept off their feet, this was Pauer's message. But men weren't able to do that anymore.

Basically sums up the entire issue.

Women have always dictated the actions of men: for men, women hold a fundamental value before all political, economic, even metaphysical gain. To gain women is such an overriding disposition that even the most socially maladjusted and jaded men fantasize about being with a woman a "waifu", something I think everyone on Sup Forums has observed.

>>If the pensive ones already have it hard, what about those men who actively take on the new role? Who clean the stairs, sew on buttons, and use the vacuum cleaner, and this not only every once in a while, but at least as often as their partners? Women are happy - at least that's what they say in surveys. But they don't consider these men sexually attractive.

Once again summed up the issue succinctly

That's the bottom line. Women say they want a beta cuck, of course they do, because that's what they've been taught by (((propaganda))) that they want

But they know as much as men do that, biologically, when it comes down to it, they want to be fucked by a man with bollocks

Because the men they have are ugly or wimpified.

Still women don't know what they want.

What do you do now, just wank yourself off every day?

>because that's what they've been taught by (((propaganda))) that they want
user pls, women asking for one thing but desiring the opposite has been true since day one. It's simple biological process that women unconciously use to filter out undesirable men, problem is modern society courts their unreasonable behavior.

How are muslims supposed to survive without whites to spoon feed them? They're almost as stupids as niggers for fucks sake.

We know that Pierre

That's why we're here

Alright, true

Amazing. Betas confirmed for cucks

And how is this a problem for men?
All articles that deal with this always focus on the female side of things. They never mention the fact that male happiness has actually increased in recent years.

The eager ones have casual sex until the day they die, the rest gets vidya and anime. Jobs don't really matter. Relationships are short lives adventures nowadays anyway. Males don't really care about children or marriage. That's a problem women can solve if they want.
It's their society now

Nature is starting to select against Chads and Stacies

- Women who find beta males attractive now have a better chance of reproducing.

- Stacies and Roasties who search for a rich Chad are now be less likely to pass on their genes.

Our time has come, gentlemen.

Laughed out loud at that too. Subtle

casual sex exists you know

women indulge in it before they realize it's too late.

Once you're older you can get prostitutes

>goes on to shitpost on a board concerned with the future of white, western societies and their lack of children

Most of it sounds like your regular "Let's shit on men" garbage.

beta mistake #1 - any attempt to give women what they claim they want.

There's a hard cap on the number of fucks given in any relationship which means the less you give the more she does/they do.

what can I say, /r9k/ and Sup Forums have both gone to shit

doesn't change the fact how delighted I am that women actually realize what it means to rule

The best thing about is, it is not even a left wing magazine.

Women can only demand all this shit in a society full of beta and omega cucks.

Fix that and they will follow. But to fix that we need to defeat (((them))) soo...

>points out women are the problem
>continues to shit on men

they will never rule, they want to BE ruled

they can act up all they want, just like all male efforts are just a manifestations of the subconscious drive to fuck bitches, all female efforts are manifestations of their drive to find the peak super mega alpha male that will dominate them. Like a screaming child, only that this child wants to be told to shut up and is then blissfully obedient. I'm exaggerating, but this is the core dynamic. You musn't take women seriously, ever.

Der Spiegel is traditionally SPD tho

so center left

This. I am old and the girls left on the shelf were the princesses. Their brazen hypergamy blew up in their faces, nobody wants to treat a princess like one after she got reamed by Chad dick then failed to get an investment banker or something around late 20s and 30s.

Not alpha at all at the end of the day. You can only have so much narcissism and greed before it will kill you. Pure Darwinism. Overall a good thing.

They just ram the point down your throat don't they

Seriously when are men going to collectively grow some fucking bollocks, I'm getting real fucking tired of this

He said he gave up on roasts, Hans

Not that he gave up on relationships with roasts

they want a sensitive villain
they want a sense of humour and dead seriousness
they want a man who works hard and has time to spend with them
they are turned off by men who spend time with them
they want a man who does the housework
they are turned off by men who do the housework
they want a man with interests but are angry or turned off when he pursues such nerdy rubbish
they want a handsome man but they are aroused by facial scarring (google the study)
they want a rugged, dirty, rough & ready manly man who is perfectly groomed and waxes his body
they want a lithe figure and a muscle freak
they put no effort into their physique
they want commitment despite being habitually unfaithful
they want support and give none of their own

you didn't understand the whole point of this thread

there is a contradiction between women wanting to take over society and their subconscious telling them they want to submit to a strong male

All I wanted to point out is how delighted I am of this fact. A good deal of the current female generation will be unhappily married/ crazy catladies due to this. Meanwhile males can be comfy playing vidya and watching anime

being lonely is not as bad for a man as it is for a woman