>Want to go see Black Panther. I'm hype like everyone else.
>Decide not to go last weekend because of crowds; I'm not into crowds.
>Consider going during the day in the week. Everywhere is either sold out or huge fucking crowds...again.
>Decide I'm going to go Wednesday, definitely. It's a week day, people will be working, etc.
>Too crowded/sold out. Check other theatres; same case.
>Wait today (because I knew Saturday would be a mess) and it's FUCKING SOLD OUT. AT 9:00AM. IN THE FUCKING MORNING. 10AM, 10:30AM AND 11:00AM SHOWS ARE 'ALMOST FULL.'

This is reaching levels of rage on my part. I want to see the fucking movie, but I've never had to endure this level of hype.

Do people have fucking jobs? Do they fucking work? Are these people just re-watching the fucking movie over and over? Tickets are literally $14-20 bucks and people are spending it like fucking water.

I am so fucking pissed. I want to see the movie, but I don't want to be boxed in and fucking listen to bullshit. Everyone else who has seen it has said how the movie theater is hype, people are yelling, fucking dancing, fucking acrobatics, etc.


Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off sperg.

Autism level: "I don't like crowds"

Where do you live? It just had a record second weak drop off and there are no other films playing in theaters except Game Night. Do you not have a cinema with more than 1 screen and ten seats in your region?

Just buy them in advance and deal with the crowds you fucking sperg

Reminds of when I saw Last Jedi at 8am on a fucking Monday and the theater was still full.

I work 3rd shift though. I thought most normies had 9-5s.

New York City. It doesn't seem like it's dropping off at all as far as I'm concerned. I'm looking through the websites and there are tons of 'ALMOST FULL' or 'SOLD OUT/FULL,' even for morning showings. I want to go to another borough, but it's even packed over there.
Fuck you. I'm actually not a sperg, I just don't like huge fucking crowds. There are so many fucking people that it just makes me feel boxed in. I've been like this since I was a kid.
No, I don't like crowds. I purposely leave earlier for work, for example, so I don't have to deal with getting into packed trains. Even though my commute to work is 40 mins and it starts at 9am, I leave for work around 6:45am so I can take the local and relax.

I can buy them in advance no problem, I'm just not into the fucking crowds. I've always, always disliked crowded places. I deal with it when I have to, but when I have the choice, I don't do it.
Jesus, are you serious? That sounds horrible.

just go to germany

OP isn't lying lol fuck



Look on the AMC website. It's just as bad. Refresh every 5 or 10 mins mins and 'ALMOST FULL' time slots become 'SOLD OUT'.

>He doesn't torrent movies
Must hurt being this much of a brainlet cuck.

This was during release week of TLJ not right now btw

Man, you burgers are really in love with the BBC.

>being a poorfag NEET who is torrenting CAMrips.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your miserable existence, you degenerate.

Grow the fuck up you sad manchild. I can understand black people celebrating this as some kind of important cultural milestone, but for you, this is just another Marvel solo origin movie where the villain has the same powers as the hero. You've watched this exact movie like at least half a dozen times already.

>that many couple seats to see big black panther

>Couple Seat
I'm not from the west and what the fuck is this?

That's couple seats, not reserved seats doofus.

However, some of those reserved seats are weird as fuck. Look at that one lonely sad cunt all the way at the back left. WHY.

Basically seats with no arm rest in the middle.

So you can fug.

> I can understand black people celebrating this as some kind of important cultural milestone, but for you, this is just another Marvel solo origin movie where the villain has the same powers as the hero.

>implying I'm not a halfie

Way to go assuming shit, you stupid fuck. Also, you're talking shit that you don't know about; literally everyone, from all ethnic backgrounds/cultures, is crowding the theaters over here. It's not exclusively a black culture/people thing. Everyone is fucking going. This is NYC, not some backwater southern town. NYC isn't known as the melting pot for no reason. Dumbass.

For fucks sake, I saw a pack of Hasidic Jewish teens buying fucking tickets for this film. How asinine is that? Picture that for a second.

As expected of West-sama

Watch this instead.

I tried to go see it early in the morning and a literal busload of black school children on a field trip came in the theater. I just left and saw Annhilation


With any other movie, I'd call you a lying sack of shit. But I believe you 100%. As I was passing through Harlem, I saw hundreds of kids being ushered into the theater over there. I can't believe that shit constitutes a field trip. That's neither here, nor there though.

Fucking 1pm in the afternoon, too. Don't these fucking kids have math to do?

>For fucks sake, I saw a pack of Hasidic Jewish teens buying fucking tickets for this film. How asinine is that? Picture that for a second.

So what was stopping you from buying tickets yourself right then and there? Completely contradicting your little story like that this early on in the thread, fucking amateur.

It's not that he can't buy tickets, it's that he's a bitch who doesn't like crowds

>Pays money to go out and watch something with a clear blaxtivist agenda alone
>Calls others pathetic

Are you a dummy? Can you not read, you fucking moron?
is correct. I object to being called a bitch, but I just don't like crowds.

I don't speak poor white trash, sorry. I don't know that dialect, degenerate. When you get a job, feel free to join the conversation.

Pretty much every school in my city is doing field trips to. The only good thing about it was that I stole a Chick FIl A sandwich from their catering

>It just had a record second week drop off

>white trash
I see i've struck a nerve. Not even white btw.
How does it feel taking it up the ass?

Go see your movies the moning.
I know its easy to say that since im a fucking neet but i saw John Wick 2 at 10am in a BIG ASS cinema and we were only 3 in the room. I was only right in the middle eating the my candies without noise around me and comfy as fuck.
Best experience i had

Not for you

Outside america no one cares about nigger power 'movies'.

>he desperately wants to watch capeshit
the mouse is a fucking genius

>Do black people have fucking jobs?
What do you think?

Have you been following the thread?

Early in the morning, the theaters are packed. Even during the fucking week, I wasn't able to see BP. I can't see it during mornings/afternoons (obviously) because I'm working, but even during mornings, I'd see that it was packed.

People are skipping school/work to go see this film. I haven't seen this craze in this city in a very long time. People are going fucking batshit crazy over this. Friends of mine are FB are talking about how they've seen it 3 or 4 times, which I find absurd, but that's what they're doing.

>I'm hype like everyone else.
are you a nigger or a troll?

>i-i-it's actually a flop
Between this and Florida trump voters are losing their minds.

So, a nigger. Feel sorry for you, muh nigga lol

Here’s the 10 am show at my local theater

i sometimes wish there were blacks in my country, you all make them sound so fun to watch movies with

btw this is the sunday evening show.

go away shill

omg that's my local theater, hi FiDi user


No, just not a dumbass playing an increasingly more pathetic game of ostrich with its head in the sand.

If you've followed the thread you'll see that seems to be a problem exclusive to you.

travel to a small town with hardly any blacks and hardly any SJWs

you will have a quiet experience

I can see that one chart user updating his pic soon.

that's a small theater

outside of america nobody reserves tickets on the internet


>logic vs Capeshit

thats like beating a scientology baby with a science textbook


How is it possible ? Even the first showing are crowded ? I have never seen that where i live. You should wait 1 or 2 weeks or find a small theater

the record is that it's one of the few movies to make more than 100 million on the second weekend, dumbass

Yes only america has internet.
American education everyone.

gotta agree with that this is absolutely a problem exclusive to you and your autism with crowds just exacerbates it
tickets for almost every time today in houston are available at every theatre and we have a good chunk of kangs here as well, although probably not as much as nyc

It's also one of the few movies to lose more than 100 million from weekend to weekend, dumbass.

I'm not American. Few people here buy tickets on the internet. We also don't have numbered seats.

well in civilized countries people book tickets on the internet.

>46% drop is bad
>If a movie theoretically makes 500 million on the first weekend and 300 million on the next, it means it's flopping because it lost 200 million

fucking idiot
It's not even losing 100 million, but 94

>46% drop is bad

It's certainly not good.

>Not even lose 100 million

Isn't it funny that you faggots kept saying it made over 200 million on it's opening weekend.

But apparently now it didn't.

Nice backtracking, fag.

It made 202 million on the opening weekend
It will make 108 million (could go up) on the second weekend

Do the math, dumbfuck

It's also the best drop of the entire MCU, beating Iron Man's 48%

you sound like the retards arguing TLJ didn't underperform

It’s actually fairly big. Every seat is essentially a lazy boy so you can lay back.

I’m thinking of bringing a blanket next time.

This amount of denial in one post

It's not even that good
