

Why are you also voting trump fellow minorities? I just hate the left and identity politics. I ALSO HATE BULLIES

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Don't talk me about Hillary but why you vote for a clown?


Because fuck the elites

Fucking gross


Who should I vote for?

OP I'm sorry your colored people thread turned out so incomprehensible.



Post pic, how does a one third niggydoo look?

dat coal burning ancestry though

>has Trudeau as PM
>calls Trump a clown

Como estas, puertorriqueño?

99.8 % european

tfw some cunt fucked a nigger in the past to ruin my white blood.


What website is this?



It also has a health section which is pretty cool.

can you describe how you look op?


hello my white friends

do you have white skin?


IS the sub-saharan known ancestry? It could certainly be noise if it's unknown to you.

mexican skin


i have seen pictures though of other people with 100% european


Ayy f.ams rate my shit up

Anything below 5%, especially 1%, can be easily misidentified since they analyze only a very small portion of your genome.

Ayy an abo

Not true, by that standard Uncle Adolf was Algerian


I'd be fascinated to find out my ancestry/ genetic makeup, but is it really worth £150


Sieg Heil

>65% British & Irish
>8% French & German
>2% Scandinavian
>1% Iberian
>23.9% Broadly North Western European
>0.1% Yakut
Here is your preview. The health content has little value.

i was wondering this too


>0.8% Unassigned
Spacenigger detected
Go back to mars

>tfw pure

Everyone gets some unassigned if it's not on speculative setting.

Literally Rashida jones as a man with a thick black beard


>giving your dna away to the jews

If AMERICA becomes great again the rest of the world will follow

jesus christ, who DIDN'T your ancestors fuck? you're at peak mongrelization.

Pic related: It's you.


which site separates Ireland from UK?



Can we have a picture of you?

>Unironically paying for a fucking scam
>Voluntarily giving away your genetic information
who the fuck pays for that

You have to go.

0.2% Ashkenazi

Oy vey

>fellow minorities
you are beneath me nigger


It's not a scam it actually aligned with what my family tree says....

1/2 flip, 1/4 Norwegian, 1/8 Russian, 1/16 Cree, 1/16 Norman French,

What do you look like?

ancestary is a shit site, for that reason and because percentages do not make any sense,

potato genes



It pisses me off that I still don't understand how all the sub-categories of ethnicity are connected, and what branches go under what because of muh racism.

What the fuck are genetic researchers even doing, they suck cock at their jobs.

How do you take a gene-test like this btw?

3/8 isn't too not white just a get a 525 nm light and you well be good.

Palestinian for trump reporting in

Spit in a jar and the dna bloke chucks it in some machine



My grandmother's parents come from your meme nation : ^ )

Black user, been shitposting here since 05'. Family is foreign so I value hard work over muh gibs. Hate SJW because they try to label me a victim etc. etc.

I know way too much about Hillary to feel good about voting for her. Read through Syria general in combination with the leaks that suggest we purposely made syria what it is today. Infinite rage. Was gonna vote Johnson but he seems like a crybaby bitch. Trump got me on board when he trolled the media into covering his rally.
I want to drown in SJW tears on the 9th.

Its 200 US and requires your spit

Why doesn't it come up Scandinavian if ur 1/4 Norwegian?

Is like "British & Irish" coupled with Scandinavian DNA or something, i don't get it.

One owned and operated by (((Google))). If you give your DNA to the Jew you are the biggest of cucks.

His British family probalay corm from Norway or some restarted shit.

I'm as white as you can get in Canada

Someone's Daddy knocked up a Thai hooker.

37.4% nonhuman reporting in. which presidential candidate is friendliest towards Mongolia?

These DNA tests don't make sense from what i've seen of British DNA in general if "British & Irish" includes like Saxon (Nordic) DNA or something.

Heil Odin my white brothers.


I assume the Norwegian is the broadly Northwest European alongside the broadly European.

I have seen pictures of my grandmothers family over in Europe from before WW2 and they all looked fairly Norwegian except there weren't as many of the platinum blonds. I guess less people dyed their hair. It's on her birth certificate though as both of her parents were from Norway.


black dude, l.a. county, voting Trump

might go up to Hollywood and smack a few sombreros around.

>66% Irish

Pick one

Oh btw my haplogroup is R1b-U106.

If your ancestors are not from the yellow parts, you are not whitu piggu

>Finnish heritage disease
Get with the times, grandpa. In 2016 we just call it autism.

it doesnt separate irish/english/scottish/welsh lad

Mine came back with 0.02 North Africa&ME and 0.01 East Asian, am I black?

R1b means you have a chink sized penis, only Hap I1 or I2 is masterrace.

How tolerant

Best one itt imho

Bullshit; my Québécois grandmother is entirely white, literally 100% European, according to 23andme.

Not every Canadian is a métis poutain

He didn't say R1b

He said R1b-u106 the Norwegian master gene, big difference.

>Implying you are white.

That's a racist opinion! *calls the cuck police*

It's pretty cool because I have the only R1b subclade that is Germanic, I know I'm mixed as fuck so it doesn't really matter but it's a nice little piece of information.


>being less Neanderthal than some Eurasian meme
wew lad

>2,4% southern european
You didn't stand a dance to begin with.

Haha actually I'm R1b-U106 because my direct paternal ancestor was from Normandy. I'm only 1/16 Norman French but it still shows in my haplogroup.

I guess the Normans really wuz Germanics n sheeeit.

God, I wish I understood haplogroups.

R1b is R1b


R1b is an Asian haplogroup, Ancient Huns and Mongols. The purest R1b population is the Irish so that should tell you a lot about what kind of group that is. Also look at all the R1b in Africa, it's trash.

Only Haps I1 and I2 lived out the ice age in europe, only haps I1 and I2 are EXCLUSIVELY european. Haplogroup I1 and I2 are the first and purest Europeans responsible for all European genetic exceptionalism. Without Hap I1 and I2 DNA, Europe would just look like Iran or Khazakstan. R1b/a= Haplogroup of peasant monkey trash.

Please gas yourself mudblood.

Haplogroups are just a genetic marker on your y chromosome that show the recent (thousands of years) migration of your paternal ancestors.