So Sup Forums. Was the holocaust fake or just exaggerated?
So Sup Forums. Was the holocaust fake or just exaggerated?
I don't remember
It happened but nowhere near the scale the kikes bitch about.
I'd say around a million at most were killed before and during the war.
Totally, absolutely fake, never happened, nothing of it is true, nothing.
I wish it was true though.
exaggerated, no nazi gas chambers could kill six gorillion ppl. plus there isnt a single shred of evidence that ol' uncle adolf authorized the 'death' camps.
The concentration camps and forced labor are real.
The mass murder program is only supported by conflicting survivor testimony and the confessions of tortured men.
A few hundred thousand people died of starvation and the Typhus epidemic when allied strategic bombing made it impossible to get food and medicine into the camps.
German here, It was fake
the holocaust was real but it was all in america. the homeless starving men couldnt be sent to war and the government couldnt pay for them to eat
so they made up the holocaust. its why the germans arent allowed to question any alleged facts of the holocaust
how did america get film of the war crimes? why were jews just deported before the brits and french started war with germany but suddenly it turned bloody after? why dont jews talk about the typhoid out break in europe during WW2
It happened, and is actually underrepresented.
The Jews have nearly completely bogarted the tragedy
Maybe 100000 at most died from disease or starvation. No gas chamers though.
it was real in my mind.
Exaggerated, almost certainly.
You would need to be clinically retarded to believe it never happened at all, however.
A lot of jews died due to disease and epidemics, and the bodies had to be burned.
>You would need to be clinically retarded to believe it never happened at all, however.
Nope, in contrast you would need an IQ of 183 to believe it is fake, totally made up. Look up Bobby Fischer's quote on the Holocaust.
No. WOuldnt make sense for them to just make fake history. WHy not make claims that aliens came down and built things, or a zombie apocalypse happend at one point, or that ghosts are real? DO you know why? Because we dont care to document things that never hapend. morons. Only extremists and delusional people believe things that they would rather believe, appossed to the things that actually happend.
Mostly exaggerated. The numbers fluctuate between 2 and 12 million depending on (((who))) you ask. The consensus is somewhere around 5 million. Also, there were a lot of atrocities during that era between 1914 and 1945. Ukraine, Armenia, the Greeks...and that's just in the neighborhood. That's saying nothing of atrocities committed in Asia. Sure, the holocaust happened, but it's garnered more notoriety because of the influence of certain (((people))) in academia and the media.
There's nothing hateful about it, or at least there doesn't have to be.
It happened. Retards keep saying how its impossible to gas six gorillion skypes but nobody said all of them were killed like this. Lots of people were shot at their homes or killed in combat.
Exaggerated but real.
fake like my god allah
Very real, very much genocide, but if I remember correctly the 6,000,000 number is the number of Jews that were no longer in wartorn Europe by the end of the war, which while mostly means death, does not include refugees/emigration.
real well documented and was not exaggerated
OP here, what about the ovens and the showers and the gas chambers? Were they real or just exaggerated?
Highly exaggerated but real. Reduce the death count (camps + executions + lack of food) by a factor of 5-8 and then it becomes realistic.
That's fake
Showers and Gas Chambers were real. Ovens were not for killing, but were used to cremate already dead bodies, except for isolated incidents.
Orchestrated by the Rothschilds to get the Jews back to the middle East
It is more than 6 million Jews.
Proxy are you genuinely from Saudi? Isn't this website blocked in your country?
Do you consider yourself Muslim?
foolish question
Some death happened, but nothing worse than all the others did at that time. "holocaust" never happened though.
sauditard and no it's not blocked also am an atheist so ;c
Neither. Stop being a dumbfuck and making us all look like fringe idiots. Look at the photographic evidence American generals demanded was taken EXACTLY so dumbfucks like you couldn't deny it after the fact.
The numbers you are describing are largely what were used publicly in MSM and history classes up through most of the 80s
People died in the camps of starvation and disease but there was no organized mass extermination. It got worse when the tide of the war turned against Germany and resources were scarce.
IQ of 183, and yet he was still wrong.
Isn't it illegal to be an atheist?
My uncle was in a POW of camp and had to cannibalize to survive
It was real in my mind. But not as bad as Germany's future.
We can kill billions of animals in modern sloutherhouses, so why germs coudn't have gas just six millions of jews? I mean it was technically possible. It happend.
>what were used publicly in MSM and history classes up through most of the 80s
Wat? So calculating from originally 11 million... you had used 1.3-2.2 million for the entire holoclaus in the 80s? I somehow doubt that.
>Calls other idiots
>Believes that photos prove truth
Sorry to be a pain but which one specifically? I'm looking but can't find anything- got something to hand Norbro?
He wasn't you imbecile.
Punishable by death, so no it's totally hlal am kidding am fucked if they knew.
i think it happened but the numbers are exaggerated
shit son.
So is it true that your government pretty much completely runs the US government?
The official narrative isn't that all of them were killed in the gas chambers, I think.
Hollywood at its finest. This was before gangstalking that we have today, a full participant operation. In the sense that its was a "truman show" of sorts. Testing out (A/B test) before taking it live. That's what Williamsburg is today with the Hipster movement (r). It's another outfit of psych/sociological engineering on brand management/advertising, etc. They were obviously recruited in college, from mostly eastern seabord, plus small artsy colleges in the midwest. Reality is stranger than fiction.
Is that it?
): I'll keep digging. Thanks anyway tho.
Source on this being real? Hoping for real.
Don't know, i wasn't there.
Any way you could like...stop them from triggering WW3?
how do you feel about Israel eventually nuking your shit country?
I'm on mobile now, it is a too big hassle for me to search, but there are many truthful quotes about Jews from him.
My grandmother spent time in Auschwitz and according to her it was just a labour camp. It got worse towards the end of the war though. Most died of mal nutrition and and some did get shot. Mostly they where used as industrial labour force and some, like my grandmother worked as a stonelayer until she managed to flee.
the sandniggers want to take over the world so no not gonna happen. islam is the one and true religion of peace eks dee.
If the camps weren't for the purpose of holding them to kill, what were they for? Where they sending them out the country in batches and just needed temporary accommodation or were they just special prisons for the Jude?
>/nationalistjew/, SA kike or Austrian lefty
this just proves that conditions were lethal. for the guy to feel the need to write in, in order to safeguard the physical condition of his prospective armament workers. skeletons don't work very well.
systematic killing of jews for ethnic cleansing purposes = fake
civilian deaths due to starvation, lack of medicines, forced labour and other tragedies of war in internment camps = real
Wait what, am I being redpilled hard right now, or are you guys conspiretards? Any sauces/links/articles/testimonies to back all that up?
I'm not a newfriend, I just thought "the Holocaust didn't happen" was a meme to mock the kikes playing victim-card in present-day politics.
He was.
he's definitely a proxy.
how new are you?
it's not as important as jews make it out to be. it would gas em again just for keks
Good Goy.
>everyone in the world knows kraut language
Not an argument.
>nazi germany killing jews on a industrial scale with himmler keeping it a secret from hitler
>nazi germany getting bombed to shit thus food/medical supplies were nonexistant and people starved + got diseased
>6 million died
>200.000 - 500.000
probably, nobody knows
>all extermination camps found by soviets
>none by western allies
Really makes you think
Whatever Goy.
>There is a picture of the quote on the Internet so the source must be reliable
Are you denying the existence of the Holocoaster goy?
You're a sad person, stop posting please
>all extermination camps found by soviets
>none by western allies
>12th Armored Division
Prisons for undesirables or enemies of the state to separate them from Hitler's ideal German people. It was never only Jews in the camps.
Show me one shred of proof that doesn't rely on eyewitness accounts and aren't forced confessions. I'll wait...
You know in a court case if the Judge is the one who's accusing someone they can't preside over the trial because of what is known as "conflict of interest". You might want to look up where the Judges during the Nuremberg Trials were from, it's pure coincidence I promise you. While you're there look up "kangaroo court" too and then look up "earliest flights from Britain" and get the fuck out of my country.
I'm genuinely sorry that the facts don't back up your hurt feelings, if you swallow this redpill the rest will go down a lot easier. Until then, you can fuck off.
There are live recordings of him, the quotes are all from interviews.
lol bobby fischer is batschit insane.
Click this newfag if you're really interested:
Of course geniuses appear insane to ordinary people.
Captain Kirk was always handsome.