Frankfurt attack: Four people injured in stabbing at rail station
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Knife leak, nothing to see here.
I pray the victims were refugee welcome clappers, it would be more than just when they reap what they sow.
where does it say it was migrants who done that shit?
If it does not state the ethnicity you can rightfully automatically assume it was a Brown or Black guy. German media always mentions it markedly in the rare cases the perpetrator is White.
>if it does not state the ethnicity then you should assume the perpetrator is a man of certain race because hurr brown people scare me
stop jumping to conclusions retard.
The Coulter Rule:
The longer we go without being told the race of the attacker, the less likely it is to be a white man.
>i like to jump the conclusions
good lord
t. muslim terrorist
It's not jumping to conclusions, it is a physical law you filthy criminal sandnigger
Ugh, those racist nazis at it again. Why do they always have to stab those poor refugees?
damn, good argument, you really convinced me, lord faggot.
>it is a physical law
i'm assuming you're blatantly spouting satire right now
No, you oil-eyed savage. It proved to be correct in EACH SINGLE CASE so far.
> It proved to be correct in EACH SINGLE CASE so far.
>good lord
I think you meant "aloha snackbar"
tunisia is only good for one thing, filming star wars movies. just bury the entire thing in sand
More than likely related to some druggies that hang around the central station - that place is too much of a shithole even for most refugees.
maybe you guys can get rid of them by making the entire country a shit hole? seems like that's the plan anyway
ON AN UNRELATED NOTE: (Germany biggest newspaper) has a NEWSFLASH Running on top about ISIS claiming responsibility for a murder case in Hamburg. No article released yet but I will keep you guys posted
You mean 'invaders'?
That could be straight from an oldschool South Park episode.
This is their culture, stop judging it.
True. Devils advocate being that if it was a white shooter they don't normally mention race whereas a black shooter they will.
Sidenote. "Possibly gang related = he's black and that's all we know." :)
You do realize that in countries that are not only 60% white this rule does not exist right?
it's Sup Forums here. we all know where he is from
The deadliest 1-man attack in Europe in the 21st century was commited by a tunisian. Keep your citizens in check before your usual whining, bougnoule.
It applies in every White country where Jews have power.
Ah, the German autism strikes again.
The victims were refugees theirselves.
>going to the train station
>in frankfurt
Don't know what they expected.
t. Ahmed Niggerdom
I dare pol to tweet and spread anons image far and wide.
Get ISIS to jihad Sup Forums. :)
As I said in the other thread, I was there standing with my girlfriend waiting for the train and then the screaming started, looked like 5 refugees fought with each other, but then a fat one ran passed us and I saw how one of the 4 others bled from the stomach.
I'm disappointed a bit, at least the victims were not decent Germans.
Where is their Allah now?
are your cucked remainers happy for brexit now? just keep forwarding them this stuff.
Nothing of value was lost.