Post redpilled childrens book series
Pic related.
>All the clans have their own strength and weaknesses from genetics
>All those who seek to "Unify" are the villains in the series, and anytime the clans work together is only temporary to deal with a common threat
>supports the idea of supporting your clan among all else, and elders are treated with a great deal of respect for their service
>Blue pilled house cats are weak and lazy, while the wild cats enjoy a much more fulfilled life for the hard work they put in
>Female cats can become great leaders, but they are still weaker to male ones and sacrifice a great deal to do so
Post redpilled childrens book series
That's racist, xenophobic, and sexist
t Shadow Clan
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
>The only race-mixing story arcs cause a great deal of of tragedy for both sides
Bitch i just think tribalism is bad ok. As a race mixed person I am a little offended.
>tfw no one cares about your thread
Every time
no one cares about you
I know
>children's books
Never expected to see these books mentioned here. Read them years ago and gave little thought to the political messages. I don't really recall the female leaders being any weaker though?
>children's book
90% of middle school niggers could not read this
that being said I read the entire first and second series when I was in 6th grade... read the third series some years ago, never got around to the fourth series and no idea if there is a fifth with all the foreboding shit going on in the third
You know, I always say those books and never bothered to read them. I always read the back cover and it seemed midly intresting
It wasn't a big talking point, but all the female cats had trouble taking on male ones, and anytime a female cat did win against a male one was mainly when the female had more training
I don't remember if it's redpilled but this is a good read for a a young child
pretty much because all the male cats of note were big burly motherfuckers and none of the females were like that
These books bring back so many memories
tfw the guy who make this was called sexist and had to write another book with female rabbits to compensate
I agree, Jacques and his books greatly improved my vocabulary since I only read his shit and developed some impeccable reading/writing skills throughout middle/high school
read so many of these
really upped my vocabulary at a young age
Terry is a weird case. All his work is purple-pilled.
Reading these in elementary school is what drove me to read lord of the rings in middle school
vocab hivemind
RIP Jacques
I didn't know there was a book of that! I fuck'n loved the show!
You also forgot that all race-mixing arcs except for the first one were awfully written. Bothered me more than the race-mixing itself to be quite honest
I'd tell you to try them now but honestly I think they're best enjoyed as a young teen. Maybe still worth a shot.
before I forget
read all of Lewis, Jacques then Tolkien after the first LOTR movie came out
there is a whole series
Cool my son reads these I figured they were pretty faggy but maybe he's learning some good life lessons. I am already gently refilling him. I can't wait for the call from the school that he said something very offensive and blamed it on me.
Fuck that nostalgia just hit me, I loved those books.
I've still got an autographed copy of one of the Redwall books somewhere. Melancholic feels.
Wait, there was a Redwall show?
There's probably (((modernized))) versions of them, but the originals were pretty redpilled
>I don't remember if it's redpilled
The mice, badgers etc were Noble Beasts, the rats, stoats, etc were Lesser Beasts. Animals could not change their nature; they were either born good or evil.
It's not an actual summary, but you get the idea
I fucking loved that series. Based as hell.
>Kittypets must leave now
Did that actually happen? There were a few more female characters in this than the film
And Red Wallish vidya
Warrior Cats was a fun book series, recommend it to any Sup Forumsacks with kids.
>Protect and feed Elders and Kits
>Maintain the Clan at all costs
>Patriarchal themes
>No racemixing allowed
Pretty based desu
You mean "left out" mudskin. Suggest you try & find a white guy to have a kid wif. Unless you are a dude, then drink a Draino shot, plox
I thought you were underage till I looked up the dates those were made.
>tfw Warriors was first released 13 years ago in 2003
Are you the same fag who keeps shitposting this garbage on /lit/?
I'll read any book if it has kittehs.
>re you a Jew, Mr. Mackey? Does there, perhaps, run through your veins the occasional drop of the "lower" blood? Do you speak the tongue of civilization, or do the thick, guttural animal sounds of the African or Semitic "languages" ever escape your lips?
no fucking way jaqcues actually wrote that, if true what a fucking BOSS
>browsing /lit/
Don't make me post the screencap.
i really didnt need to know about this.
cause this means there is furry porn of it.
i dont want to think about that.
Please do.
This book is virtually unknown outside Hungary (for obvious reasons), but here it is one of the most loved books and a mandatory reading in elementary school.
Let me give you a brief summary of the second chapter.
Turk visitors start coming to Buda. Hungarians feel proud and pat themselves on the back, because those turks are clearly here because they appreciate our superior culture. As more and more come, the prouder they feel of themselves. Then lo and behold, those friendly, innocent tourists suddenly pull out their weapons and capture the city before anyone could react, then proceed to buttfuck the entire country. What a tweest. The rest of the novel is about the protagonists trying their best to unfuck this blunder.
Holy shit I remember reading this when I was in middle school. Like all of them.
thanks for putting it here for everyone to read, thus spreading your mind virus
I read this and Redwall in high school and enjoyed it.
I regret nothing.
They changed the name of these books to "space trilogy" because they're so redpilled about spirituality
Do they succeed?
I feel like these books got shittier with each volume
OP you furfag lol gonna wear your fursuit for halloween?
one of my friends in primary school read these and now shes a tumblr-browsing lesbian feminist
Remember reading this in middle school. I loved the political intrigue, and the meddling that Sultan does.
2 (First half) > 1 >>> 2 (Second half) >>>> 3
Didn't read any books after that, but I can't imagine it turned around again.
Not really, but it ends with a victory, however small. Since it's a historical novel and all.
The final chapter is a list of all the Hungarian soldiers who defended Eger and gave their lives during the siege.
Thank fucking God that this series did not make me a furry as a child
Well, books like that explain the wall.
I will read Edda and Heimskringla to my kids, to show them how fantastic and well spirited our ancestors were. Capture him with the viking ideals of cleverness, strength, swiftness, loyalty and the importance of having a great family.
A classic.
So everyone on Sup Forums read essentially the same shit as kids?
Really makes you think, huh?
Fuck, I haven't seen that book in years. I loved reading them, thanks for the nostalgia senpai.
>improved vocabulary
>read all the books
I don't know about redpills, but it's definitely one of the greatest book series of all times
"Martin the Warrior came to me in a dream," said Feather. "He gave me eight riddles to solve, and after doing some anagrams and solving a crossword puzzle that was carved into a hidden corner of the abbey long ago, I realized he was proposing an idea to me. A, let us say, 'Final Answer' to the vermin problem."
Man I forgot how based Redwall was.
Definitely. The primary antagonist was by the way a janissary, a Hungarian kidnapped by turks as a kid and raised as a muslim soldier. He was captured early in the novel and was going to get executed, but a Christian priest decided to spare his life. Which of course turned out to be fucking stupid mistake on the long run.
Tomcats are always larger than females, just like alpha men
Listening to The Hunger Games audiobook, pretty red pilled in that it details the disarming of the people in the distant past being integral to the current totalitarian regimes power. Says a massive war lead to some kind of governmental merger of North American nations.
That book was my childhood.
These books were great but it was so obvious when yhe writers swapped because characters would behave differently out of nowhere. I remember noticing this as a kid. Also I don't think it was redpilled. The entire series had a focus on "unifying" clans and the main characters pushed for this (since the 2nd series and up).
Still really good for a kid's book. Surprised it didn't get a huge furry following
>Tigerstar did nothing wrong
Yiff in Hell, furfags.
Some of his later stuff (say, Monstrous Regiment and onward) was mostly written by his daughter; toward the end he couldn't type or hold a pen and basically spent all his time speaking at right-to-die charities ;--;
What was the original name?
I absolutely loved these books.
Hank the Cowdog taught me so much.
>Never giving up
>Solving mysteries
Can anyone make some good children's books suggestions that aren't limited to red-pilled ones?
I'm trying to build a good list of 100 children's books to read.
you forgot
>coyotes are obnoxious, but hilarious
oh god i love this book. I have the entire series, i think i'll reread them
guards guards by t prachet was superb, as was hitchhikers guide
Peter Rabbit
Fuck, I loved these books.
I have deep shame because I was a spoiled little shit because of these once.
>Dad knew I was excited for the next one to come out
>decides to surprise me by picking it up the new copy
>he only knew the main character had fire in their name and it was about animals
>buys pic related
>I was a spoiled bitch and complained
> never read the book and I still feel bad
Well that is basically the plan
Chronicles of Narnia
Ender's Game
Hank the Cowdog
Indian in the Cupboard
Series of Unfortunate Events
The Hobbit
Oh shit hank the cowdog. Forgotten memories.
Kudos to user who posted Hank the Cowdog
Didn't see Where the Red Fern Grows, but more importantly...
>Stone Fox
Not sure if redpill or blackpill, honestly
Nigga fuck you I wish I had dad my mom was a whore from canada if my dad could give me a book back when I was intrested id love it.
All classics.
Add in
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The PhantomToll Booth
October Sky
Roald Dahl in general
Any decent collection of fables and myths
Then you've got my childhood classics
Series that I liked but may not hold up
Charlie Bone
MT Anderson's thrilling Tales
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
>exposing children to all that gratuitous food porn
Hey I'm deeply ashamed of it.
Dude I fucking loved these books. Was embarrassed to read them cus I thought it made me seem like a fag (I am a fag).
I want an adaptation reee
I thought this too back then. These were like heroin for my little 4th grade mind that was interested in politics until 8th grade
I guess they really were red pilled since everyone here read them, huh?
>This sounds interesting:
The Camp of the Saints is a novel about population migration and its consequences. In Calcutta, India, the Belgian government announces a policy in which Indian babies will be adopted and raised in Belgium. The policy is reversed after the Belgian consulate is inundated with poverty-stricken parents eager to give up their infant children.
An Indian "wise man" then rallies the masses to make an exodus to live in Europe. Most of the story centers on the French Riviera, where almost no one remains except for the military and a few civilians, including a retired professor who has been watching the huge fleet of run-down freighters approaching the French coast.
The story alternates between the French reaction to the mass immigration and the attitude of the immigrants.
>They have no desire to assimilate into French culture but want the goods that are in short supply in their native India.
Although the novel focuses on France, the rest of the West shares its fate.
>Near the end of the story the mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three families from Harlem,
>the Queen of the United Kingdom must agree to have her son marry a Pakistani woman,
>and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of thousands of Chinese people as they swarm into Siberia.
The one holdout until the end of the novel is Switzerland, but by then international pressure isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders forces it to capitulate.
In 1975 Time magazine panned the novel as a "bilious tirade" that only required a response because it "arrives trailing clouds of praise from French savants
Thoughts on this series? I devoured that shit when I was in primary school, I loved how there were puzzles and riddles throughout the book that the reader could solve
>tfw you misspell the file name but you're too lazy to change it
Dude i have the full Deltora Quest in 2 volumes sitting somewhere in my room. These were the best adventures to read as a kid.
"Loyalty is what matters, and that existsnow, not in the past. Loyalty has to be proved every day, in every piece of fresh-kill brought back for the Clan, every claw mark on our enemies, every patrol, every training session."
>Mfw I thought these were fag books but they're literally redpilled as fuck