>tfw you finally get a gf but she has shit taste I got a gf and she's into comics. I'm not really a comics guy but wanted to seem interested so asked her for a rec and got pic related. It's fucking shit. Flat characters, a gary stu protagonist, and a transgender version of the Thing. Why the fuck does she think this is good, am I missing something? This is just a shitty guardians of the galaxy minus the funny racoon.
Also if it's DC where's the Green Lantern Corps? Did they really think a book would sell without heavy hitters like Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner?
Luis Barnes
No one on Sup Forums has a girlfriend you fucking idiot. Go back to Marlel
Isaac Cook
have you considered killing yourself I'll buy your girlfriend off of you
John Jones
Landon Ramirez
no way
Landon Cook
Guys it's not bait she made a fucking shirt over this comic. She really likes it should I lie and tell her it's good? I don't really think I should I tried to show her 'Stalker' (1979) by Andrei Trakovsky and she said it was shit.
Dominic Walker
I hope she does this to you
Landon Gray
That's Legion of Super-Heroes, not L.E.G.I.O.N., you fucking literal mental case.
Henry Hughes
Look fucker I have good taste. I've my favorite comic; Watchmen (1987) by Alan Moore, book; L'Étranger (1942) (it's french btw) by Albert Camus, I watch good classic cartoons like Tom and Jerry and Micky Mouse. I've read every book in the /lit/ meme trilogy and am pursuing a MFA at a prestigious school for English in my area. I lift three times a week and can almost squat 3plates. I'm sooo sorry I got your shitty little comic books name wrong. Not. I couldn't give a damn what you think. I am superior to you. I bang my 17 year old gf, that's right age of consent is 17 here in Texas, all day when she gets out of school.
Yeah I'm arrogant, but who wouldn't be if they were me?