What did he mean by this?

>Pewdiepie does another video shitting on popular youtube feminist liberal idiots
>His sidekick was named Goebbel but now he changed the name to "Gunther"

When the number one youtuber in the world is getting fed up with degenerates and is about to lose it, doing subtle things like this really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:


>Video goes black/white and depressing music plays as an angry fed up voice says
>"I'm going to make them give back our past..."

I'm actually a little bit scared now

>Dat hitler beard he draws on himself this episode.

He's officially #ourguy now!

fucking love this man thbq

also no dont be retarded OP

He's actually changed a lot, I watched a video of his yesterday and all that retarded fake personality that was so obviously put on the appeal to twelvies had disappeared. He's pretty relaxed and chill now, and can sometimes be actually funny.

There's a lot of repeating numbers going on here

I think JEWS T DIE



Hitler mustache too.
He must realize how far the UK has fallen.

pewdiepie seems like a top lad

Pewdiepie more like Gasthejewdiepies

Based Pewds. Praise Kek.

PewDiePie is so fucking based.

At this point his next video could be called "Gas the Kikes" and it wouldnt surprise me.

If only all Swedish men were this based.

>that hairline

He called swedes cucks so there's no doubt he's /ourguy/. He's entertaining too and I look forward to watching his daily video.

>J E W S
>_ _ _ T
>D I E

Have you seen this video? Watch the credits in slow motion.

>No I'll intent to marina joyce
>I'll see you... next Tuesday *salutes*


Does someone have the screencap of him saying 'delete this' on twitter. He is 100% one of us and is now just shitposting

yeah but how much of that is irony? in the "election" video he's "world is a better place" (then that trump died)

I heard something about him being a drug addict. Any truth to that?


It fits. Holy shit, Fuhrerpie confirmed.

doubt it, probably just uses a lot of coke, ecstasy and weed like everyone else living in the UK

If pewds becomes red pilled, just think about how many people we could reach senpai!

let's be apsies and actually ask to him if knows just what /pol is.
if we spam the question he can actually see it. i'm actually corious, ehen he called swede cucks was just too much wierd. cuck is not a popular insult and it used it only once, to describe swedish people...

What the fuck is going on ITT

Pewdiepie is a good guy now?

He used to be so retarded but know that he became rich he is based.

>PewDiePie was our guy all along

Impara l'inglese prima di scrivere, testa di cazzo

>When the people who told you to kill yourself are suddenly willing to die for you #JustPewdiepieThings


He knows what Sup Forums is. The dude's a nerd and he browses Sup Forums on a daily basis.


I scrolled through the comments and saw someone refer to YouTube as 'JewTube'. I looked through his subscription list and it's filled with normie shit, not one alt-right/right wing channel to be seen. Whatever pewds is doing its working alright

this is the guy who slowly redpills gen z.

He drinks ironically when he watches popular liberal SJW videos on jewtube

But no, he doesn't do drugs

>Hello Hitler
>Hitler probably did uppers
>Pewdiepie is a WHITE ARYAN MALE with an ITALIAN gf and an obsession with JAPANESE culture

This battle was over before it ever began

>tfw the jews don't know gen z are the new hitler youths

And people say money can't buy you class.

hes been openly redpilling for like 6 months now. pewds is a toplad

What's the song at 5:28?

PewDie "Gas the Kikes, race war now" Pie

PewDie "Trumps /ourguy/" Pie

PewDie "Turn the oven on high" Pie

PewDie "If it ain't white it ain't right" Pie

Good fuck niggers.

Pewdiepie is great.

I could not stand him a few years ago when he was getting really popular and everyone loved him.
Now that everyone hates him, I find him a lot more entertaining. I am actually surprised he does not get in more trouble with YouTube due to all the Nazi imagery and sound clips and other 'trigger material' that he has been using this past year.

He has 48 million subs, most of whom are probably kids, so he could create his own Hitler's youth if he wanted to

>They are further right wing than the last 2 generations combined

> tfw he red-pilled his entire 40mill+ subscribers and turned them into white nationalists


hey whats up guys scarce here and today i have another news story, now this story is from none other than popular gaming youtuber pewdiepie. this story gets really fucking crazy guys as some internet forums have studied pewdiepies latest videos closely and discovered that, get this, he's not being ironic about his hitler jokes. yes thats right guys i might do a double upload today because this story is just so fucking crazy.


>"On a self-hate mission to cleanse youtube for my sins"
He's /YourGuy/

In his bf1 video he said that sweden are cucks for not doing anything in wwi.
He also said "being the greedy swede I am" as he rubbed his hands like a jew.
Does Sup Forums memes just leak out a little too much to normies now.

hes going to.

shits crazy, even fucking zyklon bieb was one of us all along.

look at me

i am the zeitgeist now

That's a normal, mature hairline.

he's a big channel

kek, pewds is balding

So he's no longer the guy who shrieks about videogames and pretends to be scared for the amusement of children? Or does he still do some of that?

I never watched him save for a couple fragments, probably in part because I was an adult when he became popular.

For you.

The Truth Fears No Investigation #TGSNT

Underrated post

Read it in his voice

I thought it was common knowledge that this guy was one of us
I mean he started his youtube career by shilling relentlessly on Sup Forums

Justin "Kike Bashin" Bieber

His content recently has really improved. He's not just screaming constantly and being retarded just for views.
Apparently a lot of his fans are talking shit about his new videos, and telling him to change but he realizes that most of the people whining are faggy little kids.

>when you've made so much money that you don't give a fuck anymore

btw the holocaust never happened

Any answers?

>receding hairline

YT probably puts up with it because he's their primary breadwinner. Without him, YT would be pulling in like half as much ad revenue.

He is still a faggot.


>yfw Pewdiepie rallies 40 million 12 year olds to retake Sweden

Fuck Pewdiepie
Or should I say HitlerPie
can't ever trust a blond haired blue eyed boy they are all Hitlers inside

wew lad

what was his endgame?

click bait .

what a waste of trips.


For me, his change is best seen in the video. He is literally ripping into his old personality/videos.


I mean look at his reaction at 11:20. It's so genuine you can't help but smile.


nvm, didn't check the pic

He just likes offensive humour.

WARNING: I found the speech Pewdiepie used for the background of his video


It perfectly resembles the feels Sup Forums gets when they hit that point of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

yeah and Sup Forums is satire :^)

He should do a Pewdiepie Evalion crossover


what happened to make the guy paint HATE on his shoulders?

rare countryside pastel pepe

Also look at 2:03 for when he basically leaves all likeness of his hold self in the dust.

I got you bro

Is that real? Whats causing this? Does this mean there's hope?

t. demoralized millennial.

It's always good to see a man get redpilled, especially when he's famous and might in turn redpill a great many more. Except you know, it's all probably an act. Not that I would know - never could bring myself to watch more than ten seconds of his shitty vids.

there's a lot of complaining about the "nu-male" look but the old bieber/boyband look is straight up feminine.

if the establishment, the mainstream, the media and the adults are all liberal, the only way for young people to rebel is by embracing traditional values and conservatism

Did you even watch the video or do you just like shitposting like a JIDF kike?

He retweeted stats saying that Trump is the preferred candidate in Sweden.

What did he mean by this?

>We did it right Herr Goebbel

we are going to fucking win.

this is why you should be openly redpilling people IRL.

Anyone got the video where he says Moonman is his favourite anime character?

It's just Metal Gear references; based game.

Kaz is a bro.

He really hates that youtube heroes crap, he is probably slowly seeing how far he can get

Reminder that he used to post on Sup Forums when he first started his channel.


we probably redpilled him during gaymer gate.

that shit was a blessing in disguise, even though it ruined Sup Forums for like 6 months. fucking newfags

Shame he's a race mixer