Who's more sympathetic, Bojack or Rick?

Who's more sympathetic, Bojack or Rick?

Who's a worse person?

Bojack is a self destructive jackass who's trying to become a better person despite his multiple personality issues.

Rick is a mad scientist with a literal incapability to give a fuck about anything that isn't him. He (or one of the infinite copies of him) has probability decimated an entire galaxy to make a ham sandwich.

Neither because they're fucking cartoon characters.

Bojack, hes a flawed being and had a terrible upbringing. You understand why he does what he does. Rick has the power to change everything but doesn't.

>worse person
Rick, he has practically killed millions and has disregarded his family many times and thats just what we saw.

Bojack at worst hurts himself and his circle of friends.

Rick has more than one genocide under his belt.

Bojack, it's not even a question

>People find Rick sympathetic

Bojack for both?

Bojack for more sympathetic, Rick for being a worse person considering how much shit he's done without seeming to feel any remorse for it

I think Bojack is a better show than Rick and Morty.