Any leafs around? I want to know if there's a place in Vancouver where I can watch the election with a couple of friends without being surrounded by deranged lefties.
Where can a Vancouver candianfag watch the election?
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Yeah you can come over to my house in Point Grey. I'll serve you moldy cookies and windex which you would probably think is koolaid you stupid Trump supporting cuck.
Hillary is winning the fight, just look at the polls! What can't you see about that? Just look everywhere, does it not get into your right mind that you Drumpfkins are losing? Yeah that's right, losing? Soros is only going to help us all, don't you want the world to burn? Guess what, we do too!
Starting next week, we're going to track the details of every last "centipede" and "nimble" person here on Sup Forums. And even get violent with them when we come and find them. This is the beginning of the end for the Drumpf support here on Sup Forums and we're going to be declared the winners in the end.
Your time is coming soon. It's going to be a huge victory for Sup Forums when your kind is wiped off the face of Sup Forums and we remain the Hillary board we always were.
Listen you morons, I just want to watch the fucking election without being surrounded by idiots like you. I didn't even say whether I support Trump or not. There are people that do not fall in either camp, you know?
Watch it online you pumpkin
Fuck drumpft. Fuck this election. Can't wait for MADAME PRESIDENT 10 DAYS.
I got friends, potatonigger. We want to go out and have a couple of drinks and watch the election results.
I asked about a pub, not about whether I should watch it at home or at the pub.
Dude im sure most pubs will have something going on just go to west broadway and all the hipster bars will be showing it
Christ, now who's the potatonigger. Bring your friends over, set up the chromecast, boom. If you go drinking to watch the election you're bound to hear far too much of other people's politics.
On TV dumbass
I remember i went to steamworks for the obama electiin it was pretty fun
>durr deranged leftiessssss
Obviously you support Trump. How stupid can someone be they can't even figure out where to watch an election? Invite your friends over and stream it on your computer or go over to one of their houses and watch it on TV with shitty white trash beer you picked up from the discount liquor store. Don't drag your autism into the public sphere.
>Hot female bartender
>3 autists wearing MAGA hats walk into a bar
>durr electionz gibs us pabst and cider for our vaginas
>Hot female bar tender laughs at pasty spineless cucks
>serves them their pints of period juice
>Inadequate socially maladjusted MAGA cucks try to strike up conversation to explain how Trump is against the illuminatti and how Jews are trying to destroy the white race
>Muscular, revolutionary socialist Spaniard who hates Trump and Hillary walks in to pick up his girlfriend whose the blonde bartender
>"Hey babe who are these guy?"
>Oh dunno honey just some creeps trying to tell me Jews are trying to kill the white race
>3 MAGA cucks just hang their heads and their faces flush with embarrassment.
>Quickly leave before they get beat up by alpha male and leave $300 tip in restitution because of how cucked they are
>Go home and drink coca cola while mom orders pepperoni pizza and ranch dip for them from Panago
that's a real neat story you typed up there
Youtube. Otherwise you're fucked. Doesn't Canadialand have a shitton of those hipster bars with the fuckin 10 dollar a bottle Lobreau microbrews and free wi-fi? I'm pretty sure every "pub" there is exactly that. It's also why we keep you guys quarantined.
Are you a twelve year old girl?
Bowen Island fag here, will bring my Trump-supporting white South African friend to whatever happens.
I think you are out of luck, m8.
I am having a hard time looking for something similar in Edmonton. Any pub or public venue showing the debate in any Canadian city will be filled with lefty faggots.
It sounds like you are trying to avoid watching it at home drinking with your friends, but honestly that seems like the most enjoyable option. If you insist on going out then you will just have to deal with the lefties. If you're not a big trump supporter maybe you can stomach watching it at a pub.
My friends and i are all trump supporters so we have decided to just have drinks at my place election night
I'm in vancouver. using a proxy rn since i got banned for posting that benjamin jews name who ive now forgotten. we should get a bunch of us to show up at some tendy bar where theyll be showing it and fuck up a bunch of lefty num-male scum
lmao look at this faggot go
What part of the city?
Good thread so far
If you appeal that ban they will unban you
Hipsters will react poorly if we cheer the "wrong" way
We're a mixed bunch of eastern euros. Russians, Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians. Although we have mixed feels about Trump, we pretty much agree that the dumb bitch will start a war in our countries. There's too many of us to just go to someone's house.
cool ill try
That's shit. I'm in ubc area too.
CTR shills are going full force, Clinton asks her supporters to vote early, you know what it means guys, Trump is winning.
lets fuck up some lefty trash and gloat at em when trump wins in a landslide. ill bring my ubc crew to tell em were meeting some guy i find on a white-nationalist imageboard
You're actually @ ubc?
for school, ya
Let's go to steamworks
Go to the West hotel and bar. Its a dive bar on hastings and carrall. Be surrounded by racist featherheads and junkies but the drinks are cheap and usually everyone keeps to themselves.
Mmmmh, I'd pass on the junkies
>Clinton asks her supporters to vote early
Is it to explain why the bottom of the ballot boxes are full of Hillary votes?
They're pretty harmless, I have to deal with them on a regular basis cause I work in the DTES
is it trendy enough? what time do we be there?
anyone else wanna be there?
Trendy? Who cares?
fuck junkies. i was threatened with a knife by one last month because i told him i wasnt going to buy him food and that he shouldnt have wasted his money on drugs
because we need a bunch of trendy liberals there to fuck with and laugh at when trump wins. but ya, that place looks the part
Im an actual Canadian living in Tsawwassen. Obviously I am a huge Trump supporter. If you fags end up doing anything ill be there.
Nice try ctr
hows the new mall? did/do you go to sdss?
Steamworks looks fine. If it's enough us we won't have to worry about physical repercussions, just about losing our jobs due to those shitheads
OP out for now
Havent checked it out yet, maybe on tuesday when the place isnt overrun by gooks from richmond.
ok cool. ill be the chubby guy with the maga hat sitting with some asians and a muslim.
I am actually from Toronto, I moved here to live a comfy life since i sell software from home.
Okay sounds good. Lefties are huge pussies anyways.
tsawwassen is pretty comfy, even if it is boring. i lived there until i moved out to go to school.
Were you a based point roberts resident?
no why do you ask?
Well point roberts folk dont have some of the amenities most communities have so they drive their kids across the border for school and what have you every morning.
Extremely white here as well. Very comfy all around.
point roberts is even more comfy
My wife and I plan on moving there as soon as trump gets in.
Its just so fucking hard getting citizenship in the US the proper way.
I'd join you, but I live on Cortes Island lol
Storm Crow Alehouse will play it faggot