Serious question. They obviously found something. What could it be?
What did the FBI discover?
Other urls found in this thread:
lots of peen pix
> sex scandal made Bill look cool
> Hillary would do anything to be likeable
cheese pizza
Dinnerdate of Hill and Huma.
Uuuuuhhh, and nobody knows what they talked about.
He's surprisingly fit for an old, pervert kike.
Weiner had a device that he shared with Huma.
It seems like they found around 1000 emails on there - in other words, it seems like the device synced with Clinton's server and downloaded a bunch of her emails before they deleted the ultra-incriminating stuff.
What they found is a mystery. There's no way for us to know for sure at this point, because obviously the FBI aren't going to comment on an ongoing investigation. All that we know is that whatever they found was black-and-white undeniable, and beyond serious (serious enough for them to do the unprecedented and reopen the case at such a sensitive time). In other words, the FBI KNOWS 100% for sure, beyond any doubt, that whatever they found was serious enough to put Clinton or someone on Clinton's team in jail.
That could be any number of things. Use your imagination. It could be them directly and explicitly selling classified information for cash. It could be explicit proof of them conspiring to corrupt public officials. It could be hard evidence of them planning to impede the investigation, duck the subpoena, delete the evidence before it was seized, etc. It could Clinton Foundation stuff. It could even be a complete curveball that we've never even heard about. Who knows.
What we do know is that it's really bad for Clinton, and really good for Trump.
could be this, I wouldn't put anything past A. Weiner
>That fucking rat face
He's like a real-life piece of anti-Jew propaganda from nazi Germany.
we can have a hundred weiner/huma threads but one thread about a commercial gets you banned
All things pointing to Weiner are unconfirmed and unevidenced. Stay tuned lads.
There were 1000's or 10,000's of emails that were discovered, so the clearly the FBI hasn't gone through all of them.
Most likely, they discovered emails to or from Hillary's account that were not disclosed in group of emails she gave to the FBI which represented "all of her emails pertinent to her role as Secretary of State."
Even if there was not classified information in these emails (which it would likely be too early to assess), the mere existence of emails that are relevant to her role as SoS is evidence that she perjured herself in her testimony to the FBI.
As a result, Comey judged it better to notify Congress (and potentially affect the election) rather than hold it back and almost certainly have a president elect indicted and everyone pissed at the FBI for getting us into that situation when it could have been avoided.
Source on the 33k emails being on the device? That would be incredible - she's going straight to jail if she denied it in front of Congress. Open and shut perjury.
If Assange doesn't have it at this point we will literally NEVER know.
But it wont matter, FBI will not say anything before the election, hillary will win and never go in jail. And everything related, people will not care.
Sadly this. I wish shit like HC was aware of Weiners sex crimes and shit would be dropped by wikileaks, but alas ive rjn out of hope. Wikileaks actually has dropped a bunch of incriminating shit but no one cares. The liberal media and Hillarys campaign was too strong. We have lost.
Most likely weiner was baiting underage kids for hillary so she could consume their souls, but reality dick pics and other shit
>tfw I actually liked Dean when he ran for prez
I am so disillusioned these last two years it's amazing. I'm glad I had enough integrity to shed the Democrats. Republican treatment of Trump has further reinforced my hatred of them in general, though my opinion of Gingrich has moved from "abjectly disgusting" to "opportunistic cunt," which is a small improvement, and the gentlemen involved in questioning Comey were impressive to me.
Right now 40% of Americans prefer to describe themselves as "independents." I really hope we can get a swing in politics in the future, because otherwise the outcome is assuredly civil war, though whether it will be a French Revolution or a race war is still an open question.
Probably nothing. It's just a way to save face. Wikileaks is the real game-changer that's made it impossible for anyone in the FBI to justify their shoddy investigation, but if they go "lol wikileaks showed us we was wrong" that's probably worse than keeping their failure as a black mark. So instead, they have a cover story where they get to basically take it from the top.
>Hillary will win
That's where you're wrong. She was neck and neck before the scandal broke. This is going to kill her campaign. This is the mother of all October surprises.
And if, heaven forbid, she somehow wins, then she will simply be impeached. Kaine will pardon her, and the USA will have its first gay President for 4 years before someone even more hardcore than Trump comes along.
I'm not sure that you appreciate just how bad this is for Clinton. It's absolutely huge. It's bigger than anything that even the most delusional and optimistic Trump supporter could have predicted. There could be an actual 1972-style landslide on the cards now.
>Obama appoints Comey
>Comey does the job that Obama hired him for
>Comey investigates Clinton
>Comey is working for Putin
>Therefore Obama is working for Putin
HOW HIGH DOES THIS GO??? Is Clinton secretly working against Trump for Putin too? Is Putin conspiring with Clinton against himself? Is Putin about to stab himself in the back?
>“Further, when Huma Abedin left the State Department they have to file a form of OF-109,” he continued. “It’s a separation agreement that states simply people understand when leaving government that they are maintaining no classified information, they understand their legal obligation to protect further classified information and safeguard any potential disclosures of that.”
>sexting a 15 year old is illegal
seriously FBI? You're not fucking her
Why would Huma not get rid of the device? They were extremely careful to get rid of all the rest, Huma is her closest aid and most likely is a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate.
She must have known they would discover those emails on her ex-husbands laptop, it doesn't make any sense unless she wanted them to be found, so why did Huma betray Hillary now? Or did she betray the MB and this was the way to do it, by damaging Hillarys chances of becoming president?
There's no way this was accidental, nothing of this scale is ever an accident, they have something really damaging on her to even consider reopening the case at this very moment, and Huma's reason will be key to it all.
The implications of this is yuge, Hillary supporters who denied conspiracies on corrupt FBI suddenly realizes it was true all a long. Trump just won if he can get through the last week without any scandalous tapes dropping, he has extreme momentum and enthusiasm.
this was my biggest takeaway too
They've known all along. What they can't prevent is the wikileaks Nov 1st release
What if it was just Weiner who knew and he kept it from Huma?
That's what I'm worried about. Those tapes.
i have a feeling the OF109 form is small potatoes compared to what they found. they wouldnt reopen the hillary investigation to nail huma. dems are trying hard to make this about huma.
Giving pornagraphic images to minors is a crime, and it could be conspiracy to commit a crime
Was probably enough on Weiner's device
Here's FBI anons leaks. Enjoy. KEK is everywhere at all times.
i guarantee it was some sort of insurance. why do you think huma was crying? she was caught with a plan to backmail her boss.
whatever they discovered probably didnt survive the night and the record has been corrected
>Average American cares more about college football than a presidential candidate committing crime
Damn, he's not in that bad of shape.
She had classified SAPS, special access programs that she had no authorization to own and was selling them overseas. Even having them is considered treason. Her goose is cooked. This is above Top Secret classification. Stuff they can only transmit verbally.
It was most certainly an insurance policy of sorts.
lol wiener is such an autist
Here comes the WEINER!
Watch :
I agree with you.
Why fucking else would Anthony "My prick will make those crime stick" Weiner have information that could make the FBI shit it's pants and re-open a case that was pretty much 'closed'.
Huma probably thought that Hillary was going to be in big trouble and wanted to make sure that she would be seen as some sort of defender of transparency
They found that Anthony had been storing copies locally and needed something to quell the tensions in the FBI so he reopened the investigation to save face internally and hopefully prevent an internal coup.
He can claim he re-examined evidence and say he wants to press charges now after additional investigation, but that is only if people do not settle down internally or his position is put in jeopardy
Democrat has a video of him finger blasting a 15 year old? lol it was Putin guys its ok.
Republican/Anyone the Narrative disagrees with? BURN THEM AT THE STAKE.
Jesus fuck where did we go wrong as a society. This whole "which team are you on" mentality has royally fucked us in the ass.
why was it an insurance policy?
How many times has he been caught sending dick pix?
Weiner is too stupid to stay out of trouble
Oh noes. We must be on the side of theivery, treason, and lawlessness because PUTIN!
Go on...
Don't know how reliable the tweet was that I saw, it was from a verified account. They said that huma, and weiner, had 10,000 of hillarys emails in a folder called "life insurance" not even meme in right now. If an user can kindly link that tweet, that would be good (I'm on my fucking phone right now...)
Sounded like huma had some emails she kept to make sure they wouldn't kill her and a sort of blackmail.
Been a thing since the cold war.
He's a rather vascular wiener.
Save face....sure. but why now and why announce it to the world? I understand that the fbi was pretty fucking pissed at comey but the timing is odd. They recovered something like 10,000 emails. Guess we will not know for a long time after the election.
Its child porn related between Hillary and Weiner. You heard it here first. Hillary is busted being in possession and transmitting. That's why she is demanding they release it. They can't. Anyone releasing it would be guilty too. This has many people in both parties scrambling. How many are involved is unclear. Rumor is it was Hillary setting up Weiner by giving it to him but giving it to him is a felony on her part.
NYPD found it right?
Haha, the resemblance is uncanny.
Who's James buchnan?
>They obviously found something.
>They obviously found something.
>They obviously found something.
>They obviously found something.
no way it's that. even if it is, that'll never see the light of day.
proof that the 7 Goddess rule USA
Screencap it champ!
is there a better version? i cant read anything :(
oh my
I think the Rush Limbaugh conspiracy theory is true, that the head of the FBI still carries water for the Clintons and he reopened the investigation to distract from the Wikileaks releases that were damaging Clinton.
We're gonna find out in a week that the case is mysteriously closed with nothing worth prosecuting once again. Meanwhile all news media is focusing on this and not Wikileaks.
Based racist fatman who is addicted to pills called this
The FBI guy clearly works for the Clintons/DNC, why would he suddenly change
Its probably a case that they already had shit but they didn't continue the investigation due to the power dynamics between Comey and Shillary, which probably really fucked off the entire FBI. So then the rank and file effectively launched a palace coup and told Comey to re-open the investigation using this evidence which they already had, but never talked about, or otherwise they'd leak the evidence and it would be so damning that once Trump got in and appointed his special prosecutor there'd be more heads to roll than just shillary.
This is a surprisingly common trend in a lot of investigations involving sensitive personalities
t. worked for attorney general's department.
>huma was crying?
Whoa what?
I believe they've been actively investigating the Clinton Foundation- I don't believe that this is a cover up, distraction from Wikileaks. If anything this adds to the narrative. After all of my suspicions being confirmed in the past few weeks I am willing to humor a lot of ideas at this point, so yeah maybe. I just don't believe it's likely, even if they drop it/close it today it's damaged the campaign, period. Don't believe that this is the nail in her coffin, we still need to show up and do our job. We still need to spread as much Clinton hate as we can. My country looks fucking disgusting right now, let's show everyone that we won't stand for this shit
Huma infiltrates the most powerful political family in the US under the guise of an asset to the administration that ensures profitable relations between the Clintons and Saudi Arabia. She is seemingly fiercely loyal and a hard worker as well as a lover to Hillary. Win win all around right?
Until it becomes apparent that her loyalty to Islam and Islamic people around the world is unshakeable, and the work she has put in to gain this level of access was a ruse in the works for decades to undermine the only apparent and likely first viable vagina candidate in US history who had a proven pension for pursuing power at all costs and racking up genocidal kill counts of her Islamic brethren.
She then sees the opportunity in the emails to take down not only Hillary, but the majority of the establishment in US politics and takes the shot, sending the emails to be deleted on her husband server Under the guise of a jealous, sexually challenged, imbecilic husband.
It's the perfect plot, and if she is successful she will be a hero to Islamic people the world over as she shouts"Allah Akbar" at her congressional grilling before pic related just before she is tried for treason and martyred for the world to see.
Isn't this picture old?
You can make it sound as damning as you want. As long as the average normalfag doesn't give a shit, nothing will happen.
>Clinton's face
Got a feeling Huma's gonna take an L real soon
No, that's Penis himself in the seat between them.
Hillary giving classified information to Israel?
This seems to be confirmed by CTR, remember they have some tools from NSA too.
Huma's FW
I mean, it's totally supicious they'd find emails from a politician.
My thoughts.
>Weiner is "married" to Saudi spy Huma.
>Weiner sexts girls.
>He lures them in.
>They get kidnapped.
>Huma and Clinton Foundation sell kids to child sex rings in Saudi Arabia.
I believe FBI user did say that Clinton Foundation was involved in human trafficking.
Huma was involved with Shillary's dirty deals of selling state secrets to the highest bidder. She knew everything Shillary did.
Huma made a copy of Shillarys entire server, to black mail her when she's president. Because Huma is also an agent working for the Saudis and Muslim brotherhood.
Weiner made a copy for himself because he was offered a deal from the Feds, or cash from Israeli intelligence.
Both Huma and Shillary will hang for high treason.
My phone started flipping out every time I tried navigating to this thread.
I've read that the agents involved were pissed, and some were lawyering up for a whistle-blower suit against Comey. It fits with what you've said.
That's bullshit.
But I believe it.
>All my kek everytime I see this guy.
How can he fuck up so much!
I don't think its the nail in her coffin, I am also considering the possibility that they've re-opened the investigation so that they can fully exonerate her so that when trump gets in and appoints his special prosecutor that they will go "wow just wow double jeopardy wow just wow unfair leave her alone its like anuddah 1933 ;_;"
But I do genuinely think that the FBI rank and file are woke enough to not tolerate this political hackery, I mean, why do you join the FBI or the police usually? You've got some form of sense of duty and obligation to right and wrong, and while being in the position for a while will wear you down, egregious heinous shit like the Clinton mafia will probably trigger people.
The investigation won't be concluded before the election, but it will be well underway for when the God-Emperor appoints his special inquisitor, so then they can just hand the shit over and get the ball rolling and put the traitors to the sword.
I wonder the same thing, I mean everybody drops the ball once in awhile, but how do you cause a planetary fuck-up like this after so many chances.
Red hot scissoring.
>tfw Hillary would have the only woman she's ever loved suicided in a heartbeat
this is creepy as fuck to read, now that comey came out
He is such a JEW I mean look at him
>them hair, that nose,that fucked up genetic ...
Nothing. It was just an excuse to get the ball rolling.
Hillary was too proud to sudoku, so now the FBI has to put even more pressure on her, or actually tear her down.
We win either way.
they found the one thing the previous investigation was lacking: INTENT
she honestly will go to jail. let that sink in.
That makes a surprising amount of sense. See also: Biden's reaction to the news.
>yfw Huma saved Killary emails to extort her and FBI find it.
Most FBI agents are like literal police robots, tried chatting with some when they were investigating one of my neighbors who was a terrorist or some shit (all i know is they asked me "have you seen *arab sounding name*) they were very serious and not lighthearted or unguarded in any of their interaction with me, they just worked and asked questions like well programmed machines and showed no emotion
>this is creepy as fuck to read, now that comey came out.
Read the second to last post in this. check the date also.
sexting a teen is not illegal, sending or recieving nude photos of photos of a sexual nature is
Cool story, but none of this happened how he tells it.
Still, neat fan fiction.
this election is the most addictive entertainment in history, i think. so many characters. so many surprises. so many conspiracy theory plot twists. it's incredible and i doubt any book or movie will be able to fully capture the experience.
i'd imagine it's just speculation but there are a number of references to unrecovered devices and flash drives with the entire clintonemail archive on them in the FBI reports so it wouldn't surprise me if retard hooma or wienie carelessly had the pst file laying around on their private system
This is only true if he pulls another "no reasonable prosecutor" within the next 10 days. Right now he has absolutely fucked her campaign over.