0hour1 check his last few tweets out

Other urls found in this thread: stoves&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=42&publication_type[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results*/

If it's a Trump scandal it will be on the news 24/7
Lmao blatant shit
The good thing is more people are waking up to it
I was getting a hair cut at an all spic barbershop and all of them were talking about how the media only reports and Trump and how biased the debates were


Don't worry this account has yet to actually release anything, just hype supposed future leaks

you read it wrong he's tweeting to Trump to get his attention

go check the timeline

shit is about to go down


and a bump

i want trump to win

That's a pro trump account, niggers

Using Dept of Energy as a piggy bank

Looks like they're trying to get Trump's attention, since they're tweeting Hannity too. Hannity shills like crazy for Trump.

Tell me more

It was like a minor Clinton foundation.

Tons of corporations and people put money into a "charity" project, some $400 million dollars for stoves (they were shit).

The people pushing to buy the stoves with tax money and donation were the same people that secretly owned the stoves.

They were also using the Dept. of energy (tax payer money) for this. Did some of it end up in private hands?

It was just a cover to funnel cash to individuals and deal in insider trading.

This is from march. It appears this issue is coming to a head.

The websites for the product have all gone down recently, in an attempt to avoid whatever it is that is about to come out.

Looks like some kind of scam to tap into tax payer money which is being used by the Clinton Campaign somehow.

not a week passes since fucking nothing that is Kim Dotcom, and here you are taking another bait

Breitbart only had half the pieces

If they can use RICO to get her on this she is fucking done.

That guy is a disinfo agent. Nothing he says is ever true.

Non profits all connected like a Ponzi scheme taking in billions from US taxpayer $$ ... the monthly meetings show that in Wikileaks

their Reddit is private now

I guess it has yet to dawn on you that Kim's recent antics were instrumental in causing yesterday's kerfuffle for Hillary and Huma?

happening confirmed

what fucking stove company has a subreddit

So this is another scandal?
And if this is big, when will Wikileaks deliver?

Is this site down for you guys?


jew is true
0hour just seems to be a hypeman

yep they poopered it

God damn this cunt is a crook.

Wikileaks search stoves&any_of=&exclude_words=&document_date_start=&document_date_end=&released_date_start=&released_date_end=&publication_type[]=42&publication_type[]=46&new_search=False&order_by=most_relevant#results

they're talking about clinton FYI

doubt they have anything tho they've never delivered shit

This account is very pro Trump. Hes Tweeting to Trump and Hannity to let them know that Hillarys house of cards is about to collapse.

nope, fat cunt tried to take credit but had nothing to do with it. emails came from their devices, not NSA. totally unrelated investigation. Kim is now spazzing that "maybe they'll look into that in the future"

Creation Date: 2010-06-22T18:29:59Z
Updated Date: 2014-06-18T19:21:51Z
Registrant ID:CR114707653
Registrant Name:Barbara Kerr
Registrant Organization:Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Registrant Street: 1750 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Registrant Street: Suite 300
Registrant City:Washington
Registrant State/Province:District of Columbia
Registrant Postal Code:20006
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.2028879040
Registrant Email:[email protected]
Admin ID:CR114707660
Admin Name:Barbara Kerr
Admin Organization:Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Admin Street: 1750 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Admin Street: Suite 300
Admin City:Washington
Admin State/Province:District of Columbia
Admin Postal Code:20006
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.2028879040
Admin Email:[email protected]
Tech ID:CR114707658
Tech Name:Barbara Kerr
Tech Organization:Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Tech Street: 1750 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Tech Street: Suite 300
Tech City:Washington
Tech State/Province:District of Columbia
Tech Postal Code:20006
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.2028879040
Tech Email:[email protected]

>We provide fiscal services for UN agencies and programs. For more information, please e-mail [email protected].

(((fiscal services)))

Oy vey.

This is correct

Also true

What the fuck, isn't this the building Trump bought?

This larpy nigga looking for attention again

This. Amazing how this goes over so many heads.

Bumping because this stove racket registered a domain with the address of the post office that Trump bought and just turned into a hotel and is directly connected to the UN


also help me find info on barbara kerr

turns out the cookstoves thing was reported by Breitbart already but wasn't tied to the UN yet, this is a legit connection from Hillary laundering money with the UN

Bump for interest

Super PACs are prohibited from Coordinating with Candidates. There's 2 types of Super PAC Coordination -

1. Coordinated Communications
2. Coordinated Expenditures

This article provides clarity on what a Coordinated Communication is -

Pretty much, Coordinated Communication is when the candidate and Super PAC coordinate prior to the release of a Paid Advertisement. As discussed in the Article, 3 things need to be triggered in order for an advertisement to be considered "Coordinated":

1. Payment
2. Content
3. Conduct

But the thing is, most of the Super PAC coordination isn't in relationship to coordinating paid advertisements.

It's coordination like what's been exposed in O'Keefe's tapes - Clinton Campaign ordering shills to incite violence at Trump rallies. Or the Clinton Campaign receiving Research from Super PACs.

These things have nothing to do with paid advertisements, but they are illegal. They fall under the 2nd type of coordination - Coordinated Expenditures.

Say, for example, the Clinton Campaign directed a 'political consulting firm' to disrupt a Trump Rally. The average going rate for this Political Consulting firm is $10k. The Clinton Campaign would have 2 options of paying for this service:

1. Clinton Campaign pays the $10k directly to the firm. In an accounting sense, this would be legal.

2a. Clinton Campaign DOESN'T pay the firm anything. The Firm provides $10k worth of services Pro-Bono, for no charge, to the Clinton Campaign.

2b. However, since the Clinton Campaign DIRECTED this political consulting firm to disrupt the rally, that means the Clinton Campaign RECEIVED a $10k IN-KIND donation from the firm.

What's happening is that the Clinton Campaign is receiving a LOT of in-kind donations, but they aren't reporting any of it. Highly illegal...

O'Keefe already exposed illegal coordination, it's bullshit technicality and nothing will come of it. Clinton got away with way worse.

What is even the consequences of these crimes? It's probably a fine or some shit. Catching Hillary on some gay fine print technicalities that no one gives a shit about is worthless.

Money laundering tax payer money isn't a small crime m8
If they actually wanted to they could throw her ass in prison till she dies
But nothing will happen and if it did King nigger would pardon her

>bullshit technicality
It's not really a technicality if it's the explicit intention of the law.

>What is even the consequences of these crimes?


There are two investigations going on at the FBI. The Clinton Emails and the Clinton Foundation.

The foundation is the white whale and would take down everyone.

Here comes the WEINER!
Watch :

weird, nobody has a snapshot of it archived... really curious what types of threads would be posted on there

0hour tweets are worst than ctr shitposting


I thought so too but this looks legit, check the whois for

so he's got nothing

stop falling for this shit

I don't trust that account for a second.

Never delivered on anything. Retweets false information. Can't spell.

hi CTR

Seems actually legit

I mean I found interesting info from the tip, I really dont' think the twatter man is going to do anything though

This is it folks, FBIanon said go after the Clinton Foundation, shit's gettin real now!

This is how it goes.

If she gets elected a couple of her underlings like Huma will be sacrificed. Someone's going to admit that "it was all me, Hillary had the best intentions."

If Trump is elected, the whole fucking system is going to burn.

Lampin and bampin, we need to find /cfg/ anons who have been looking into the un ties

Self Checkd self bump and someone help

Its archived*/