BREAKING NEWS: Knifeman on the run after stabbing four people in Frankfurt train station

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Whatever, it's just Krauts.

Weiners got schnitzled again

Religion of piss?

Oy Vey!!!

'Is that a Frankfurter in your pocket?'

Karma, the Krauts had it coming.

>motive unclear
>no mention of race

What are refugees, Alex?

Goddamn it you guys stop insulting them and allowing your women out in public uncovered and they'd stop mirdering people already!

Wait, wasn't there an axe attack there already?

>in germany
joke's on you, retard

>Inb4 Tanned German


Was it a troubled but diverse youth?

My thoughts exactly.

So progressive. Really getting the hang of Krautian Wilkommenskultur


blessed knife:
+5 damage against infidels
+10 stealth against cucks .
Germany deserves it .

It starts

I've never soldered but isn't that the part of the iron that gets really hot?


ya lol


i think the axe attack was in Wurzburg. South of Frankfurt

...where's the joke?

>breaking news
>nothing special, just another day in alemannistan


>implying there are other Germans

Aaaaaaaand it's a german...a tanned one.

>only 4
Jesus Christ, Muslims. Get your fucking shit together. We need a real happening NOW to start off the fourth reich.

Ist er ein sandnigger lads?

kek, yes. I'm sitting with a 1' diameter blister on my finger from touching it there accidentally.



A bit of information combined with a video from the scene after everything was over.

Yeah, and soldering a motherboard would most likely ruin it.

I was right there today and this fucking fat refugee ran past me and my girlfriend. They said on Twitter that people shouldn't assume that the attacker was a foreigner, but he really didn't look German to me.

Time to ban assault knives



>looking for several suspects

It's ok, it wasn't a terrorist attack, just an unstable person now move along or be arrested.

How do u say "assume" in german? Is it annehmen? I looked it up on google but I don't know if that's the right word

damn tanned germans, why do they seem to be so dexterous with knifes, scimitars and curved blades in general?!

Yeah, annehmen is correct.

no, it was somwhere in bavaria. Frankfurt is in Hesse.



tanned german . yup happens all the time.the romans ran from tanned germans

nice numbers, also, I think we should give them sword lessons as a nice and tolerant welcome.

Why can I get even a tad excited for such happeninchens anymore?

>shanks people
>gets away
>tfw nobody can find a brick to fight back

how u do dis krauts

can you guys stop saying
everytime someone gets stabbed somewhere?

Tanned Germans most really hate Trains

It was a refugee who attacked 4 other "refugees", they were brown and looked oriental, screamed in a foreign language.



Our German friends have spoiled us with so many happenings that they've become expected.

Oh crap.


Germany is the ultimate cuck

>adolf starts a beta uprising
>gets raped hard by Ivan and Billy
>woman now sex slaves of """"""refugees"""""
>free speech for right wing doesn't exist

This is just another day in Germany

1- How light was his skin?
2- Had he felt marginalized by society recently?
3- Is this, in fact, Trump's fault?

Literally nothing to see here. Just a cultural misunderstanding. Victims should have communicated better with the assailant prior to the attack. Probably just a "knife emergency" anyway.

sauce or we'll never eat up


heiliger fick. ist es real?

literally (((((((((((((((

Isis is terrible at terrorism
>this guy who stabbed 4 random people totally did it for alla!

I'll always wonder why they haven't sent a hit squad into the kremlin.

>be german
>get stabbed

Did you just assume their gender? Fucking shitlord

Well... according to quantum theory, everything is real.

i don't know why people comitt acts of violence. must be faggots.

>muslim on muslim crime

who even gives a shit, focus on the korean memes

Heh, kek.

>had to take a plane on the bxl attacks 5 hours after the bombing happened
>2 days ago I was in Frankfurt, waiting at the train station for a train

p-praise k-kek r-right? WTF REEE