Only white males care strongly about integrity in government and the rule of law.
The female borg will vote for her anyway.
Styxhexenhammer is the Max Keiser of politics - if he says someone is doomed, they're probably OK.
Only white males care strongly about integrity in government and the rule of law.
The female borg will vote for her anyway.
Styxhexenhammer is the Max Keiser of politics - if he says someone is doomed, they're probably OK.
All I had to see were his pants. He wears some weird designer leathers that conform to his ectomorphic and emaciated legs.
agree with stuff he says usually
He changes his "prediction" literally every other day. He's a faggot and you shouldn't give him any more attention
He's everything wrong with "le alt right xD"
I won't take him seriously before he proves he's not Jewish.
It isn't fucking 2008 bro
CTR losers hate Styx because he genuinely laughs at how retarded they are frequently. He also warns against CTR tactics.
Why did he need to make this video if her campaign already ended in late September
He just twists in the wind according to what the "legacy media" are reporting
Styx was one of the few who predicted the primary results correctly. His calls for the general have been consistent with what has been unfolding.
>everyone falls around fondling some guy's balls and crooning about how he's LITERALLY /OURGUY/ XD
>guy gets remotely popular as a youtube microcelebrity
>"I always hated this faggot I bet he's Jewish right guise can't fool me"
it's the circle of Sup Forums
Ok CTR we get it. You don't like Styx.
I want to hear Styx on Crowley.
>if he says someone is doomed, they're probably OK.
Adding that just shows how salty you are.
>Styx was one of the few who predicted the primary results correctly
Sup Forums predicted it correctly in June 2015. Anyone could have predicted it easily in August.
>shills his shitty /x/ channel in Sup Forums of all places
>uses the CTR meme when got told to fuck off for unpaid advertising
seriously though fuck off to /x/
that's about all. peace.
>Only white males care strongly about integrity in government and the rule of law.
I'm starting to realize this is true. we need to repeal everything after the 12th except the 22nd.
Because the campaign should have ended then, but nobody could've predicted just how retarded Clinton supporters are.
CTR Doesn't want people listening to Styx, because he undermines all of their strategies.
CTR Doesn't want people listening to Styx, because he undermines all of their strategies.
CTR Doesn't want people listening to Styx, because he undermines all of their strategies.
styxx is always right even he called me shill on pol. twice.
kek. I'm voting clinton regardless. innocent until proven guilty, she can be impeached later on if there were truly an issue.
Nice ad hom limey faggot
This guy is the embodiment of all that is evil and lame in humanity. Listening to any of his shows has been shown to cause brain tumors and restless leg syndrome. Stay as far away possible.
>Styx was one of the few who predicted the primary results correctly. His calls for the general have been consistent with what has been unfolding.
Sup Forums knew Trump would win since summer 2015
The betting markets knew he would win since Christmas 2015, Trump only briefly moved out over 2/1 at the height of #nevertrump
Also Styx got Wisconsin wrong when many on Sup Forums said the religious freaks would nail it for Cruz
He's more accurate than the mainstream media
That's about all, peace out.
His hit to miss ratio is still very good. Given that he qualifies all his predictions and doesn't sperg out when he's wrong I don't know what more you want.
I don't care what retards and shills think, his analysis are pretty interesting.
>I don't understand logic: The Post
No, according to your own logic it just means they aren't necessarily doomed. It doesn't indicate they are okay. Are you a woman?
hes just a neckbeard euphoric faggot with an occult twist.
Hes right some of the time and wrong others.
It seemed to have more content when I first started listening to him than as I continued.
>lamestream media
>legacy media
Look the MSM is totally cucked but apart from O'Keefe and InfoWars no one is going into the trenches, these are just youtubers that read between the lines of select stories with the backing on an international group of anti-government hackers.
The alternative media is severely overhyped and is basically talking heads of people of above average intelligence that haven't yet been brainwashed into complete establishment submission.
I agree OP, we should listen to British e-celebs who actually understand politics.
Well that tends to happen when it's a dynamic election and new information keeps coming out. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, but only a retard would keep their prediction 100% the same through an entire election. How many people thought Trump's campaign was a joke from the beginning? Now look where he is. This is not a valid criticism.
Haven't stopped saying trump was going to win since the escalator. Just to win primaries was 2%. I wasn't aware I was retarded.
I agree with him about 90 percent of what he says except when he goes all anti police. He said Eric garner was slaughtered but all the fat ass had to do was just listen and obey and he would of lived. Other than that I am a big fan of his analysis. He's single handily changing political analysis on youtube.
Is it confirmed that Styx is Fashy or knows Weev?
A lot of what Weev talks about is shockingly similar.
> Someone changes his prediction based on new information! What a faggot!
I like him. Sure, he has his share of misses, but overall he's been pretty on track.
I will say, his analysis and predictions of the Republican primaries was uncanny.
The alt media is overhyped and I disagree with Styx on this. But they are growing stronger, not weaker.
Hey Styx!
No he isn't changing anything and you are a psuedo intellectual just like him.
I agree and hope it continues. Since I've had to stop donating to NPR and the ACLU I've been wondering where to put my charity. All I need is a good alternate media source besides InfoWars.
has nothing to do with the clinton supporters
its about the media, the media have to cling to her otherwise their narrative dies and evaporates in the future without her in the presidency
the other part is fear, if they dont promote her in every way and she does end up president, they fear not having a career anymore under a clinton presidency
styx pls go
She had fake polls where she lead. They couldn't get anyone to vote for her. Obama decided to throw her under the bus to reconcile the reality of her popularity with fixed polls and all the shilling. FBI is Obama controlled. Them starting an investigation is Obama's orders. She is done. There was not lead to begin with, this is just providing a cover for previous cheating.
Did anyone think they were going full Africa for her and fix the landslide? It exposes their comfortable operation when they really need a few %. They are not throwing it away for her. She had to come close. She was way too far and unpopular. She is done for.
guy is kind of a goofus
Kek this.
He's never said he'll have an actual prediction until Nov 1, and he's always predicted that Trump is ahead, maybe slightly less or more depending on the situation, but always predicted there'd be a monster scandal that'll destroy Clinton.
I think he underestimates the amount of influence the MSM actually has.
>go on ukip voters have a wank