If you hate degenerate women so much, why not just find a muslim woman? They're traditional, beautiful and non-degenerate
If you hate degenerate women so much, why not just find a muslim woman? They're traditional...
You would have to convert.
everyone is degenerate except for me
I wouldn't mind crusading that pussy desu
desu I often think muslim families look like they have very happy and fulfilling family lives. modesty, chastity, lots of kids etc
of course I really have no idea, maybe half of them are beating their wives behind closed doors, but still their lifestyle does look appealing.
maybe I should become amish instead?
Why would I want to help produce more Ahmeds?
I am totally open to it but all these refugees I keep seeing are 20-45 year old dudes.
Here I am in target thinking I see a qt 3.14 Muslim girl wearing a dress and it's some fucking dude.
These are fake ass SJW muzzies that believe it's progressive to wear a hijab.
they're also equipped to brainwash your children into being either mindless drones, or good little suicide bombers.
Islam takes away all sense of individuality.
That dried sandpussy they fancy under the hijab must be the Sahara itself.
if its traditional to watch your daughter get raped and set a blaze then yea user you're right very non-degenerate
I've recently heard that they religiously shave their pussies too. Not starting to sound too bad!
Nah, she's just covering her hair coz it's covers in my man juice.
Until she gets honor killed for texting you
Because they are members of a violent moon cult?
I don't want to have to convert to Islam, and I don't want to raise my kids as Muslims either. Also, I like bacon and dogs.
Muslims are the most degenerate of all.
blasphemy is degeneracy, no matter how much else they get right
besides that, the vast majority of them aren't white and they don't share my culture
i like girls with clits
Amish is fine because they are christian.
Muslim is degenerate, never convert to it.
I meant Islam, sorry.
No you don't I'm a Christian I'm dating a Muslim
What would your kids be?
Come on like anyone here is going to let religion stop them from getting there rocks off. If your browsing this board I expect you at least have taken the red pill that religion is control.
you are dating. how about if you want to get married?
But I already have
Muslims are absolute bro tier
Islamaphobia is a jewish plot
I'm Jewish, I don't want her family to Shoa me
Terroni detected.
Islam is the ultimate degeneracy.
she's telling her family that you're a muslim
when it comes out that you're not of their faith, your life will be in danger
rape her and leave her, her family won't come after her because they'll be too busy calling her a slut
worshiping a jew god is degenerate as fuck . muslims and christians worship jews ...AAHaHAHAHaAHAAhAHa
Same reason I won't date a Catholic. They are married to god, not their husbands, even though their book is pretty strongly worded against being unfaithful when it starts out as a nonstarter it will not go anywhere.
that's why being Jewish is the most red-pilled
Believing in a sky fairy because a book said so is just as degenerate as thinking you are an Otherkin.
We live in the real world. Traps aren't girls, Otherkin is bullshit, and all religious dogma is bullshit.
Only Atheist/Agosnistic/Diest/Creationist is non-degenerate. Granted, without the weight of having a fake God keep a girl in line, they are more likely to be degenerate in other ways. But that's the price for accepting reality.
Nothing would change except we could have as full relationship
I don't care you guys are a bunch of faggots. Be a man, do you think women care? No they want to be with a man no matter his religion. Who cares what her parents think?
I'm always looking for a future x ms smith, but non around here.
Go home Ahmed, or Svein or whatever a Danish name is.
*x miss user
i could get behind on an iranian or north indian woman.
The rest are pretty filthy
Because non-Muslim men are literally not allowed to date Muslim women. You'd be risking her and your own lives.
have fun trying to hide from her 20 brothers
nategni in pobegni my friend nategni in pobegni
>Muslim women
Yeah, if I have no standards lol. 99% of them are niggers, gooks, or hook-nosed Semitics. No thank you.
She has one brother and he's a manlet plus I'm slav I don't care they like me anyway
Yeah some obese Sheila is so much better eh Bruce?
a swede cuck calling another Ahmed,le ironiyee.
first off dating or anything similar is forbidden in islam,it's forbidden for a muslim woman to marry a non muslim man,and most importantly muslims are brainwashed so i'm afraid about your kids if you got any.
exactly this before anyone reply to me,look at my flag.
muslims aren't beautiful at all.
you're obviously not a slav if you feel any attraction to a muslim.
being a slav isnt just genetics
some real hotties in the gulf states desu
>tfw the only girls I ever remotely get along with are muslims and fob asians
I should just convert desu. Muslim girls are so sweet and nice
>Searching a Cantonese Basket Weaving Image Forum for a woman
Guy.. I have some bad news about the internet..
Muslim women are usually whores.
Find a married one and odds are you can fuck her in the ass by the end of the day.
Okay fine I'm not wtf do you want me to say?
This, Christian women are honestly whores. I've tried to date them but they always want sex before marriage. I don't want to burn in Hell
Bismillah trips of truth (^:
(Don't. It's a trash desert religion. Do you live in a desert?)
Is this a fucking joke?
I have a thing for Arab/Persian women, I find them very attractive. I don't mind the headscarves if they're colourful. But I'm an atheist and I'm a shy guy so I guess it'll never happen.
generations of inbreeding
fuck off
Wanting a society free of degeneracy =/= Reverting to the dark ages
I have been talking to a 14 year old Muslim girl who knows I like her. She is from Algeria.
She will never break out of her religion though. She takes too much pride in her land, race, and religion.
I have gotten into religious debates with her but it's no use. Sometimes I wish I would convert to Islam and lie to myself it's true until I convince myself. So I can have her. She is amazing.
Her IQ is 158, she knows 4 languages (fluent in Arabic, French, and English). She wants to become a Doctor.
She is going to go places. But even if I did convert, she is very independent. She told me she refuses to date until college (to spite her family trying to marry her off after highschool), and even then she says she has accepted the idea of being alone. So if I converted there would still be obstacles.
Plus after she is done with medical school I would be in my 30s.
Life is a bitch.
>Refusing sex
Someone is gay.. wait a minute...that flag...
>Okay fine I'm not wtf do you want me to say?
to fucking fix your shit
Most of them are sandniggers for starters.
>They're traditional, beautiful and non-degenerate
They drink and fuck around just as much as your Kristiania guys do.
Nah I live in Chicago. A lot of my coworkers and classmares are Muslim and the difference between them and """christian""" girls is amazing on every level. It's so nice that they dont even swear or talk about sex in their free time like American girls do. I cant believe I got so used to that.
Muslim girls dont even talk trash about other people or at the very least they keep it among themselves. You can also talk to them about things that dont involve sex with chad and getting black out drunk
Same with chinks too, but they're also very materialistic from my experience
I don't want arab kids.
>praising a pedophile isn't degenerate
I know 4Muslim women and I have nudes of 3. You are retarded if you think they are pure or something. Ntheyr repressed sexuality makes them top tier cock slaves.
Got nudes from a chubby Turkish chick in 2 days and after a week a video with her fucking herself with a huge cucumber while always saying "I'm a pure virgin inshallah". They are as degenerate as everyone else if not more.
IF you ever have a daughter op, tell her always that she can't date blacks or other subhuman, see how that turns out.
I refuse sex because I'm not a sexual deviant, sex is for marriage only.
Don't gotta everything is A okay
I can agree with this too. I sit next to a nice muslim girl at university sometimes, even if it's just an act it's better than the stuck up cunts I usually meet
>fucking a muslim
>everything is okay
Turkish Muslims are basically the same as Swedish Christians, just look at Anzu
they aren't christian if they want sex.
won't see you in hell.
they are brainwashed,also if you think you might convert for a woman.then i got bad news for you.
Isla is degenerate.
I'm not having sex with her, sex is for marriage. We aren't married, unlike you atheist euro faggots I follow the word of God
Begin your study in Islam purely to learn Arabic so you can not talk to them in their tongue as well. Atheist proclaim their thirst for knowledge but frequently use fear to justify what is actually laziness. Education(and medicine) is a god in itself, don't tell the stupid though or they will kill in the name of the Hippocratic Oath and that is not Allah's intention.
>They're traditional, beautiful and non-degenerate
yeah, right
Muslim women are just as degenerate, you just have to fuck them in the ass so her brothers wont find out
most don't, trust me, they suffer from a massive amount of guilt that prevents them from having anything remotely fun.
you just gotta be good at picking one, that will be loyal like a dog to you.
Turks don't count, they've got a weird, only "muslim" by name thing going on.
I agree unfortunately Christianity is more a cultural thing here than a religious thing. People will say they're a Christian but refuse to follow or believe in the bible
you will never find a muslim muslim who looks like that. The average muslim woman is ugly and hairy.
fuck off, im christian
>I follow the word of god
>fucks mudslimes
are you already converted turncloak?
if you are like that,then don't continue with the muslim,trust me someone who lived his whole life among them (im 18 yo kek),find a copt,they are conservative christians and based af.
this is funny desu kek
> falling for the classic FBI agent trap
> 2016
that part of the Bible about differently yoked?
I am already in Hell. I am simply trying to find my way back. Be thankful you live so close to Eden.
Pick two
kek the leaf is broken
>mfw every time I see those headwraps at Uni it's always some fat white girl covered in piercings with shitty rainbow hair sticking out
I thought pork was haram or some shit
mudslimes are ridiculously inbred due to all the Islamic cousin marriage, it's why they're mostly retarded crazies.
I told you we aren't having sex, sex is for marriage.
If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
What's wrong with them? I've never met an Egyptian, I don't think we really have any on Canada I remember you from other threads though. What is your opinion on circumcision? From my understanding coptic Christians consider this mandatory is that correct?
They are retarded crazies because of the desert. Wander the Outback for awhile without setting a campfire, see how long you last. Nowadays that tends to attract Russian bombs for them.
arabians have giant tiddies too
If it weren't for the kiddie fucking and the rape l'd be okay with the muzzies desu
Because their genes belong in a garbage can