Judith Butler DESTROYS Trump and his supporters

In this interview, famed philosopher Judith Butler lays the smackdown on the alt right and Trump


>Well, it is all rather unfathomable. I think there is an economic component to the support for Trump. For some of his supporters government has gotten in the way of their capacity to make a good living and to succeed financially, so they are against regulations, against government. And that can include paying taxes and workplace regulations meant to secure the health and safety of workers. They applaud the fact that Trump has not apparently paid federal taxes and they think: "Yeah, I want to be that person".

>I think they have an enormous rage. Not just against women, not only against racial minorities or against migrants – they are thrilled that that their rage is being liberated by his public and uncensored speech. We on the left, we are apparently the superego. What Trump has managed to do, rhetorically, is to identify not just the left, but liberalism – basic American liberalism and the left – as just a bunch of censors. We are the instruments of repression and he is the vehicle for emancipation. It is a nightmare.

>What Trump is emancipating is unbridled hatred and, as we see recently, forms of sexual action that don't even care about anybody's consent. Since when did we have to ask women whether they are okay with being touched, or why? He does not actually say that, but that is exactly what he is indicating. It liberates people, their rage, and their hatred. And these people may be wealthy, they may be poor, they may be in the middle; they feel themselves to have been repressed or censored by the left, by the feminists, by the movement for civil rights and equality, by Obama's presidency, which allowed a black man to represent the nation.

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>never heard of him

Not reading books is nothing to be proud of.


My friend passed that shit by making up bullshit stories. A+s

typical intelligentsia pontificating from within their cushy, academic liberal bubble. Fuck her

Back to your jungle camp Muhammad!

Obviously your abo friend filled some sort of quota.

>Hate Whites

nothing to read

>It's ok for us to hate Jews
>It's not ok for Jews to hate us

Here, have a tampon, m'lady.

>famed philosopher?

Impossible Stef is the only famed philosopher of our time.

>America was founded on libertarianism
>this bitch thinks she knows more than our founding fathers
Geez, the nerve of some people

>our time

You mean the 1950s? Grow up.

Literally who

of all time Fritz, all time.

Judith Butler. It says so right in the OP.

Learn to read.

what next, spiegler?

She's not a philosopher. She's a gender babble critical theory BS something. She has no fucking clue why people are voting for Trump. She's another mindless useful idiot used by people smarter than her to give a semblance of legitimacy to their fucking up the world.

Wow a pseudoscientist gender "studies" angry lesbian who looks like a boy with gray hair uses psychobabble to explain why half of the American electorate is the Jewish-feminist boogeyman.

I sure hope Trump will defund all gender studies garbage, and all other Marxist inspired junk "science".

Trump supporters are really BTFO by this joke, only if you live in Sorosian La-La land where Hamas, which Butler supports, does not want to gas her Jewish-lesbian-feminist ass, after raping her ofcourse.


Good, fuck those drumpf tards

>Judith Butler

>I think

Ah, so projection.


literally who?

You sound incredibly bitter and angry. Ironically, you've proved her statements quoted above right by your very comments.

I think she has enormous rage. Not just against men, not only against white men or against housewives - she is thrilled that her rage is being liberated by professional bloggers and Lady Gaga. We on the right, we are apparently the cheaters. What Hillary has managed to do, rhetorically, is to identify not just the right, but Americanism – basic American values and the right – as just a bunch of fucking white males. We are the instruments of repression and she is the vehicle for emancipation. It is a nightmare.

I dont have any Abo friends

I've never heard of this guy.

Literally who?

>implying women opinions matter

You're the one hating on Native Australians.

Native Australians are honourary whites in the eyes of most of Sup Forums.

It's sad that not even abos want to befriend you.

>It is a nightmare.
Notice how this isn't an argument? I'd agree with her, it is a nightmare; the progressive left DO consider themselves the arbiters of morality and the commandeers of language itself.

>philosopher Judith Butler



For a philosopher I do love her failure to even bother to make an actual argument. She just constantly begs the question.

And this is a gem:

>> I think there is an economic component to the support of Trump

You think? And what is the cause of this? According to Butler, an imaginary obstacle to success in America. As if it isn't factual that the middle classes' standard of living isn't going down constantly; as Americans in general haven't received a real raise in decades and, if anything, have seen their purchasing power continually dwindle. As if middle class jobs aren't disappearing, being replaced by service sector serf work.

Judith Butler is just another leftist fraud masquerading under the good name of philosopher, doing more damage to its already near sunk credibility.

>freudian bullshit

> Let me help
Q: Where does all this reactionary populism come from?

A: Regressive Liberalism.


the retarded cunt behind most gender ideology ans sjw bs

>being a man is attitude


Why exactly are you being racist while posting your link up there?

That's not the liberal super ego Frau Butler wants you to be.

>I think they have an enormous rage. Not just against women, not only against racial minorities or against migrants – they are thrilled that that their rage is being liberated by his public and uncensored speech

Hmmmmm i wonder who that reminds me of

not reading books about feminism is something to be proud of


>"It's a nightmare" isn't an argument
>"I'd agree with her, it is a nightmare"

Very sad. Very telling.

She's right. She's super smart and super articulate.

Source: I've taken classes with her before. Is literally one of my heroes. She says shit that's smarter than Sup Forums can even comprehend.

How is pointing out that he has no abo friends racist, exactly?

Tumblr must be down.

This duke is off her rocker and spouting a narrative that ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS are misogynistic race hating bullies. Yeah ok, seems legit. Typical Left progressive mantra that Hillary has been pushing, when the actuality is Trump is appealing to the masses who are COMPLETELY FED UP with DC and it's DECADES of cronyism and special in treats filling their bank accounts at the expense of taxpayers. Kindly get fucked. Oh yeah, Hillary is. Lel.

>If you criticize me or oppose me, I'm right. Only blind acceptance of my beliefs and policies will make you correct.

This is why leftism is a cancer.

Oh, the irony.

The best thing about her is that she will listen to your opinions, she will never dismiss them out of hand, she'll talk to you and engage you, she'll never lose her temper with you even when you're clearly wrong.

We need more people like her.

Oh look, more "Trump supporters are bigots" rhetoric.

Can't you leftist fucks think of anything legitimate, or is that your only defense for wanting to vote in the Crypt Keeper's older sister?

I saw the word feminism somewhere in those words, opinion discarded, I won't even bother reading that crap.

I'm getting really fed up with this shit.


Pick one. A philosopher is someone who loves learning, feminists are ideologues who reject what doesn't fit with their cult.

looks like a jewish feminist dyke gee what does she have to say that is so profound

oh, pretty much nothing, more of that bubble perspective

I did the same thing with psychology.

>They're acting this way because they feel oppressed
>You're not allowed to tell people how your actions make them feel
therefore "The Left" as she identified, is giving them this feeling of oppression, and due to precedent set by said Left they're justified in their actions.

Are you this much of a virgin kraut cuck that you try to trigger Sup Forums into reacting to your shit? Shouldn't you be out with your genderfluid friends trying to get laid?


>feminists are ideologues who reject what doesn't fit with their cult

By your own definition, the alt right and yourself are feminists then.

Why are people voting for Trump anyway? I get it, he's a funny meme man, but seriously what is the appeal?

Googled her, she's a nobody, no wonder barely any serious people know her.

>Judith Butler
Opinion disregarded. Not interested in what a wrinkly dyke has to say.

She literally explains it in the interview, check the statements I quoted above.

>Googled her

Good boy.


OP you're an apalling person, an abomination, a hateful communist nigger, a traitor, you and this ugly witch are both disconnected from reality


TRUMP WILL WIN and all you can do is visit your local gay bar to suck some muslim cock

As if our government isn't corrupt and being used against our interests

> sex
> sex
> sex
Half the anons here are too jaded to fap anymore.
Most of what used to be Middle America is too old to.
This isn't about sex, or any of the postmodern tripe these people bullshit about at their $500 wine parties. This isn't even about the economy anymore.

This is about revenge.

>Shouldn't you be out with your genderfluid friends trying to get laid?

...he asked, while posting on Sup Forums on a Saturday night.

I read the interview, "economic components", but what want to know is WHY do people SUPPORT him? I'm looking at the Trump rallies and thinking 'what are those people doing, they don't even know what they're there for?'

>>"I'd agree with her, it is a nightmare"
>Very sad. Very telling.

The onus was on Butler to make a case. She didn't even bother to make one. She gave empty opinions with no evidence or basis in fact. That is not an argument.

Her statements are all of them purely gratuitous and easily rendered in doubt. They can be demonstrated as false if anyone was willing to bother with her here. But it is obvious she's little more than an opinion columnist - and everyone is capable of having an opinion. The only reason I read that trash is she is called a philosopher and philosophers are supposed to be wise. Clearly this woman has nothing at all of any substance to say or teach.

Well, Trump may be a joke, but I don't see how I should take seriously someone who strawmans like that

> Not just against women

She's one of the most serious, ethical, sincere, and egalitarian people I have ever met. She takes listening more seriously than anyone I've observed.
People should just stop shitposting here and read all her books. Also, there's some great content on youtube. She's an outstanding lecturer and public speaker.
And yes, obviously, when you reflect on it, there is something fundamentally performative about gender that requires rituals of iteration ("it's a boy"). Just think about it, anons.

Retarded. Feminist philosophy is a thing, user, no matter how much your butt hurts.

Never dismisses them out of hand but uses Freudian fraud-ian psychoanalysis to reveal to you that you are wrong.

Whew, I would rather be lobotomized than have a "debate" with her. The lobotomy probably more neuroprotective too.


Kek, white people.

Pick one

Isn't Judith a woman's name?

>Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.

What irony? Argument and critique is vital for meaningful political discourse. You can't just wave away people who oppose you by saying they're just mentally ill or hate you.

>short hair

Opinion thrown in the recycle bin icon and I pressed "empty recycle bin"

Literally every time.

>The best thing about her is that she will listen to your opinions, she will never dismiss them out of hand, she'll talk to you and engage you, she'll never lose her temper with you even when you're clearly wrong.
>We need more people like her.

No, we don't need more windbag ideologues masquerading as philosophers - especially in our schools and universities, TYVM.

I guess because they feel they somehow "punish" the establishment that left them behind by voting for Trump.
I know. It's a shame people will dismiss her out of hand. Even if you aren't a feminist, you can learn A LOT by just debating her, she has a great, analytical mind.
>I would rather be lobotomized
Since you support Trump, I'd say you got your wish.
Which is exactly what everyone ITT does. Hence: irony.

>e don't need more windbag ideologues

Yet you're willing to put Trump into the White House.

Are you literally this retarded?

Yeah, well what was the other side when they fought against "privelage"? Were they happy?

Seriously I am pissed the fuck off. I am angry. My anger isn't a bad thing, its motivation for change I believe in.

>We are the instruments of oppression

Good you identified it. The next step is to kill yourself before we get so fed up with your shit that we start doing it ourselves as an act of self defense.

>By your own definition, the alt right and yourself are feminists then.

>alt-right = ideology

Amazing. Learn something new everyday.


Ok, so you're angry. Good. You should be. But it's directed at the wrong people. You should focus on the elites. And Trump is one of them.

Yes. Its "feminist philosophy"

Its not philosophy written by feminists. It has its own label because its not anything substantive.

Not alt right.

No one cares about some random feminist dyke without any knowledge of American politics. Never heard of her, and I never will read her since nothing she has to say will ever matter in the grand scheme of philosophy.

And fuck it -- everyone should just stop what they're doing at watch this. It's amazing. Look at how closely she listens and how much respect she accords to another person. It's fucking inspirational. See if you can be as ethical in your own life, anons.

is this creature a dyke lesbian? looks very bullish... would gas.

Charlie Sheen is not looking good

>Never heard of her, and I never will read her

And yet, you feel you deserve to have an opinion on her and the topic at hand.

>Its not philosophy written by feminists. It has its own label because its not anything substantive.
It's a subdivision of the field of philosophy, like metaphysics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, ecophilosophy, Marxist philosophy, applied ethics, anonisretardedemology, and so on.

I read it, basically mental gymnastics about how equality and democracy doesn't apply to right-wingers. It's trash

Oy vey goy, fight da powa!

Both sides are equally bad, vote third candidate so that Hillary the queen of the Establishment certainly gets into office.

There is a reason why most cuckservatives hate Trump, and it isn't because he supposedly is part of the elites.

Nice, another dishonest nobody talking loud. Who woulda thought?

Well of course not. The billionaire who bribed lawmakers and attorneys left and right for decades couldn't possibly be an elite.

It's just not what elites do.

Little nerd virgin CTR shill just following order from Nazi overlords, keep spreading that propaganda.

It's insane how far the left has gone, to this ultra-left Marxist Post-Structural ideology, so much so that Trump, who isn't even right wing, who is actually pretty centered, is seen as a right wing extremist. This is truly fucking insane how indoctrinated people are with this Marxist ideology. Only the truly stupid and gullible believe this foolish ideology, which cuts all possible explanations of the universe and of life into one meaning: power relations.I think this is one reason why the far-left hates Christians (because it was the old model of how to explain morality and purpose in the universe) but embraces Islam (which has strict laws and guidelines) because Islam is not seen as having the power that the Western Christian nations have.

>And yet, you feel you deserve to have an opinion on her

He can form a judgment and opinion of her based on what she wrote.

Good grief. Don't quit your day job.