What does it feel like to wake up next to a girl bros?

what does it feel like to wake up next to a girl bros?

what does it feel like to wake up as the girl bros

>be the little spoon
>girl wraps her leg around you
>feels her boobs press against your back


i dont know ;__;


their vagoos are especially warm after a long sleep

It's horrible. Nothing worse on this planet than having someone latching on to you

She's too fucking warm, can never sleep touching

save me from this pain...

this. its so hard to get to sleep when they wanna cuddle all the time. i need my space to get comfy enough to sleep.

this shit is for young people who dont care about not getting any actual sleep.


do you put your hand in there?


Annoying when you roll over and she's drooled on your pillow or her hair gets up your nose or a strand of it wraps around your balls and tries to strangle them.


>not wanting her to squeeze you balls until you feel long lasting pain in them
>i need my space

Unironically this. It’s so goddamn hard to fall asleep after everything’s said and done.
>tfw my arms asleep but I’m not

uncomfortably hot

Annoying because you can't just lie in and they low key expect you to be super virile and fuck their brains out before you get out of bed - because as everyone who's been in a relationship knows women are hyper sexual and basically obsessed with sex

Yeah yeah call me a homo all you want you pathetic virgins, you get to a point in your life where you don't just want to fuck 24/7, its fucking tiring, i just want to lie in on Saturday morning not have to go through a marathon fuckfest just because i woke up with morning wood and she'll feel slighted if I don't fuck her

It's very irritating when you have a shower and discover the perpetual strand has attached itself somewhere and won't fuck off even when you think you got it.

haven't fucked my gf in almost a month now. she's stopped taking care of herself so I'm just showing no interest whatsoever until she is waxed again

I put my dick in there. Morning sex while I've still got morning wood

>girls always want to be dominated and have hardcore sex when I just want to chill, lay back and take it slow and sensual

virgins don't know how good they have it

I know these feels.

It feels good, especially when she sees the flowers that you snuck out and picked for her in the middle of the night on the bedside table. Then she gives you the purest and warmest smile you've ever seen and kisses you while you pull her close.

I miss you so much. I hope you somehow read this, wherever you are. I don't know why someone so incredible, who brought so much sunshine into my life, had to be taken from this world so soon. I love you, I never stop thinking about you, and we will meet again in the next life.

a-user? Are you alright?



this sadly they're to warm and means you only cuddle before and after sleep

i watch that anime too

that's super gay.

Time to move on brother, the pain will never end

Holy fuck I was not ready for this

The worst feeling in the world is pulling on the sheets and them being resistant for any reason. Being with someone only makes that more common

yeah if you do it for a guy
which you do...

your breaths smell. you have to get ready for work. you wonder how the fuck she can talk so much right after waking up where does she get the energy and how do you tell her that you dont give a shit about her dumb as fuck girlfriends.

This is only a problem if you're in a relationship with a slut

this. give me my fucking space I've lived alone for too long to be enjoying this and let me enjoy some weed you stuck up bitch

what do they do next, group study?

>implying it is physically possible in 2018 to be in a relationship with a non-slut

She left you because you're too soft. Softies are usually egocentric, passive-aggressive and emotionally manipulative.

Grow some balls.

this is making me tear up man wtf

She died user.

Well shit. Life sucks.

Wife and I had sex this afternoon, and then we napped for like an hour in each other’s arms.

But what do you mean by growing some balls?

Is it like, being assertive and not letting them influence your decisions?

tucking my gf in at night makes me feel whole

She doesn’t have friends. She has a family she talks to obsessively and the most boring fucking office job in the world that has to tell you about endlessly.

I don’t think she’s ever asked me how my day was.

You know how women can be nagging sometimes? Men can be too. Don't be obsessed with her and your relationship. Live your own personal life while alsomaintaining a healthy shared life.

Also get your shit together and talk.

It took me a long time to realize this. I helped ruin plenty of relationships when I was younger, especially early on when I would text them and want to hang out a ton.

Most of the time the same, be your own hero, you don't need others to make you happy. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have loved ones though.

Never done it.
The closest thing to it was cuddling with my ex on the grass during the summer.


>I don’t think she’s ever asked me how my day was.

Leave her. Seriously, she doesn't give a shit about you.

yeah man not all girls are like that everyone is different, my girlfriend has the verility of a plank of wood. She doesn't have a sexual bone in her body, that being said she generally lets me do anything i want besides anal, has never initiated any sexual advance in years. She is a top tier bro though.

Am i cucking myself bros?

last (and only time) I woke several times and I was sleeping close to the edge of the bed since mine isn't that big

how do boobs feel like lmao

Does she orgasm?

As in, really, and doesn't fake it?

Aome women are fucking weird and mentally block themselves from orgasming. My ex's friend literally broke down in tears as she got close to Cumming

why are all alt-right nuboys obsessed with this all women are sluts thing? what about your mum? Just because you can't get any of them to love you doesn't mean they are immoral, your making an excuse for you being a shitbird.

tl;dr fuck you


she says she does, she looks like. The problem is she never talks about it, or really looks like she enjoys it. if i ask her about she will say yes. I guess on the plus hand i literally never have to worry about her cheating on me. Too bad she won't be able to say the same amirite fellaslmao.

My mom was a slut too.

A roastie who rode the cock carousel, hit the wall, and settled with my beta dad and conveniently "forgot" to take the pill that month

I actually had to start sleeping on the sofa, because I fucked up my shoulder and I would frequently rotate and readjust during night, and it bothered my girl.
That, and my frequent complaining (because of living in constant pain) is probably why we split.
Of all the things I miss, sleeping next to another person who is unconsciously fighting me for room on the bed, a warm head rest, and a blanket, while also waking up with an alarm slightly earlier and hogging the shower, aren't among them.

I can't sleep next to people it makes me uncomfortable as fuck. I want to be able to burp and fart freely. I know that's something you're """suppose""" to be able to do with your partner but I just can't.

They consensually gang bang her but some thick skulled footballer films it on his phone like a dipshit, she kills herself out of shame but not before claiming it was rape, and they are all charged and vilified as scum of the earth

because literally all women are sluts

Gross and annoying

I've done it before but I didn't like her enough for it to be any big deal. Sadly that's the only girl I've ever woken up next to.

why did i watch this. i want to die now.

Goddamn it the absolute state of fucking television programming in the year 2018, I remember when that shit like running a train on a drunk slut was totally fine and funny in the 90s and early 2000s.

I was just bullshitting that's just something that happened in my city.

Look at Biel in that webm, without even looking it up I know that movie is from 200X

Came to post and my post was already posted.

Lol, these type... and virgins don't realize the dynamic changes drastically from "fantasizing about fucking her" to "fucked her 100 times already" it can be such a fucking draining chore eating the same food over and over. Variety is the spice of life : ^)

I know you were bullshitting, that's what I was saying. It's an old movie and that kind of stuff flew then.

Right now there's a rape investigation going on here at Baylor because two Equestrian team members blowbanged a bunch of football players.

It apparently wasn't consensual because one girl "had been drinking when she usually doesn't" and the other had, I shit you not, "been upset that her boyfriend dumped her"

I'd do anything for a former roastie who has hit the wall and want to start a family with me.

Silly whores.

there is direct evidence in this thread to the contrary. What about your waifu? is no one pure?




>user fancy changing sides tonight

I'm sorry user,

feels bad man, get one that leaves after you fall asleep i've found that works best.
better not to fall asleep though if they do first.. that means it's time to sneak out.

I'm worried because I fart too much, we just supposed to tolerate each other's farts or what


(you) just need to get laid m8

fuck thats comfy/ right durr


best advice itc.

well she didnt have makeup on and looked not that attractive (wasnt my type to begin with but meh).

What you think of is true love. And no one has that in 2018 Earth civilization so dont feel bad. People fuck and dump and #partylmao but that is nothing compared to Love which no one experiences or maybe few do, but they are rare.

That feeling you think of is much rarer and its often ppl wake up and think about 10000 different things and last being looking at loved ones face and feeling connection from heart.

You know when you are in love when you touch that girl, her hand or her hair, you feel like you want to dissolve in her?

No one talks about those things anymore. Its considered stupid by the jew programmed masses. So dont feel bad.

True Love is rare. And only true love brings you into the realm of /feel/ you are thinking off and I imagine waking up next to a person you respect and love and honor and appreciate is something that cannot be described but I would imagine its like having helium balloon in your stomach always rising and spreading good feels. And feeling every muscle in your body relaxed and feeling you finally had a good night sleep since you, you made it.


One of my girls is 90lbs of hot coals. I can never sleep because she says she is always cold and tries to climb on and hang on to me like a baby chimp and I get so hot. I wake up drenched and she just keeps slithering her leg up on me and gives zero fucks that we're a sweaty drenched mess. Like bitch is this your sweat? No? Well maybe do you think I'm hot? I have to wash the sheets every 2 nights and I prob need to put a moisture blocking mattress pad on.

It sucks. They smell. They won’t gtfo fast enough. I can’t take a morning shit without them hearing.

Nice pasta

>changing sides

Fuck no I'd rather let my gf peg me and I am genuinely not into that

>ex girlfriend would whisper she loves me all night because she was so in love

Haha it was so annoying...


>user my feet are cold

It depends on how you feel about the girl.
Waking up to some thot you turned out isn't the same as waking up next to your crush, smelling her hair, feeling her feet against your feet, and all those other things that you thought Bright Eyes was lying to you about that just make you sad.

