Literally who?

literally who?

Other urls found in this thread:

A jew outjewing, insulting a communist jew on JewTwitter

Damn, Bernie destryed him.

Is this your hero, Sup Forums? A guy who lets a socialist step all over him?

It pisses me off that ignorant redditors hate this guy because he "raised the price of life saving drugs", when prices for consumers weren't changed at all and it was just a fuck you to obamacare and insurance companies. He raised more money for the development of new life saving drugs.

reminder that diaspora jews are evil and Israeli jews are allies that should be kept at arms length and that pharmabro is a proud troll and nothing else

Fuck off Martin, you're a colossal faggot.

>He raised more money for the development of new life saving drugs.

You're an idiot if you believe that.

I bet you're the kind of retard who thinks the 1% wants tax cuts so they can create jobs, an not because of profits.

I think that's because of the mainstream media reporting it as such and vilifying. But now that I look at him, he's just a business man doing business. Right and Wrong have no right in that field, just legal and illegal.

what did he mean by this?

The real funny part is his little stunt caused a competitor to release a Daraprim generic for $1/pill (compared to $13/pill before Shkreli's company bought it and jacked up the price).

He's done more to encourage competition and lower the price of prescription drugs than any of the leditors whining about him.

He means he is an retard who donated to Bernie Ironically and lost money like a fool

That's why it became a big deal. Insurance companies had to pay more money and started the shitstorm because of it.

I can agree with this.

Martin Shkreli is not Jewish

how is the top 1% paying 80% of all the taxes a fair share on their part? the only reason why they are taxed so much is because people hate disparity

But he did
It also forced the free market to kick pharmaceutical corporations in the ass and remake the cure so they could drop the price on it
He literally did the government's job because they wouldn't do it themselves
Kill yourself favela monkey

Based pharma bro!

Shkreli is Albanian. Albanians are more likely to be muslims than Jews

It's almost like old man Bernie knew the elites sold all their oil to buy out the pharmaceutics industry

Some old dude who ran for the democrat nomination

It's a good comparison for college tuition too.

>government starts handing out loans and grants
>suddenly a year of schooling is $25k

It baffles me that people can't grasp the idea that profit is used to invest rather than going in someones pocket
the word alone makes them go apeshit

Isn't he a Bernie supporter?

This. At this point I don't give a shit about the Daraprim controversy. It's this guys relentless attention whoring that's wearing on my nerves. I would guess that he is personally responsible for about 70% of the Shkreli threads on Sup Forums.

>He raised more money for the development of new life saving drugs.


I'm not convinced. Where's the proof that he raised the prices of this drug to fuck over investors and give a giant fuck you to insurance companies and Obamacare? From my understanding he raised the price of a drug by 5,000% making it unaffordable to the people who needed it. A life saving drug. He's killed more people than he's talked about saving, all from behind a desk.

actually christian or catholic


he's not a jew retard.

I just took a look through some of Bernie's tweets and he's not very smart.

He thinks you can measure the environmental impact of a pipeline by calculating the carbon emissions of everything that gets pumped through it.

The company offered the drug for free to people without insurance.

Because they think that sitting on cash makes you richer. They have no concept of profit, wealth, or real balance effects in regards to inflation. These same people probably don't think outside the box and maybe tried to realize that the pharmacompanies probably tried to start a holy crusade against him and were the ones funding the media to tear his ass up and /leddit/and /tumblr/ fell hook, line.

Yeah, I am not going to support raising the price of drugs when it hurts the people of my Nation. A healthy citizenry is the backbone of a powerful nation. There's a certain kind of person that hoards and price gouges in times of crisis, can't think of what they're called....

I said proof, not claims from some anonymous user on an anonymous image board.

so the only victims are government and insurance companies?

Well Shkreli is probably in this thread right now, so just ask him.

He means that republicans hyped up Bernie so as to divide the democrats.

Because the top 1% has over 80% of wealth.

I think Martin is some sort of dark knight, not the hero we deserve but the hero we need. Maybe the drug he price hiked had some sort of bad implication or something in the drug itself or the process in making it, or the other bad people who were profiting off it. Basically, there may have been bad shit going on and he grabbed the wheel and drove it to the ground, knowing he helped the world in some way regardless if everyone would hate him for it.

>CEOs are crooks! How dare they do capitalism!?
>endorses Crooked Hillary

Makin me think...


there is proof you stupid fucking faggot. you need to look for yourself and be informed when you make opinions. its not our job to lift your veil of ignorance.

>Mfw normies at work bad mouths Pharma Master Marty S

What he did was really just standard industry practice.

I've asked for proof backing up these hefty claims. The burden of proof lies on the one making them.

only reason that happened is because some autist wants internet points against martin shkreli

he was already handing the drug out for free to anybody that needs it

that "competition" is ingenuine

wasnt israel a Rotschild "colony" ?

Shrek is basically a patent troll. He uses the excuse muh r&d but doesn't have a pharmaceutical company

In Shekelli's version the 'victims' are the insurance companies, although the extra costs are pretty much negligible. This is important because ultimately all costs for insurance companies are always transferred to the people buying the insurance. His main point is that the big beneficiaries are the patients, as their expenses are covered either by insurance or the drug company anyways, and will soon have a cure that doesn't make them flip a coin for their life as a side effect.

nobody cares enough to waste time on your ill-informed ass. its your problem that you're an ignorant fool

He claimed it was for Bernie to buy a economics for dummies book

he is truly are guy

> being this stupid

Yeah I guess it's a waste of time to ask for people to back up their huge claims. My bad, dude.


He's catholic.

Pic related has never been more appropriate.

i don't get it, does Sup Forums love or hate this guy and why?

It's on the website my dude. If you google the name of yhe drug you'll find it.

Martin Shkreli became the misinterpreted scapegoat of the dirty dealings of pharmaceutical industry. The sad thing is he's not even an example of a poor ethical human being. The choices that Martin himself have made along his career have been pragmatic and above all beneficial to the consumer and humanity in general. Yet he was chosen as the sacrificial lamb for a complicated issue as he is young rich and too swarmy for most.


bernie btfo bernbots on suicide watch

Not anymore. Hasn't been for a while. He's /OurGuy/

> accuse others of being "a loser who doesn't understand economics or business"
> be "a loser who doesn't understand economics or business"

smarmy, you mean

I've really warmed up to Martin. I don't think he's that bad anymore. Maybe it's because I hate Bernie so fucking much.

God a want to kiss shkreli

>This is why I do not like him
What pharma game?

Yep but mostly of Israeli jews just want peace (with the exception of ortodox jews).
Rothschild are the messiah kabbalistic jews kind (also i don't think they're current jews) also they literally are making the Isaiah prophecy become reality, they can take the world right now if the want, but no... they're making the world suffer and have everything ready to their messiah

this guy is a chad.

>israeli jews are allies
good goy

>inb4 Shkreli invests in cremation ovens and crashes their prices

shkreli isn't jewish

The reason why no one wants to do the digging for you is because you're a stupid fuck that isn't caught up with something that is now common knowledge. Why are you even here? Go back to watching the t.v or some shit.

Thank you for shilling for Shkreli shekels. 0.03 pharma points have been added to your co-pay.

Naw it's because he is an awoken apostle of the refilling on America
He will herald in The Habbening

i had dinner and drinks with shkreli while i was visiting NYC (he paid for all 20+ people). Great guy, good for the community, good businessman, hates socialists. Since he hiked the price of his drug the number of people on the drug has doubled, exactly 0 people who were on it before are off it now, since either insurance pays for it or he gives it out for free. Just more proof the MSM has no regard for the truth but to only push a socialist narrative

me too

me too

me too

you're like a walking talking example of the dunning-kruger effect

me too

he let me shit in his gold toilet

Shkreli has convinced me that Albanians might be human after all

how was the shit?

I can't lie, top 10 of all time

>keep my name out of your mouth
This is ancient roman-tier. So good.

I saw Martin Shkreli at a supermarket in Brooklyn yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Kek love this copypasta

The point was, that the price he raised was for a drug that was heavily destroyed your body.
It was over 60 years old and would fuck the virus plus the rest of your insides.

I really don't think that he's a bad guy. Pharmaceutical companies are just jewish as fuck.

Thankfully you are incredibly well versed in the healthcare and medical research fields and took the time to share your opinion with us. You really Corrected The Record™ about how pharmaceutical development works and the costs behind it. 10/10 user.....never stop posting

Actually, it's a phrase from rap music.

please, please tell me you are insinuating that WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT

Isn't Shkreli extremely rich specifically due to an understanding of economics?

He basically forced the hand of big pharma with a price-play and came out wealthy.

considering he's been livestreaming for the last like 5 hours it's not him

I'm 100% unironically team Shkreli.

he's stated that 70% of the users of the medicine get it for free.
also there are 3 alternative medicines for toxo if his is too expensive.

based SHKRELI fighting communism like a nazi in 1943

everyone who is knowledgeable about the situation and not completely brain dead is

god damn

keep my name outta yo mouth and we can keep it the same nigga
it's not that i'm too big to listen to the rumors
its just that im too damn big to pay attention to them yo thats the diffrence