what does Sup Forums think of this movie ?
Imperium 2016
The believer was better
Ryan g. As a self hating Jew was sexxxy
I found it to be quite decent about 4/5ths in. The ending was kinda meh, didn't care much for it.
I think it described these rather accurately and how they portrayed the difference between various people who support the *white pride* ideology.
1488 brother :^)
Ending is bad
I'm amazed they made it a point to showcase that there are different factions/ideologies among the white nationalist movement instead of rolling everyone up into a Neo Nazi skinhead Klansman ball.
I liked the earlier Harry Potter movies better. When Hermione was still a QT and before she became a rapefuge enabling femtard
Shitty as a movie. No character development. Didn't even try to understand the Nazis. Nazis believed in some kind of prophesy that once a large majority of America had been poisoned or whatever a "race war" would break out. Just really weird stuff to link nationalism to murder and genocide.
Agreed. Nobody believes that Turner diaries shit unless they're all the way off the deep end
It seems like every movie that comes out is anti-white. So many recent movies about American slavery and so many movies about Nazis.
Where are the movies about slavery in Africa? Where are the movies about the Africans who sold their fellow Africans to foreigners as slaves?
Movies cherrypicking history like this is the reason we have all these SJWs up in arms. If they actually knew history they'd be ashamed of themselves.
no one profits from showing slavery in africa
most movies now are propaganda. their messages used for political reasons.
hail victory brother
Sweet, this must be the censored Harry Potter novel everyone was talking about
What was it called again?
Within the first ten minutes a character explains that it's not Muslim terrorists who are the actual issue, but white supremacists. And that white people do a lot more terrorist acts and a lot more frequent than Muslims.
How? By bringing up Mcveigh, a terrorist of some 15 years ago.
What the fuck do you think Sup Forums would think of this movie.
right. it's all leftist shit
the plot is fake , it's the scene that may have had some degree of truth
What scene?
One of the better movies of the year. Pretty fair and factual, though it had to hide it's powerlevel. Remember early voting is going on in many states. It's not too late to vote her.
I like the scenes involving discussions about `mud people`. The reason why the FBI agent is there is irrelevant. I am watching this while browsing Sup Forums
>an agent assigned to domestic terrorism claims domestic terrorism is the most dangerous shit out there
it's like there are people out there who enjoy blowing their own horn
goddamn Sup Forums can't deduce for shit - if it ain't hamfisted in your face you won't pick it up
Mate, these people were written to be obnoxious bottom-of-the-barrel alcohol syndrome kids and stereotypes of redneck skinheads. If you genuinely find their conversations interesting there's something wrong with you.
I disregarded that idea because it would mean our 'bright, talented' Harry Potter cop is suddenly an easily manipulated dumbass. Would make the movie even worse.
yeah, didn't really make sense that mr. family man "hey watch your language in front of the kids" was just gonna risk his whole life like that
Movie was as good as a film starring Daniel Radcliffe could be.
It's a very captivating movie, would recommend.
Its pretty funny considering Mcveign did was payback for the fbi Ruby ridge and Waco.
>"White people can totally be terrorists too!!" the movie.
Fucking liberal trash.
Decent HP spin off
You're a Grand Wizard Harry !
>it would mean our 'bright, talented' Harry Potter cop is suddenly an easily manipulated dumbass.
how so? I can't remember now whether it was that girl agent who talked about McVeigh or if it was HP but it doesn't really matter. People like making their work sound super important.
I feel like they had to make the ending the way it was so that their movie wouldn't be seen as apologetic of white nationalism.
everyone with half a brain cell could pick up on that and simply disregard the ending as trying to tone down the rest of the movie (which is funny since the movie is neither glorifying nor damning these dudes, just portraying them objectively)
dude, there's no such thing as bad publicity .
there's scene when some kids speak about the mud people.
I did not say its interesting, I said I liked them , they supply good topic of conversation.
Of course the whole movie is fake jew shit, m8 .
I couldn't believe how milquetoast and tame the movie ended up being with its subject matter. It was straight up boring.
not that boring.
fucking Antifa is in the movie too .
pic rel.