Read it and weep, faggots
Mail-in. Swing state
Other urls found in this thread:
>voting for the only US candidate in history that's been investigated by the FBI twice
All of you faggots mail your ballots bc your anxiety disorder and sensitive feels don't want to confront the real world on election day.
Polling stations across america are going to be like mini trump rallies. Patriots will tailgate them and make any cucked libfags piss their pants before they even get out of their honda civics
>using pen instead of pencil on a ballot that requires a #2 pencil to be properly read by machines
Yup, definitely a Clinton voter.
NC here. Mine was for Trump
It's illegal to take this picture. I've backtraced you & reported to the FBI.
Remember to also put an an x over drumpf's name! It makes him lose a vote and Clinton will still get yours! That's 2+ votes for every voter!
NC here. Voted Hilldawg.
I hope pol does something like this just before election day, with the same high energy as the 'I'll enlist for her' meme.
into the trash it goes
"Si usted hace un error, pida una papeleta nueva".
>vote por uno
Newsflash!! Clinton will be indicted.
>Ballot also written in Spanish
You have to go back
I mailed my ballot in because I am going to be out of state to visit family in november, but I voted Trump anyway.
>mailing in the ballot so you can't go vote for Trump on the Day of Victory
>not voting for Trump
you're gonna have a shitty Election Day, user.
>implying a vote of a faggot with a micro-benis matters
Kys attentionwhore
why do they spell out her and kaines full names, and nobody else?
Why are only democrat names written out
Because we are superior. Both morally, and intellectually.
>Hillary Rodham Clinton
Why they don't just put "Hillary Clinton" there?
Going to be void cause she'll be in jail
Try saying that again without slut-shaming or ableism, you hypocritical cocksucker. Live up to your own rules.
Or maybe people don't want to wait in line you stupid faggot, lmao
I will still never understand how a single person on earth could support trump
>I, a single person, voted for someone, and because I, a single person, am actually not a drop in the ocean but an entire ocean in a drop, have achieved something good.
Nope. You're still just another salty drop in a giant ocean that ultimately counts for nothing, but thanks for stopping by
LOL you took the bait kid, try harder next time.
>blue ink
I see what you did there.
Not OP but my state's mail in ballots (WA) required me to use a black pen.
And no, I didn't vote for Hillary.
NCfag here. Voted 4 hilldawg too. Feel good.
I mailed in my ballot and voted for Trump.
What now?
>white rethuglican telling people to play by the rules
Lmfao what a joke
jokes on u. blue ink = invalid
>voting for the only US candidate in history that's currently facing a class action lawsuit
I drive a civic and i'm voting for Trump.
But since I drive a civic I better vote Hillary now
really calibrates my testimony
>not voting darrel cassel
Take the true red pill my man
0.02 cents
>American voting ballots are written in Spanish
Can't make this up.
LOL business owners never get sued ever.
Sure you did, user. Sure you did.
wheres your evidence fucktwit>?
>ink outide the circle
Invalidated vote
>i'm only voting for the candidate that will cause me to die either in nuclear fire or slowly from starvation, dehydration, radiation poisoning or get murdered by a desperate survivor ironically guize!!!
neck yoursekf
No snowflake feels responsible for the avalanche, yet with no snowflakes, there would be none.
>vote por uno
Holy shit. I hope you put it in a safe, that thing is super rare! There are less than dozen such cards with a mark before the second candidate.
I have a legit diagnosis of severe social anxiety disorder and I went and early voted for Trump senpai.
All of your rights are subject to reasonable regulation.
>gary johnson's VP isn't Bill WEED
Would have been some epic memeing
>Not Jill/Arumba
You superpleb
My fellow WA bro
I actually did? Does that make you upset or something?
>Abbreviation: LPF
>not LIB or LP
That's SO much worse than being investigated by the FBI for treason.
Congratulations for being a traitor to your country and the West. You couldn't have made a worse choice by voting for Lenin/Trotzki.
No. Why would you lying for attention make me upset? And even if you did vote for Hillary, no one cares. There's plenty of retards who actually do. But there are more of us, and we'll beat her.
Should've write in Jeb
funny thing is the first one was a cop out because of that nigress Lynch this time they are ignoring her and going in for the kill
NC here
I already voted Hill dog even picked up my mom and brought here with me. [spoiler]She voted Shillary[/spoiler]
black pen you idiot
I wrote in Bernie Sanders for shits and giggles
I thought about Jeb but it's too sad
>ITT: the same faggot posts over and over with proxies
top quality content
Same. Dark ink or #2.
>there can't be multiple trolls on Sup Forums's most cancerous board
>it has to be one guy
kill yourself
>voting ballot with any language other than English on it
this should be illegal
PA will go red
>implying Republicans aren't the only people who are not dumping actual pooh on the street, physically attacking people for political views, and burning down political campaign offices.
Yes what will we do about these savage, white Republicans?
It's sad people will vote for a candidate just so they can pretend they upset a fringe internet site for 11 minutes.
>most cancerous board
What is Sup Forums?
Someone explain why Trump is at the bottom? Who decides this?
>white rethuglican
Not as cancerous as Sup Forums. This board is complete garbage and will remain so until the election ends and the thedonald stuff stops.
Black or blue ink, lads
Didn't even use a *black* pen.
On the up side, nobody else is voting for her and not too many are willing to vote ironically.
Typical idiot Clinton voter. You voted with a blue pen, it needs to be black. Your vote won't count lmao.
It's annoying but not cancerous. Supporting Trump is not degenerate, unlike fapping to ponies, tentacles and goatse-pictures as done in Sup Forums.
>constant stream of tranny/trap, furry and God knows what else porn and degeneracy
>somehow better than Sup Forums
Are you offended by different political opinions or something?
I printed out those ballots.
It's not blue enough.
Why would I lie? And apparently you care since you took the time to reply
>But there are more of us, and we'll beat her.
Sure buddy.
>muh degeneracy
>vs a neverending stream of redditards invading the board
I remember when Sup Forums wasn't just about edgy fascism.
I vote on a mail-in but I can drop it off at the polling station. Fuck the machines.
Slippery slope is not a fallacy, my friend.
Mail-in ballots are tossed in the trash so it doesn't really matter.
Colorado ballots required me to use a blue or black pen
Yeah for a while there were a few edgy libertarians too and I've not seen a legit fascist in a while.
These days Sup Forums is almost moderate by comparison.
Does it worry you that you have two languages on the ballot?
Why are there spanish instructions
Why are non-citizens voting