Now that it looks like Trump has a chance, let's have a Day of the Rope thread, Sup Forums

Now that it looks like Trump has a chance, let's have a Day of the Rope thread, Sup Forums.

Who should be the first to swing? Pic related.

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Good pick.

Rick Wilson Trump bomb to be coming out soon. Not so fast Trumpkin

The race that is trying to take over the country in each white nation should be stuck on pig poles along the border and left there as a warning.

White leftists should hang in every town square.

Coalburning women should be imprisoned and made to have as many white babies as they can, and then hanged. Children of racemixers should be sent to their homeland.

Anderson Cooper
Don Lemon
Ellen Degeneres
Rosie O Donnell
Neil Patrick Harris
Megyn Kelly

Am I missing anybody?


Hate that slimy fuck. Cant wait till he dies.

Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Huma Aidinandabedin
Elizabeth Warren
Eric Holder
Loretta Lynch
Rahm Emmanuel
Rachel Maddow
Wolf Blitzer
George Soros
Entire staff of HuffPost, MSNBC, CNN, etc.

Half the country. I've got the time for it.

Why does Bill Kristol always look like he injects his face full of baby foreskins?


>Trump has a chance

Does that mean his probability numbers went from 5% to 10%?

Don't forget Michael Moore, Patton Oswald, Robert De Niro, Sarah Silverman, and so many fucking "celebrities" But who's gonna be first against the wall?

Henry "Rollins" Garfield deserves to be among the first.

{[+1 Sup Forums Gold]}

The one that will cause others to fear the most.





More video showing Trump likes beautiful women. The horror!

Please god let it be amy fucking schumer

A woman should not appear this punchable.

rickhead doesn't have anything at all, he's just clinging to his last grasps at partial relevance to cope with the fact that his family won't love him anymore after he's entirely unemployable moving forward



this, so much.
It's like Watler White and Mike made a cuck fetishist baby



what the fuck. it's perfect

David French
Paul Ryan
Rick Wilson
Tim Wise

the list is fucking huge are you kidding?

Every jew in America

the list is gonna be huge so by the end of this thread we better have a complete list. at least 50 people.

. . . How the fuck did I forget (((Tim Wise)))? I'd take a bullet to feel his windpipe snap in my fingers, little kike rat.

George Soros should be higher priority instead of his puppets.

There's so many movies I can't bring myself to watch just because of how elitist Hollywood has acted this election cycle.


Guys, do you realize something? The collective assrage that will come out of television over this? The level of butt-blast that is coming out of the news and entertainment world will be measurable on the Richter Scale. You will be able to hear it from space, you will be able to physically taste the tears that come out of the television, as these whiny, bitchy, two-faced, evil, liberal puppets soil themselves and cry while they call us idiots, the unwashed masses, the talentless, no good, commoners who have forced upon them this shameful man. They may actually go on strike.

It will be so wonderful. Boy will it be orgasmic, to taste the tears of these sellouts, these fucking tools, these rich fucking scum-suckers. I just popped a boner typing that, I think I may cum on my screen. What a time to be alive friends. Dare I say, is this the revenge we have all wanted for so long? I love you all. Thank you for joining me in this fight, but it is not over. When you red-pill, when you talk to people IRL, when you go to the polls and hopefully film at the locations to hold them accountable, remember the image of Trevor Noah, frowning, sobbing on air. Remember Anderson Cooper, wide eyed like he is seeing a ghost as he is forced to announce that Donald J. Trump is the next president of the United States.

Godspeed fellow Centipedes.

>And think it's funny
Finally someone stating things as they are. The tribe are a bunch of fucking sadists.


>wanting robert de niro dead
what is wrong with you the man is a national treasure

Not a bad idea to be honest.

Posting more appropriate theme.