Anime Wonder Woman and Harley

>Anime Wonder Woman and Harley

Good shit man.

Other urls found in this thread:

That batmobile was wicked

One of DC's attempts to start courting the Japanese audience, along with the Batman and friends manga.

>Every passing day the possibilities of an official Goku vs Superman become more and more likely
Kill me before it's too late

Lordy. The shitposting would become unbearable.

So what is exactly is 鷹の爪 and why are they collabing with DC?

Its japanese aqua teen
there was a yahoo auction selling off promo-items to raise money for the budget which it didn't make,but eagle talons budget is arguably lower than aqua teens because everybody was voiced by the same guy
now its a huge sucess in japan and collaborates with everything for advertising

I'm very delighted at the idea of Superman performing dropkicks on peoples faces.

>DC characters are outsourced to Japan
>The Batmobile turns into a Gundam now

Goddamnit, Japan. I hate that I love you.

What's up with normies trying to get into anime? From Jaden Smith and the frontman of Vampire Weekend. baka