Stop ruining our childhood cartoons with your horrible writing. You're not even making that much money. My favourite things aren't even that old.
>Lol no, fuck off and let me enjoy insulting and shitting all over your quality stuff, grandpa. God I love being a power-tripping jew/mental defect.
We need to kill them, Sup Forums. We need to kill them till they leave the entertainment industry.
Stop ruining our childhood cartoons with your horrible writing. You're not even making that much money...
Owen Lewis
Ryder Bennett
TTG is great
Luis Perry
I don't quite get what you're trying to accomplish here, but that pic you posted is kinda neat
Samuel Martinez
Is this the Family Guy of children's cartoons?
Jordan Young
>Stop ruining our childhood comicswith your horrible weeb cartoons. You're not even making that much money. My favourite things aren't even that old.
Gabriel Edwards
shut up and laugh OP
Elijah Miller
no because they move around more
Anthony Evans
Noah Lewis
Connor Gonzalez
It's funny because they're dead.