Uhhh... why is a black guy in the Aryan Brotherhood?

Uhhh... why is a black guy in the Aryan Brotherhood?

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he is argentinian


It is considered white un Amuttrica

It's a state of mind you mongrel.

Probably just a tan that looks weird in black and white.

who knews, why was the aryan brotherhood founded by two jewish guys?

also why is Spoony in the back with a fake beard?

The American Nazi Party and the Nation of Islam did actually make an effort in the early 60s at finding a common ground

He stayed too much time on the tan machine

La Creatura El Goblino's are whiter than you Mohammed.

Now I finally understand why a bunch of skinheads were hanging out at a rec center b-ball court.

that's joe rogan

Yep, both where separatists - so they actually agreed - blacks should be over on one side, blacks on the other.

he's an amerimutt

He is still 49% white.

Dios mio... el hombre blanco americana ... aberracion transatlantica... atrocidad mestizos...

He was angry because his nigger dad ran away, obviously.

Self-hating Jews are quite common as you think

>tanning bed
just watched a porno where this was invoked, and the setup was ripped off the Seinfeld episode "The Limo"

Maybe he self identify as white

Ancestory.com say's his mother's grandfather's postman was irish

That's not how it works

But user, It's 2018.

>implying any of them is White...

He's white in America

t. brainlets who don't know what the aryan brotherhood is
It's not a serious white supremacist group like the KKK or the NSM. The aryan brotherhood is a prison gang, they just use nazi imagery cause it's edgy and cool. They're mostly white, but they have non-whites in it and are alligned with several Mexican prison gangs. When real skinheads go to prison, they join the aryan brotherhood, but the AB also has blacks and jews in it and they just put up with it cause it's fucking prison