What killed Christianity in America?
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Jewish Atheist "education"
it's not dead.
just lost a lot of influence, but we'll regain it soon, cultural pendulum is swinging back the other way.
The media and NGOs
Education and science.
Same as everywhere else in the Western world, unless you count Poland as Western.
this. churches "liberalized" an absolute faith, with a very clearly-written, easily understood bible.
you're living through the punishment for doing so.
German theologians
False Shepards and Jews constantly attacking it.
you replaced it with capitalism
Destruction of family values
Access to the internet. made by the devil.
You mean protscum.
Okay so we know about the email where essentially we find out Clinton and company think Catholics are retarded. Has anyone else considered that they know it's a lie. I mean at this point I'm more inclined to believe Jesus was an actor.
stop being retarded
i've read bible once and it's even more idiotic than the fucking quran.
who the fuck would unironically be a christian
nice argument 10 iq
keep believing in your retarded revisionist semitic god that dislikes jews for killing his wife's son
enjoy the stoning, you filthy blasphemer.
Doesn't matter, all of em .
Basically the 60's. The sixties had rock music, vatican 2, explosion of drug culture, immigrants.
Logical thinking
Reason. Logic.
I mean yea in their paradigm its the last phase before things start blipping rapidly on the 'end times" meter. I just think most folk are tired of the same drab bible verses and proselytizing. It's been over 2000 years and shit still hasn't happened. Call it quits.
Schools teaching kids evolution aswell as multiculturalism and globalism.
Cultural Marxism ie; the deconstruction of the traditional nuclear family.
i'm not praising Islam here. I agree, that islam is much worse than Christianity. But that does not make Christianity a religion of logic and reason
Gospel of prosperity. Televangelists became merchants. So and so forth.
The fact that it's such a fucking downer.
How about finding a system that encourages decent living without constant guilt tripping and threats of hellfire.
Natural result of secularism, ethnic Europeans are naturally repelled by the Semitic religion, if we're not forced into it we will all naturally move away from in a few generations.
Those who say "cultural marxism" do not know anything about marxism.
Coincidence? I think not.
When you take away all the grandeur and ritual from traditional Christianity, you're left with basically nothing of value.
The biggest factor that killed Christianity are j__s.
the fact that americans were always too fucking stupid to understand christianity
burgers obsessed about jesus to the point of making him like an ultimate celebrity because that's all they understand. they never understood the values, the teachings of the religion. the fact that it doesn't matter if god is real or the people in the bible existed. what matters is understanding the stories and applying the logic to your own life to live well.
the result of americans going full retard caused the whole thing to fall. in europe no young person actually believes in god but christian values are still respected because they were always the point, not god or jesus as a person.
Go drown in the Mediterranean, insect.
OP's question specified in america, a protestant nation, not mexico
I hope this is bait
>Muh le christian values xDDDDDD and teachings xDD
>the fact that it doesn't matter if god is real or the people in the bible existed. what matters is understanding the stories and applying the logic to your own life to live well.
cancer x2
>constant guilt tripping and threats of hellfire.
That's just protestants.
This. Americans are more concerned with "Christian culture" than they are with theology.
Go drown in the pacific ocean, son of a bitch.
a fucking roach replying to my post
And they were also its creator? Judeo-christianity?
a fucking christard is unironically using the internet
isn't science too advanced for your retarded kind? don't you have some scientists to execute?
Says the guy who follows a child rapist fuck you roach cunt
World War I killed Christianity pretty much worldwide.
Lies. Jesus was a 6'11 blond aryan man who migrated to Israel from Scandinavia.
i am not a muslim. i have to be christard tier retarded to believe in allah
>That's just protestants.
I'm pretty sure Catholics have done hellmongering much more brutally than prods
>muslim talking down to a Christian
>Starts the discussion by outright calling those who do not agree with him idiots.
>Gets offended with people calling him cockroach.
I like your lack of double standards.
Political Evanglicalism, aka bible bangers who put votes over faith
The Vatican
They got their grubby little fingers so deep in everyone's anuses, that Protestanism and eventually Secularism became a thing.
Doesn't help that fundamentalism is a thing that exists and can be damn scary in a stupid way that goes beyond homos.
Religion was a mistake, and has no place in the world, and this is coming from a devout Catholic. What pisses me off is that SJWs just LOVE to focus on the negative things on Christians, but suck muslim cock, serve the jews, admire Eastern Religions as "fountains of wisdom", and pagan shit is "cool".
nice reading comprehension. retard.
and there's a reason why Science advanced after the Reforms. Less religion=More science.
Now fuck off.
people who believe in a god are retarded. no exception.
Two things.
1. Getting involved directly in politics. Always a recipe for dividing your congregation.
2. Failure to adhere to orthodoxy.
On the first point, Christianity in America , particularly the evangelical brand, went way beyond what was traditionally acceptable behavior of religious institutions in America. Mainly, they picked a side, the Republican Party. By doing this, they alienated members of their own congregations who may agree on social issues like Gay Marriage with the Republicans, vehemently disagree with them on economic and foreign policy issues. By becoming an arm of the Republican Party, Christianity got tarred with everything that came with it. Pic related. One guess what is in it. Lots of trickle down, deregulation and laffer curves. No lie.
As for point 2, the merger with politics expesed the church in America to several deadly sins. Greed, Wrath, and Pride. Greed is the obvious one. The desire to accumulate money and power becomes self destructive. And this poisoned the evangelical church. Wrath came next, as they became enraged anyone would attempt to halt their holy purpose. This would usually be aimed primarily at the liberal "non-believers", but it would also be turned against their own Congregations. Shun the non-Believer who voted for Obama. Shun!. Pride, the final sin, blinds them from realizing their error. How their actions have perverted doctrine and have undermined the sanctity and unity of the Church. Preventing them from correcting their mistakes and reforming.
top lel
never go full retard
>oy vey ignore the teachings of your savior
Christianity only saw a spike in the US during the 1800s with the Christian Revival movement. This is in contrast to hundreds of years of Europeans fleeing religious wars and persecution.
This land was a mishmash of pagan belief systems before that and is reverting to it's native roots again. The land structures society not the other way around. This is also why the Cartels in Mexico are almost indistinguishable from Aztec practices despite being nominally Catholic.
The jews.
Do you honestly believe that god sent down the fucking bible to a bastard?
The right answer.
Also, i have a deep and strong feeling the Vatican is heavily envolved with Criminal activity.
A meme started by a Jew who converted to Christianity to claim Christian morals as Jewish.
Yeah, thanks Turkey for all of the scientific break throughs
Yes. I love when people talk about this being a "Christian" nation. Really? Which version? Catholics? Protestants? Anglicans? Baptists? Mormons? Other nontrinitarians and obscure sects? Many of these contradict each other and are not one faith.
Please OP, enlighten me on how this is somehow a single-faith nation even from a Christian standpoint.
Who does Christianity cater for now? they've tried to hard to appeal to left-wingers they've disenfranchised the right.
Is this bait? You Eurofags fags pushed Christianity out and let Islam take its place because "muh progressive liberalism". You cunts are the ones that bitch about the US media blurring out nigger tits when they flop out on TV. You're the fags that cry when red states practice eye for an eys and execute murderers. I dont know how many times I see European queers whining about how our money says "one nation under god" on it while online but its a lot.
Fuck off with your bullshit.
Turkey is filled with religious retards.
Turkey is a backwards shithole
Always a roach. Always.
>turk thinks just because he puts on a fedora he is not a muslim and still globally despised
painting with a very wide brush
I'm sick of this meme. That holds absolutely no grounds in the Christianism Europeans built, and spread.
There are 2 types of jews : the one that saw Jesus as the messiah and thus became Christians
and the one that refuses to see him as the Messiah, and thus follow the statement that says "Jesus is a dick lol" and "fuck the non jews"
Jewish Media pushing God and Christian hating propoganda in the everything so they can push extreme liberalism and mudshits into our country without much resistance.
>the statement
The Talmud
How are the rights of non muslims in Turkey? Do yall get discriminated against or are you pretty much equals?
You know this is true
100% this. The Internet is the modern day apple.
>I love when people talk about this being a "Christian" nation. Really? Which version? Catholics? Protestants? Anglicans? Baptists?
isn't that question retarded though?
since they'd all (excluding mormon) fit under the category of Christian?
we are equal on paper. and according to en.wikipedia.org
We will be the majority by 2050
This is it in reality. If you ask any former Christian from the the south or from really anyone that has hardcore Christian family you'll find this is the case. While Christianity has been the support structure of modern values in the US fewer people use what the bible says in an intelligent and rational way to better their own lives, not to dictate their own prejudices.
People like this this
>the bible says in an intelligent and rational way to better their own lives
>do dis or yuo go to hell xDDD
very rational book indeed.
literally 14th century fanfiction
That type of dogmatism and sweeping generalizations makes you no different from a person who believes that the earth is flat because "the bible said so". Yes, we've already understood that you are the only source of light in this universe full of darkness. Now, if you want to make people believe in your ideas, you should not start with calling them pigs.
But if you came here only to demonstrate your moral and intellectual superiority, please, continue with throwing shit around. It amuses us.
Christianity itself as well as Christians of old failed to adapt in a sustainable way to their surroundings. They got too arrogant for the wrong reasons and left itself with a lot of weak spots that fractured the entire thing. It also has little to no argument for the people who have been convinced otherwise. You can never be a Christian unless you actually want to be one, and even if you want to you cannot necessarily convince yourself to believe if you have doubt in your heart.
It has hope in Africa. I highly recommend Christianity to Africa. It must be pushed as much as possible.
Catholics have stressed hell as a separation of God that we bring upon ourselves. Protestants take Catholic allegorical works way too dimly and think shit like if you play DnD Satan is going to come into the material world and take you on a chariot ride to hell.
>Christard tries to look smart
no. that won't work.
and next time don't use the words that you don't know their meaning.
>Niggers will save our semitic religion
pol 2016
Well as an atheist I still can find some form of interesting ideas in all religious texts. If you think I'd take everying at face value you really must have a narrow view of thought processes.
china too
And the unability to adapt to the times.
We need a second Mao to remove religiontards
no. the smarter people are, the less likely they'll believe in nonsense. There's a reason why its been dwindling, and will keep doing so. Thank God, amirite?
>jewish atheist
its this type of stupidity that really puts up a red flag for religious people. So thank you for pushing people away from some nonsense someone wrote a couple thousand years ago whos about as smart as a five year old.
Of course they dont follow the values and teachings, how could anyone read the bible and follow anything from it and think "yes, i am a good person because of the bible."
silly nonsense. all of it.
Not in the sense, you retarded roach.
>i want to destroy culture
fucking rat faced turk, typical
Now that whitey has abandoned God he will fall. The new christian asian master race will rise.