boy kaa or girl kaa?
Boy kaa or girl kaa?
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Girl Kaa had the better song.
Fight me
hol up
there's a girl kaa?
Scarlett Johansson voiced her in the live action/CG film
Not exactly a great movie, but they did a great job with the CG animals. Shere Khan is genuinely terrifying.
Friend kaa that is also a girl.
the only correct choice
Boy Kaa was gay
It sure was better than the animated version
not even trolling, it was infinitely more watchable and less random
>not wanting a deepthroating from a creature that's 100% ultra-muscular throat.
What are you, a faggot?
>Friend kaa
Fucking this, gender be damned. I get the whole stigma against snakes thing most people have going for them, but why couldn't they have stuck to the original idea a bit more? I feel like the story would've been improved a bit if they'd had Kaa be a genuine ally and aimiable to Mowgli while retaining the intentionally disarming attitude with menacing undertones with other characters that could still very much be regarded as prey.
Just watch the russian one.
boy kaa is cuter
Snakes are built for sex. So woman
They just wanted a jobber to make Shere Khan look more intimidating so they went with Kaa. The rest of his Disney-ified character is a result of being a jobber
Because it'd require the (albeit off screen) fairly horrifying death of monkeys, who previously were mostly playing with Mowgli.
I think there is a live action version of the Jungle Book where Kaa DOES eat the bad guys. It was one of the shitty ones, where none of the animals talk.
the undisputed choice?
I mean boy Kaa gave me my hypnotism fetish, so probably him.
Soviet Kaa eats the monkeys and doesn't afraid of anything.
Jungle book and petes dragon are the only live action films better than the original
Wait what?
I thought jungle book was an original disney written story.
Neither. Hypnotism fetishists are fucking autistic
Come on m8
Girl Kaa for hot /ss/ and then vore
>Jungle Book (to be released on 19 October 2018) is a live-action version Warner Bros. is developing
Is this the most directly warner has ever competed with disney?
Boy Kaa
Boy Kaa's voice with girl Kaa's cloaca
I would have sex with both.
>Scarlet Johannson will never dom me and then make me part of her doughy curves
The only actual badass Kaa
Great python
So you want the right then
Feels good to have grown up with the best Jungle Book adaptation.
The character designs alone blow the Disney version out of the water.
You'll never have a snake waifu who let's you sleep in her coil and sun bath together.
>Implying Disney ever had an original idea
Oh god yes
Girl Kaa 100%
ScarJo's sultry voice does thing to me, and she isn't even a giant reptile with hypnotic powers (as far as we know)
Tfw Disney and Faverau went with Lion King instead of a JB sequel.
Tfw No more Skaarlet
Tfw no scene of her hypnotizing Shanti
>original disney written story.
Just about every Disney movie was a folk tale, myth, or fable originally.