What do you thinka bout them Sup Forums? Good for society? A drain on society? Is it bad since it's a personal choice?
Fat People
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I fucking hate fat people
I don't get people like this, I'm fat but I'm proportioned so I just look big. I don't have fat exploding out like a monstrosity. I'm not saying I'm much better but if you're going to be fat how the fuck do you make yourself turn into a barely-human looking thing like this or those things you find at walmart on the mobile chairs?
In a country with a healthcare system they are drain. They are weak people with impulse control issues who don't take responsibility for their actions, and deserve all the scorn they get.
Fat acceptance campaigners are soft cock do gooders who care more about feelings than they do health. Bunch of fuckwits.
Well he has ObamaCare so no worries I guess?
Depends, if you're like a truck driver but fat that's understandable as long as you don't use it as a victim card
Extremely fat people like your pic drain society
Fat people are immoral
Losing weight is so fucking easy. I've lost 40 pounds in the past.
Just stop drinking sugar, eat 1000 calories a day and lift weights
I'll never be a skinny person. My genetics are the reason why I'm fat. Even with a healthy and active diet I will never be able to physically reach a skinny weight.
>I am growing larger
That's bullshit, because thermodynamics. If you put less energy into your body you will loose weight. It is how the world works.
Fat fucks can be annoying but as long as they don't (in)directly inconvenience me it's not my problem.
I've always hated this fat lump of shit. He's always telling some sob story every fucking video in order to get his fans to feel sorry for him. His whole I'm above the drama thing just makes him look all the more pretentious. Fuck you boogie. The day will come when his whore of a wife will take the money and run.
worse than niggers because you can fix being fat
t. degenerate
It's possible, you just lie to yourself about your eating habits. My gf is the same way. She's always bitching about how she's not losing any weight even though she's been eating "healthy". Meanwhile I can clearly see her carb intake is out of control. She convinces herself that that bagel she just ate is healthy because it's "whole grain".
I went from 183lbs to 160 in 6 months just by cutting carbs/sugars. I don't even exercise other than my physically active job.
People who stay fat don't deserve any respect desu.
I lost 40 kilos with very little effort. All it took was not eat like a fucking pig.
I actually feel bad for people like boogie that are fat only because their lives were a cesspool of hell and eating ended up being their vice of choice. I don't feel bad for them because they were fat though, more because they're lives were a cesspool of hell. In general though I dislike especially fat people because they've all but completely forced our culture to accommodate to them, which has caused a cycle of more and more obesity, and now we're at the point that I get made fun of for NOT being fat in mainstream culture. It's horseshit. They're the ones with mental disorders, not me. Why should I treat them like they aren't mentally ill gluttons that are disgustingly overweight and will die prematurely due to their own life choices? Shit I'm sipping on a beer and about to throw some snus in my mouth right now, but I don't expect society to view me in a positive light for either one of those bad choices. Why the fuck do fatties not only get off, but are glorified in our society now?
Is this bait?
If you can't lose weight it's your own damn fault. You don't have any self-control
He got bad because he has a mental disability he is currently dieting hard to fix his mistake and uses his videos to satirize the issue and make light of its problems
Read about his life.
He is heavily traumatized and probably has a lazy brain becuase of his diet.
But the sharters i cant explain, i guess they are addicted becuase of their shitty lives.
Fat people are pathetic. Being fat and having to lose weight is probably that one commonly occurring problem in life that has an absolutely clear-cut, straightforward way of solving it: Exercise and a balanced diet.
If you're too incompetent to deal with something as basic as that, you probably can't deal with anything else life is gonna throw your way either.
Boogie is a fucking lost cause.
huh..... really makes you thin....
useless, lazy, slothful, disgusting, sniveling parasites
t. used to be fat as fuck and turned my body into a machine with lifting/martial arts
Oh she's taken the money, but she won't run. She knows he'd never catch up anyways.
This must be sarcasm. Are you highlighting how people bitch, but don't actually count their calorie intake?
Please be.
If they work hard, and put a decent amount back into society, it's not a problem.
If they make a living by claiming benefits from being unable to work because of how fat they are, they need a bullet to the back of the head.
Also "muh genetics" is entirely bullshit. Fat people are fat because they don't do what it takes to keep their bodies healthy. If you have a lower metabolism or whatever and put on weight easier, you can just make more of an effort to counteract that.
do you think boogie preps the bull
I'd hate to be really fat
My BMI is right in the sweet spot and always has been, but I've started training just because I'm paranoid I'll get JUST genetics the second I hit 25 if I'm sedentary.
>pregnant with massive milky mammies
oh lord
>fat """people"""
boogie came out with a video supporting hillary clinton
a few days before, he talked about how expensive obamacare is but he still got it and he had insurance for the first time and he was thanking obama
he's gone off the rails, i hope he dies soon (protip:he will)
>posts videos for years about him losing weight, every new tactic he tries
>still 500+ lbs
I don't think he has the energy t b h. He probably just listens from the next room, through the walls. Then he turns his game volume up and works on a new video.
I agree boogie is being cucked but my gaydar is going off on that guy
you know it what im into
They should have to pay a fine every year for being obese until they slim down to an acceptable size.
I hate how society is punishing us all by taking away our delicious trans fats, imposing soda taxes, and promoting garbage 'healthy' food.
Why are we not punishing only the fat people?
I went from 195 lbs to 135 in 6 months by eating healthy and exercising regularly.
I have no sympathy for fat fucks.
>fat people
This, I'm 120kg for 6'2, which is obese but I'm still nowhere near as obese-looking as these people.
If we only punished the perpetrators that'd be discrimination, user
Well Kim Dotcom is literally saving western society.
So I can't hate too much.
But they'd be much happier if they'd exercise.
Goddamn dude, I remember seeing this video from Boogie some time ago:
And I thought "damn, maybe now he gets to move his ass. A couple months later and someone posts a pic of him using a scooter fat people use to move around the house. I sincerely think he's a lost cause.
Boogie2988 is the fattest person I ever seen. No idea who watches his videos. I'm guessing gamers that have nothing better to do. He is selfish and fat. And weak. He constantly says he is going to lose weight but never happens. He will probably die soon, the human heart can only handle so much blubber.
Fat people, with weakened immune systems, increased body mass, and higher amounts of biomaterial consumption exponentiate the surface area of attack for pathogens and disease: they are literally a biohazard
Fat people suck resources for research for their preventable conditions such as heart disease, colon cancer, stroke, respitory illnesses, etc (this list would take days to enumerate), that could be spent on more serious areas such as neurological disorders, psychiatric research, stem-cell research; anything really
Fat people snore like a wood chipper, call it "sleep apnea", drain more resources for treatment of that rather than lose weight, and meanwhile keep their normal weighted partners from sleeping properly
Fat people start making weird grunting noises as they age while they are awake too, it's disgusting
Fat people weigh more and require marginally, though with the ubiquity of transport in the US: significantly, more fuel consumed to transport
Fat people, with dollar voting, keep unhealthy food cheap and healthy food expensive and thus virally incentivize more fat people
Worst of all, the average town in America is just swamped with restaraunts because Fat people HAVE MADE A HOBBY OUT OF EATING: these restaraunts ramp up all sorts of other costs such as real estate for the possibility of other productive buildings such as recreational centers, community organization centers, libraries, or gyms
knowing this, Fat people deserve 0 respect and should be treated like animals until they lose weight
wait really? just to get around his house?
post the pic please
I fucking hate fat people
That McWhopper video was fucking hilarious though. So was the Dewitos episode. I love Boogie.
Do you know Diamond Dallas Page even tried to help him and he fucked that up too?
>Boogie2988 is the fattest person I ever seen
come to Texas
feed them to starving africans.
It would be like feeding them polar bear meat, too much vitamin D, die of malnutrition and heavy metal/compound toxic shock poisoning
>Wanting to feed africans.
>boogie came out with a video supporting hillary clinton
Because he was threatened about some shit if he didn't and it wasn't even a Hillary support video. It was just him saying "I'm gonna vote Hillary". The dude's always been very neutral on most things and fairly liberal in the normal sense of the word. How was that not expected?
the argument against socialized health care given human form
I'm assuming your an endomorph body type. Just go fucking bear mode.
The sad truth is that the vast majority of fat people will never sustainably lose weight, even if they try. They can eat a "healthy" diet, and it still won't work. It's not their genetics that are fucked, it's their metabolism that's been completely fucked over by years of morbid obesity.
It's true that at the end of the day, it's calorie accounting. If you use more than you eat, then you will lose weight. What people forget is that when you're morbidly obese, you have to maintain a calorie deficit for months, which is essentially starvation. Every evolutionarily designed drive within you will fight against the starvation.
That's why you'll see bariatric surgery become fantastically popular in your lifetime. It takes willpower out of the equation by making your stomach so small that you can only eat so much at a time. It instantly corrects metabolic dysfunction like type 2 diabetes. That said, I've never seen a bariatric surgery patient that really looks "healthy", because they basically have surgically enforced starvation.
The real key is to never get incredibly overweight in the first place. Some people truly deserve their bodies because they've been shoving shit into them for years and years. For me, the worst thing is when I see fat children, which is becoming disturbingly common. These children are not in charge of their diets and their metabolisms are being fucked over by their parents shitty eating habits. It's fucking tragic.
Natural selection. They will breed less and die sooner. Marrying other fatties and raising kids as planets.
However, if liberals get what they want the free healthcare and handouts for them will lead to a prolong life, (trying to make overweight a noted disability). On top of that If they managed to further normalized obesity then natural selection goes out the door.
America is going to hell.
If they would just eat themselves to death it would be fine... but they somehow continue to live and take it out on our healthcare system which raises Everyone's premiums to cover these disgusting slobs issues.
>Ban cars for fat people
>Ban jobs for fat people...
>Put them in work camps
>Shame them
>hes not obese
Christ health education has failed in america. If your 50 pounds overweight you ARE obese. That man IS obese
the guy on the left looks like moot
Not to fight you on thermodynamics or anything but you should look into low-fat (high sugar) diets and how they affect insulin.
Sugar drives insulin which drives fat storage is pretty much the tl;dr of it.
Also look into the Pima indians of Arizona to see how CICO isn't the only thing working in a human body. Hormones are incredibly strong and if you really look into it it's not breaking CICO/thermodynamics either, it's scary how powerful the human body does things to survive.
I despise them. I'd have them all either shot (if they are irredeemably fat) or sent to fat camps (concentration camps).
Outward sign of a mental disorder or gross ignorance.
"Fat acceptance" people are worse than child molesters because unlike sex, being fat has no upsides.
Fat people should be able to get welfare with the condition of losing a set amount of fat per month.
Taking a year off to lose half your body mass is totally worth it and I would recommend it to everyone. It's the best thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones, your country, your god, whatever. Hate the fat acceptors and hate yourself for having believed their lies. Let the fire of hate cremate your lard. Read a fucking book on thermodynamics. Understand that there's no secret to losing fat, only simple arithmetic. Make it a rule to get hungry before you eat. Get hungry three times a day for the rest of your life. Do not fear hunger, love it. Think of hunger like edging before cumming. You don't jerk it for the jizz. You do it for the anticipation. Same with eating.
Unfuck your life and stay unfucked. Discard people who love you for being fat. They are your worst enemies, they make you weak and keep you weak. They like to have someone worse than them, they get kicks from that. Deprive them of their pleasure. Reduce your adiposity and watch in amazement how they recoil, how they shun you, how they suddenly act mean towards you. Observe how people who you thought were your enemies, who wouldn't have anything to do with you before, start to respect you. Make your first fat joke. Kill your old "soul" and piss on its grave. Nothing of value was lost. "Self" is a lie. You became fat because you believed it. Stop feeding the "self", you're creating a monster.
thanks stalin...
depends on the person, but
> 50lb-100lb overweight
Gross , but acceptable, long as they are willing to at least try to lose weigh
>anything above 100lb overweight,
Should be exterminated, iv been late to work on the bus more times becuse those blobs of useless matter have to stop the entire bus so they are get on and off
This I'm 5'11 and 280lbs but I'm nowhere near as obviously obese as boogie
Is it just shit genetics?
he just blew off DDP.
fuck boogie.
Theres a fair amount of truth to this
Damn japan why do your Chinese cartoons gotta be so based?
have you tried cutting carbs? it's more effective than cutting calories
I smoke, I drink, I'm not a person to judge whether something should be banned for the sake of society because there will always be things that do that.
Fat people are just ugly and unpleasant to look at.
>t. 99lbs overweight
Boogie is like twice your size, friend. You're still huge, just half as huge as Boogie.
>t. muh memetabolism
go to africa and starve
>that guy
>50 pounds overweight
try 100
>have to stop the entire bus
... As opposed to stopping just the rear part? What the fuck are you talking about??
i dont like fat as much as the next guy, but if they were to pay their own bills, medical or otherwise, would you say you had any right to force them to change?
>tfw size of boogie but haven't had carbs or sugar in a month and have been eating at 1,500 calories a day
soon these threads won't trigger me
as opposed to jumping off a moving bus? what the fuck do mean by this
How are you holding up? What's your average loss per week?
>Diamond Dallas Page offers to help boogie lose weight
>turns him down and makes a video wolfing down burgers
Yup. Whatta guy.
Fat hate isn't about people trying to change, remember that.
It becomes a problem when I have to pay taxes to take care of countless issues associated with their "personal choice".
This fat shit is actually pretty based. In case you didn't know, he has gold-tier insurance. This means that he pays fuckloads ($9000 a year) to protect himself against inevitable heart attacks.
Meanwhile, you're paying a paltry $500 a year for bronze-tier insurance, which you'll probably never even use because you're retarded.
>500 a year
I wish
i don't mind fat people as much as I hate skinny people.
You know the type, the lanky skinny think weak people.
I've seen some bouncers that are just fat, but you know they could beat the living shit out of troublemakers
I've never, ever, seen a skinny guy who looked intimidating.
I'm willing to bet these same people who are extremely anti fat are skinny fucks, just like people who go on about manlets are themselves most likely skinny lanky fucks.
>that fat fuck thinks it's $500 a year
>tfw it's $700 a year just to not have insurance at all
obama is fucking my asshole
"Dieting hard" lmao he's been "dieting" for the last 3 years. Fat fuck who's full of excuses. Pathetic.