Are video games degenerate Sup Forums?
Are video games degenerate Sup Forums?
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Depends in what context they're used.
For many people, vidya is the first step to becoming redpilled. That's how they get introduced into online culture.As gay as it was, Gamergate probably did a lot of redpilling on Feminism and Liberals.
Addictions are degenerate. Video games can be a source of addiction. Some people who play video games have unhealthy behaviors, some don't.
its a decent pastime, a bit of fun now and again (especially multiplayer games with friends). but excessively to the point when its all you do it autistic
I play them almost exclusively online with close friends. It depends on how you use them.
It is just a medium, it can be many things.
Gamer gate shill
vidya is the only place where you can interact with your fantasies though
But Germans are even more degenerate
Are movies degenerate? Are books degenerate? Is food degenerate? Is music degenerate?
Much like books, music, TV, and movies....It depends on what it is.
>D-do you approve of my lifestyle Sup Forums, i'm a beta male faggot but i want to be and Aryan god that slays pussy on the daily like the rest of the board does
All you faggots asking other losers whether or not they approve of your hobbies is sad.
They are
No less than any other form of entertainment.
Excess self indulgence is degenerate. If it turns you into a repetive junkie, it's bad. Same with drugs, tv, movies, food. You can expand your mind and destroy it with the same activity.
Well. food is a necessity. But i agree. Its judt entertainment. An escapism. Something to pass the time. And, the more interactive of the three. In my opinion the best form of entertainment and with developets like TellTale, you get the best of tv and video games. Its getting sweeter
MMOs, ASSFAGGOTS and other E-"""sport""" shit are surely degenerate.
i dont know, but you certainly are
Millennials were raised on them, now look were they are now
they used to not be long, long ago
>a gamer? Why yes. Look at me spending 24 hours a day sitting in my own waste working my hands to the edge of incapacity. Trying to yet again defeat a villain, claim a boss, win a race, achieve a goal, solve a puzzle, or survive a round. This is me, partaking in a culture that got overrun by losers bigger than I am, which call themselves gamers, while obsessing over all the references and "nerd" cred they get for knowing video game strategies. Oh a gamer girl? Fuck my dick is hard already. Thick you say? Hell yeah I love a girl who is comfortable with the way she smells after baking in her own body grease. GAMES ARE NOT ART. I'm not a "gamer" yet I actively participate in video games, discussions about video games, purchase video games merchandise so I can fill my shelves with useless shit! Oh boy these gaming tournaments are bullshit. Games aren't sports, except for my competitive RTS,arcade, Nintendo smash gimmick fighters. Consoles! pathetic. Why pay $200 dollars when you can pay $1000 to do all of the aforementioned activities in 4K RESOLUTION?! Asian girls? Fuck yeah bro! Fucking fat girls cosplaying are the shit. THEY'RE THICC! NOT FAT!! Oh whats that? I have to pay $30+ to be able to enjoy these games? A $80 pre-order price? A deluxe edition!!? Seems reasonable. Oh look, the game can be made better if you pay $100 two times for two extra DLCS. Oh whats that? Subscription services for only $60 a year? SIGN ME UP BRO
This is what you are. You're getting economically shafted. Enjoy your toys you fucking losers.