Do you prefer jewish or american actresses?

do you prefer jewish or american actresses?


What's the difference?

what's the difference lol


i'll take 1 of each

I'll take American, you can burn the rest.


Those categories often overlap, especially in Hollywood, so the way you present them is very tricky

In regards to that pic, the jewess looks better

whichever wants more lickings...
which one?

Do you think israeli succubi are genetically engineered or enhanced in someway? How can they be so perfect for a short amount of time and then age like complete shit when the jew genes kick in. They must be doing something with all that funding

I'm simultaneously repulsed and attracted to the chicks on Broad City. I'm intoxicated by Ilana's lasciviousness.

I'm pretty straight, but I would let Ilana peg me.

I'll take Gal Gadot

What if they are jewish American actresses?

What's with all the bullshit anti-jewish sentiments?

>satan trips
I'm sure you would. even though it was Abi who did the pegging in the show, even though indubitably Ilana has too

I'd rather have a Jewish wife than a white wife.
My kids will have a better chance at having a high IQ.

neither of these girls are remotely cute or attractive in any way. you give us jewess posters a bad name

You wouldn't?

but one has big boobs

The Trump campaign emboldened Neo-Nazis, which made them more visible. Because they were more visible they got a lot more media attention, the server hosts for white supremacist sites like Stormfront felt pressure to disassociate with them. They migrated to Sup Forums, along with a bunch of new people. Sup Forums became so popular that it usurped Sup Forums's role as Sup Forums's most popular board. Where Sup Forums used to define Sup Forums's culture, now to an increasing extent Sup Forums does, and it's users are bleeding over onto the other boards.

no, then your kids will be jewish. depending on how the next 30 years plays out, that might not pan out well for them. plus the IQ thing is debateable.
they are strangely attractive. although i admit most still photos don't do them justice.
nah. unless i were younger, drunker, and impressionable to an outrageously sexed up Ilana. then only 'maybe'.

go get your eyes checked

>high IQ
An average a few odd points higher doesn´t mean anything at all at the individual level; the odds of you finding a non-mediocre jew are as low as finding a non-mediocre white.

They tried that already.


blonde has a man'c chin and despite being more tan somehow has more visible veins.

french jewish

I like tall girls so Gadot is more appealing to me.

I think it's reasonable to assume Hitler gassed the ugly Jews first, then didn't finish.

Why is miss usa so ugly?

Rhymes with "shifty dicks dissent."

Good job, almost half of that was vaguely right

>Generations of washing out and thinning of arab/jew genes vs distilled blue eyed child bearing hipped white woman

Considering the shelf life of a woman's eggs, it really makes the most sense to be as attractive as possible while they're their freshest. Regular old evolution would select for that. Shriveling up quickly makes it less likely someone will fertilize your expired down syndrome eggs.
